Friday, August 21, 2015


In a prior post, I noted that you should keep your eye on the state legislative special session regarding Congressional re-districting.

Today The Sun Sentinel has reported that Florida Legislature has failed again (for the third time) to come up with a congressional redistricting plan.  This time the cause was the State Senate's refusal to adopt the gerry-mandering of the House, and insisting that the House adopt their plan.

No consensus could be met in conference, and the House, after rejecting both the Senate's plan, and refusing to extend the session, adjourned at noon.  With no agreed upon extension of the session the Senate followed suit.  It is unlikely another special session can, or will, be called before the August 25th deadline set by the court.  Thus it will fall upon the Federal court to make the decisions and impose a re-districting plan.  That is not good news for the GOP.

This is more evidence of the sizeable rift in the GOP in Florida, which is truly a microcosm of Republicans nationwide.  Our legislature is no more capable of governing than Congress is.  The problem is that it leaves Governor Scott almost unchecked and "in charge."  Well, I guess we should "get back to work".  That is all of us, except the legislature.


  1. Will it be the Federal Court or the Florida Supreme Court that will do the redistricting? The case was a 5-2 decision by the FSC that made the legislatures redo the districts, no the feds.

  2. You are correct. It will be the Florida Supreme Court as long as they stick to the Florida Constitution. They may appoint an independent commission to assist them. This should be interesting. Thanks for the correction.

  3. It's midnight....

    I'm having an existential crisis and I don't want to play anymore.
