Sunday, April 05, 2015


The NY Times has an article today on the possible existence of Jesus's burial tomb, with bones, leading to the troubling (for some) conclusion that there was no resurrection. 

That got us to thinking about what if science could prove or disprove the existence of the almighty? 

Let's leave out our Christian brethren and wish them a Happy Easter and ponder this cosmological question: When and how did the universe begin? (Yes, its a big question that has preoccupied most of Stephen Hawking's life, but now Rumpole is involved, so we will make short shrift of the issue). 

The Bible says right after the initial creation that the earth was "unformed and void"  and that "darkness was on the face of the deep" and that the spirit of the lord "hovered over the face of the waters." If you hear the words spoken in the original text, there is a stark, poetic beauty to the description of nothingness. 

 Interesting to note that the Genesis story of creation says "how", but not "why?" Is the answer to the second contained in the answer to the first? If the universe was created randomly and emerged from the big-bang, and we can learn the physics of the how, then the answer to why is "no reason really, it just happened." Not a pleasant thought.  

The Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems postulate that at the beginning, the universe was a singularity, followed by an intense period of heat for the smallest amount of time imaginable- indeed as time was just beginning to be time- and then  a big bang followed by an observable cooling of the universe. Since we know the universe cooled, we know (probably) there was a superheating and a big-bang. 
Now we know that you are all saying: "Just wait a doggone moment Rumpole!  Quantum mechanics (the study of very small things) does not permit particles to inhabit a space smaller than their wavelengths and thus the big-bang cannot be correct." 

Of course that  is the rub- the search for the unifying theory of general and special relativity (the operation of space, time and spacetime- really big things, and quantum mechanics, the operation of really small stuff.  Right now, both theories cannot co-exist, and if we didn't have a killer schedule of briefs and trials through the end of the summer, we might turn out attention to this conundrum and help resolve it. But alas the 11th circuit is stingy with extensions, so we have a lot of writing ahead of us. 

But what if the question can be answered? What if there is something before singularity? What if in the explanation of the big-bang and in the unifying theory of physics and cosmology the hand of the Almighty is seen and accounted for to describe the indescribable. In short, what if science could prove the existence of g-d? 

Quite frankly, we'd rather that didn't happen. It's difficult enough to live in a world in which religious fanatics foreign and domestic try and exert their will on what they think the Lord wants. From pizza parlors in Indiana that do not what to serve homosexuals, to Muslim fundamentalist that behead christians, we've had quite enough of religion's influence on our life. 

So we will not continue in our cosmological endeavors. We do not want to know. If the universe is merely a random occurrence, then life is meaningless and death is a very depressing thought. 

If on the other hand there is a spirit that was once upon the darkness and the void, then what did Kentucky do to deserve the wrath of the Almighty  by losing to Wisconsin Saturday night? Did the Lord's bracket need Wisconsin and Duke in the finals? 

 In short, a world without faith- in which our creator is knowable, sounds very unappealing. G-d forbid he turns out to be a rabid Wisconsin fan. And the consequences for the NFL are too difficult to contemplate. We'd much prefer to believe Belichick has sold his soul to the devil than know that on Sundays the number one fan wears a Patriots Jersey.  

What about polyester and plaid? QVC and quinoa? Hialeah branch court and the Fast and the Furious movie series? Can we really reconcile Fast & Furious 7 and an all-knowing,  all powerful creator?

 The words "oy-vey" come to mind. 

Happy Easter. Happy Passover. 
See You In Court. 


  1. I knew there was Devine Intervention from above when I lost the Suicide Pool this year when I picked Kansas City!

    Of course, it is all obvious now. At least I found the Matzoh this year.

    To all. ... a Happy Passover and Easter. May we all be cognizant of the plethora of blessings that we share. May we be kinder to one another, especially those less fortunate. Be GRATEFUL for this one life we live. GOD BLESS all of you who strive for Justice each day.

    1. "all of you who strive for Justice each day"

      HAHAHAHA, good one

  2. Need we really talk about people's imaginary friend?

  3. "And God said: Let there be light! And there was light" sounds like the Big Bang to me.

  4. Hialeah Branch Court!!! The term has, in the past, triggered disdain.

    Recently, I had an injunction hearing scheduled there. When I arrived, I saw a sparkling clean court house. I parked my car, right in front, in one of the numerous free parking spots. I was able to be whisked right in by the very friendly security at the entrance. The Clerk in the court room, was kind enough to copy a duplicate file from an earlier, related of charge. The case was called on time and my case was taken out of turn. All the staff inside of the court room was as friendly and professional as can be. Even the judge (with the infamous reputation) handled the case in an ideal and proper manner. I liked how she took effective control over the meandering and manipulative petitioner.

    Hialeah Branch Court doesn't deserve its negative reputation. Other than the remote location (not nearly as a pain as Coral Gables...parking is difficult or South Dade... too. too far), it's really not that bad. Even Palm Avenue looks it's actually zoned now!

    Could Hialeah be the future?

  5. "If the universe is merely a random occurrence, then life is meaningless and death is a very depressing thought."

    This is only depressing if religious faith is what you use to provide meaning to your life. Instead of using a deity as a crutch, focus on the magnificent planet that you have the privilege to inhabit, the wondrous things you can experience in this lifetime and the moments of happiness you share with others. So much time is wasted on hoping for happiness, perfection, etc. in another existence that people fritter away the only proven existence that they have. That is the most depressing thought of all.

  6. Thoughtful topic.

    There is no turning back from the examined life.

    His lack of resurrection might be determined as you suggest. Biblical Creation has been disproved already, I believe. Our personal creation is ubiquitous: one’s birth Mother.

    The Hawkings question looks backward. Look forward. Our destination is ubiquitous: the abyss.

    The religion question is relatively easy and satisfying if one accepts Freud:

    Religion is man’s ego-constructed "no" to the id’s omnipresent "yes".

    That’s it. Everything. Religion explained in one sentence. That was my conclusion years ago, while studying Carl Jung, Freud’s paper Negation, and another text or two not readily accessible.

    Ultimately it is futile, even heresy, to query the unknowable without omniscience.

    Thus, the unexamined life remains popular.

  7. Roy and Lea Black have lost their dermatologist, Dr. Brandt. What will they do now?


    "all of you who strive for Justice each day"

    HAHAHA.....good one

  9. At heart, the difference between Catholics and Protestants is as wide as the gulf between Moslems and Hindus. To the Protestant, the Bible is the inerrant, direct word of god. Immutable - infallible: “God said it, I believe it, that ends it.”

    To the Catholic, the Bible is a man-made work of literature, inspired by god, but a work created by fallible human beings. The Bible is not literally true; but, filled with metaphors, inspired by the holy spirit. Jesus spoke in parables, a metaphorical way of expressing his ideas. The seven days in Exodus are a metaphorical approximation of the truth, and if you read it as such, an account which seems to square with current scientific thought.

    God gave man the gift of reason. The more you think, the closer you get to God.

  10. I guess that before he created the universe he just sat around day after day playing Candy Crush.
