Saturday, March 14, 2015



and just before two pm today, at 3.14159 

(March 14 1:59 p.m) …

we may just geek out and have a piece of pie. 

Enjoy your spring saturday. 


  1. No Rumpole, you should celebrate at 9:26 not 1:59.
    It is 3.141592653 therefore it is March 14, 15 at 9:26:53
    cool moment to remember- I hugged my dog.

  2. Can you ever have mitigated gall? Or is it always unmitigated gall?

  3. Going with the gluten free coconut creame pie.

  4. RUMPOLE....How is the fishing this weekend? Any Mutton Snapper? Have you ever fished for Cobia with Captain Kenny Weisman on the "Zegna"? He is talented and knows where the fish are, plus he provides a very delicious box lunch. Tell us your thoughts?


  5. 34 years ago South Florida hosted one of the best rock n roll concerts ever. Were you there? Read the second story by the University of Miami student newspaper columnist.,+HOLLYWOOD,+FL

  6. Some comments like the ones about kenny or Shumie are so utterly dumb as to make me stop reading this blog. Don't your readers have one ounce of brains and smarts ?

  7. Who is this 3:49pm Pseudo Intellectual? Let him read Tolstoy. ...

  8. Edward Bennett Williams. 1963. 5-4 opinion. Brennan for the majority with Douglas concurring. 1963.

  9. Wrong on Wong wumple. Ed williams was a trial lawyer not an appellate lawyer. Dope.

  10. EBW argued and won several cases before SCOTUS. I think he was asked by the court to take over Wong sun after he won a wire tap case in 1962 that partially overruled Olmstead.

  11. I dare say I read more in a week than you do in a year. What I was saying was that the Kenny comments are ridiculous and take away from some of the better discussions on the blog. I mean who wants to read about the misadventures of a foo-foo south beach dandy on a legal blog ? Not moi.


  12. This is pretty cool. Gideon v. Wainwright. Oral arguments before SCOTUS. Abe Fortas for the Petitioner Clarence Gideon.

    Listen to the arguments here:

    Cap Out ....

  13. foo foo? Why I once tipped a waiter 12%. Let's see you do that tough guy.

  14. Bring KENNY W. back to the blog or I am going to get a Department of Justice Investigation ....

    Hands up! Don't shoot! KENNY W. deserves comedic justice on this blog. We plead the 1st Amendment, demand discovery and ask for others of decent and kind hearts to lay down your brief cases and fight!

  15. I think he's more of a fop than foo foo.

  16. If not for KENNY W. - Ask yourselves - How would the middle age male Judges have the fashion sense and guts to wear a plaid sport jacket each day with the same pair of blue dockers pants? It takes a leader.

    I implore you people to support this fashion genius and legal legend. Judge Murry Meyerson never made a fashion move without consulting his Amicus couturier SIR KENNETH ....

  17. Hey Rump - what lawyer should Robert Durst retain now that he spoke to HBO and "admitted" to 3 murders?

  18. Call the Shumie on the Shumie.
