Tuesday, March 31, 2015


The story of former NYC police commissioner Bernie Kerik reads like a Shakespeare tragedy. 
An ultimate insider, vetted and nominated for a cabinet post in the Bush administration, Kerik ended up in a  federal prison for three years. 

Kerik's insight's into prison should be listened to by everyone, especially those in the criminal justice system. Especially his thoughts on prison and a minimum security prison: 
"The deprivation is far more profound than anyone could imagine….talk about a country club…go to the 4 Seasons in NYC and lock yourself in the bathroom for a year, and you basically die before your eyes and the whole world goes on without you, you tell me how luxurious it is?"
And this: "Every american should learn about the criminal justice system because anyone of you could become a target and you have no conception of what that means."

Other highlights: Rudy Guliani never even called his wife when Kerik was in prison, while congressman Peter King, chairman of the Homeland security committee came to see him in prison very three or four months. Talk about finding out who your friends are. 


  1. Guliani was the godfather for his kids too.

  2. Am I the only one who really hates it when you call a JA for a hearing date and are told to fax the motion and then, they will tell you when the hearing will be.

    It's hard enough being in so many places at one time and then you have somebody doing that and making my week even more difficult to manage.

  3. Usually the JA will work with you on hearing dates once they agree to have an evidentiary hearing.

  4. You can get a hold of the JA?

  5. Is it me or is FAWL an agry woman organization? Easily agitated and the older members are full of anger. Judge Walsh should be aware her closeness provides ammunition for challengers. Katie run!

  6. Yes, some JA's never pick up but, kudos to some who are great:

    JA for:
    Sam Slom
    Luise K Martin
    Maria Ortiz
    Victoria Brennan
    Robert Luck
    Richard Hersch
    Rodney Smith (yes but, Diana retired again yesterday)
    and others.
