Thursday, March 26, 2015


The blog is doomed.

From our friends at South Florida Lawyers comes this distressing news out of Tallahassee:

A dangerously misguided Florida bill would forbid websites from operating anonymously just because they meet a vague definition of disseminating “commercial recordings”—and it's headed for a vote this week

What would we do?

Putting aside for the moment the judges and lawyers we have unintentionally offended ("What do you call a thousand lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start." ) there would be the plethora of bar complaints and the resulting grudges from judges, prosecutors and even our brethren defense counsel, so that we could never be sure if the decision to seek life in prison on the resisting arrest without violence case was a reaction to our running a mirthless and destructive blog, or an informed legal decision.

We couldn't risk it. We would have to shut the blog down. The great OZ cannot emerge from behind the curtain (you would all be so terribly disappointed).

The end is near. What a long, strange trip it has been.

Meanwhile, you can check out the ESPN website and your brackets,  ruefully peruse Mr. Markus's blog and read about the 1987 committee notes on the hearing to amend the federal rules of evidence on mandatory judicial notice. Plus all those nice pictures of judges at federal events.  And there are  Mr. Ovalle's tweets @davidovalle305 to keep you entertained:
"found a nice hotspot in the courthouse!"; "waiting for the judge, time for more black coffee";  and "the Padres lost again, time to watch the walking dead"

We're doomed.

See you in court.


  1. Just use my name in a "straw man " capacity. You know I have no problem putting my name on things

  2. Are you kidding? The constitutional challenge will make the blog global and possibly take down this corrupt legislature.

  3. The bill should be killed but in my reading, i only see it applies if the site deals in substantial part in disseminating commercial recordings or audiovisual work.
    If you don't post any videos why would this apply to you?
    Plus, this would apply only to owner of site. I'm sure many of us would step up and publicly register a site for the purpose of allowing you to 'guest' post or comment all the time.
    As far as I'm aware we've still protected site owners from liability for anonymous comments.

  4. Relax. The bill has little chance of becoming law.

  5. Dude, you can list me as the owner, I will post sometimes and you continue your great work. I will be happy to stand for freedom of speech.

  6. Good riddance you low life creep.

  7. Query whether Spence videos are "commercial recordings"?

  8. "low life creep" ?

    If you want to hurl insults on this blog, step up the creativity please.

  9. Dude "YOU CAN LIST ME AS THE OWNER" says an anonymous poster. LOL.


  10. Don't call the Shumie yetThursday, March 26, 2015 4:45:00 PM

    No need to call the Shumie on the blog just yet. I am sure that Kenny W and his legal fashionista friends will have a brainstorming late-night party at The REN (a venue) to develop an effective strategy to prevent this bill from becoming law.

  11. This is why we can't have nice things, Florida.

  12. See Judge Brennan literally communicate with the Attorney General's office to provide legal and factual arguments against an appeal of a denial of stay of proceedings here:

    "On learning that Masten sought review of the denial of the stay, the trial judge sent the Attorney General’s Office a twenty-one paragraph email containing various arguments “intended to assist you in rebutting entitlement to a stay.” The trial judge’s chambers sent further emails attaching documents and transcripts. Neither Masten nor his attorneys were copied or included in these communications. The Attorney General’s Office commendably advised all parties of the emails."

  13. Jason Bloch is about to get very, very interesting .........time to get your resume ready for January 2017

  14. Bloch is completely clueless. He asks questions that no other judges would ask and does not understand the concept of how criminal justice system works. Simple procedures such as granting a continuance turn into a thousand questions - on a first time up. He doesn't understand that cases are not just magically ready the first time up, that cops don't show up for depos, that attorneys didn't get paid and that attorneys have 50 other cases.

  15. Memo to Judge Brennan and Broward Judge Contini.

    You are not supposed to help one side win. Contini helps the defense by telling the PD how to get a downward departure and Brennan always, always, always helps the state.

    Contrast them: Contini is nice to everyone. Brennan is a horrible person who loves to push the defense around.

    If Brennan didn't have so much money, someone would run against her and we could finally get rid of the wicked witch of the 2nd floor.
