Sunday, June 28, 2015


Before their ridiculous runs for the presidency get off the ground, three of the GOP's finest (please don't think I am not being sarcastic), Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee have disqualified themselves to be President.  The reason is simple, they have already announced they will violate their oath of office.  You know those silly little words: "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic".

All three have announced they do not believe in the separation of powers which those brilliant men some 230 years ago were smart enough to understand and write into the most precious of our contracts.  It amazes me that, without even batting an eyelash, each of them, who claim to love this country and all it stands for, are ready to throw away one branch of those checks and balances, and sell the most important precept of our government (we are nation of laws) in order to suck up to the far right fringe of our body politic.  Let's look at each individually.

Bobby Jindal (the governor of the only state which has yet to grant even one marriage license to a same sex couple) said:
“The Supreme Court is completely out of control, making laws on their own, and has become a public opinion poll instead of a judicial body.  If we want to save some money, let’s just get rid of the court.”
Get rid of the court. Who needs that nasty old Supreme Court. While we are at it, let's get rid of the legislature, too. We don't need them, do we Bobby? You are smart enough to do it all by yourself. The last I looked the Supreme Court is the only court created in the constitution, you imbecile.

Not to be outdone, a former law clerk to Chief Justice Rehnquist, you know the macho man himself, Ted Cruz has decided that the little thing in the Judiciary Clause of the Constitution about not electing judges to keep them from political retribution for their decisions (lifetime appointments) is unnecessary.

To challenge "judicial activism" Cruz said he is proposing a constitutional amendment to require Supreme Court justices to face retention elections every eight years.  It is hard to imagine someone as close to the Court as he was, and claims his proudest moment as a lawyer is when he argued a case before SCOTUS and lost 9-0, could fail to understand this point.  If anyone wonders, this man means to take power no matter what it takes and no matter what he has to say or do, even if that anything is the destruction of the country he claims to love so much.

Lastly, Mike Huckabee.  This clown has stated the Supreme Court is not the supreme being and therefore you don't have to obey the orders of that court, or for that matter, any other.  He speaks of  SCOTUS like it is King George III incarnate.  He wants the other two branches of the government to make war upon the Supreme Court
"The Supreme Court has spoken with a very divided voice on something only the Supreme Being can do-redefine marriage. I will not acquiesce to an imperial court any more than our Founders acquiesced to an imperial British monarch. We must resist and reject judicial tyranny, not retreat."
"This ruling is not about marriage equality, it's about marriage redefinition. This irrational, unconstitutional rejection of the expressed will of the people in over 30 states will prove to be one of the court's most disastrous decisions, and they have had many. The only outcome worse than this flawed, failed decision would be for the President and Congress, two co-equal branches of government, to surrender in the face of this out-of-control act of unconstitutional, judicial tyranny."
"The Supreme Court can no more repeal the laws of nature and nature's God on marriage than it can the law of gravity. Under our Constitution, the court cannot write a law, even though some cowardly politicians will wave the white flag and accept it without realizing that they are failing their sworn duty to reject abuses from the court. If accepted by Congress and this President, this decision will be a serious blow to religious liberty, which is the heart of the First Amendment."
It should be noted, that all three of these morons believe in the 2nd Amendment, which they praise SCOTUS for protecting. The ignorance and pandering of these men is astounding and disturbing. They are dedicated to the dumbing of America, so it will follow them in their quest for the end of our republic as we know it.  If they were not so dangerous, it would be funny.  It just makes my blood boil that so many of those, who wish to lead us, claim to love America, but not the government that makes us America.


  1. By far, your best post. Well said.

    Cap Out .....

  2. Huckabee apparently believes that the Bible (without specifying which of its multiple translations/versions) takes priority in government over the U.S. Constitution, thus confirming his belief in Theocracy. Welcome to Taliban America.

  3. While no person versed in American jurisprudence can argue with your post, I do find a bit of irony that 2 of the majority's 5 justices are lesbians whose vote was NEVER in doubt. Give the LGBT movement credit. They have seen and they have conquered. The question remains, how far will the pendulum swing before the inevitable backlash.

  4. Outstanding post. Every word of it true - and so disturbing.

  5. Great post. I've been wondering whether we'll have to send federal troops to louisiana and texas to compel clerks to issue licenses. And Remember Cliven Bundy? The right-wing hero who refuses to pay federal grazing fees and has armed his entourage to the teeth to make sure the feds don't arrest him? The GOP clown car clapped him to its collective breast, until he spoke wistfully of slavery.

    Wow, Secret Judge knows the secrets of the Supremes. I had no idea that Kennedy and Breyer were lesbians. How could you tell? Do they play softball? Have you seen them cruising the aisles at Lowe? That's some good gaydar you got going on.

  6. Let's be realistic here and cut the drama. Those men know about the constitution and separation of powers and will not mess with them. Those statements are just posturing and pandering to potential conservatives voters and nothing more. Will they say the same thing today about the 5-4 majority that allwed Midazolam in executions? Please, don't waste time on politicians' rethoric like the one from these three clowns.

  7. Professor, you are right these three are clowns. They would ignore the U.S. Constitution in order to enact social reforms that they themselves believe are morally superior, without regard to the strict enumeration of federal powers that the Constitution contains.

    Thank heavens that none of them stand even a remote chance of being elected POTUS.

    Thank heavens that the only persons who get to ignore the U.S. Constitution in order to enact social reforms that they themselves believe are morally superior are the actual, unelected justices of the Supreme Court!

  8. Glad that they have disqualified themselves, but still frightened by the rest of the Grand Ole Party's candidates. It's a shame that one of them will still have a 50-50 shot at running this country in a matter of months.

  9. Of the three, I'll have to give credit to Cruz for at least seeking to change the Supreme Court decision by using the constitutional process. Ayatollah Huckabee compares himself to M.L. King and calls for "civil disobedience" to the decision. One problem with this: as I recall, MLK's brand of civil disobedience concerned disobeying the law of the States, which refused to recognize the authority of the constitution, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, while Huckabee is proposing the exact opposite. As for Jindal, he apparently just wants everyone to ignore the constitution, as interpreted by the Supreme, but what more can you expect from the chief executive of the dumbest and more ignorant state in the U.S.

  10. I am tired of these religious moralists declaring that their imaginary friend named God knows better ...

  11. Which Justices are Lesbians Secret Judge?

    How do you know that?

  12. Dear Mr. 7:13 pm: What backlash? Do you really think that in 2019, we'll go back to killing gay people for the sport of it? Really?

  13. Jindals approval ratings are approaching the Bush line in Louisiana. He has less chance of becoming president than Bristol Palin.

  14. I am usually adverse to the pompous professor but I have to admit the post was fantastic.

  15. Great post Rump. I'm thrilled SCOTUS' decision, disheartened that it was necessary, and disgusted by how some of the religious zealots are responding.

    I still can't fathom how anyone who believes in personal freedom and the U.S. Constitution can possibly believe that the government belongs in our bedrooms.............


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This morning on Morning Joe, Ted Cruz doubled down on his comments. He claims to have spent his whole adult life defending the Constitution, but calls the actions of the Supreme Court lawless. Question: How does SCOTUS act lawlessly? The last I heard SCOTUS was the final arbitor of what is lawful or lawless under the constitution.

    He stated that the Obergfell, et al decision is only binding on the parties to the suit, and suggests that each state should continue to follow its own statutes, and force every same sex couple denied a marriage lisense, to seek judicial relief. He admits those courts would have to follow the binding precedent of SCOTUS, but not the clerks and administrators of the states. Time to tie up the courts with unnecessary and frivolous litigation.

    One should be immensely disturbed over any public official who describes the acts of the courts as being "lawless". It is an attack on the judiciary as a whole and our justice system. It is an attack on the Constitution.

    Now think about it. Often misquoted from Shakespeare is the phrase, "the first thing we do is kill all the lawyers." Why misquoted? Because Henry VI wanted to be a despot and the only thing standing is his way was the law. It stands to reason that the only thing standing in Ted Cruz's way (at least in his mind) is the courts. Dangerous to be sure, and clearly not unprecedented in history

  18. Forget about FRD's court packing plan?

  19. Any of the three would be a better choice for President than Hillary Clinton.

  20. Secret Judge is a di*k.

  21. Professor, wasn't it Henry the 4th not 6th who said that, perhaps in Richard the 3rd?

  22. Sorry, You are correct, guess that us why you are called the Professor

  23. 11:44 - I have no idea who FRD was, but I will assume FDR is what you mean. I agree that he was wrong, as all his advisors told him. Ultimately even FDR conceded it was a bad idea. The difference is that Cruz will never admit he is wrong about anything. To him that is a sign of weakness he will never show. Proof of that point is the government shut down which he fermented and then blamed on Boehner. It is always somebody else's fault.
