Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Nobody seems to care about wrongful death penalty convictions, so at the risk of sounding like a Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman opinion, we will write about Percy Sledge and his death today at age 74.

Sledge, a Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame inductee, is primarily known for his 1966 #1  hit "When a Man Loves a Woman". 

Our favourite lyrics: 
When a man loves a woman
down deep in his soul
she can bring him such misery
if she is playing him for a fool
he's a last one to know
loving eyes can never see. 

The 60's & 70's: when music was music. 
Maybe someday we'll quote those lyrics in a DV case and make Magistrate Goodman proud. 

Not this Pitbull crap that Senator Rubio says he likes. 

See You In Court.


  1. There's nothing wrong with Pitbull!! Mr. 305!!

  2. I'm sick and tired of getting 20 e-mails from people polishing the knob of the latest winners in court from the FACDL listserv.

    There should be one designated fluffer and that's that.

  3. Me too. Someone wins something and then the 100 emails from FACDL jam my inbox.

    Hey list serve, is it really necessary for 20 people to send the entire list a congratulations?

  4. Percy's on our jukebox. Come check it out. Have a drink. Stay for dinner.

  5. Congrats. A racist and sexist post all in one. Good job jerk.

  6. I'm with List Serv Weary. Enough already!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Any place in town where I can get a good muffuletta or po boy ?

  8. Aaron a hernandez guilty. Better call Saul.

  9. I know where to get the best po boy. But I ain't telling you.

  10. Marco Rubio is from the 305, so it is no surprise that he likes Mr. 305.

  11. 10:21

    Hole in the Wall has a shrimp Fat Boy that is huge, served with fries and damn good. It's on the appetizer menu. Closest you'll get.

  12. Consider Rex Ryland and Bobby Haggard for the Justice Building Hall of Fame.
