Monday, December 08, 2014


Update: Pro se rolls the dice. HVO and all the other letters of the alphabet; going to trial solo- sans counsel, today- Judge Rodriguez-Chomat. Facing life in prison. And think of it this way- if he loses, who gets the rule 3? See you in court. 


Round & Round it goes, where it stops, only The Captain knows. 


Hot off the presses, Chief Judge Bertila Soto announces "the moves":


Rodolfo Ruiz    Criminal CF-19 CR-4-5 (Rebull's Division)
Steve Millan     Criminal CF-06 CR-3-3 (Ruiz-Cohen's Div.)
Al Milian          Criminal CF-18 CR-7-2 (Sanchez Llorens' Div.)
Veronica Diaz   Criminal CF-20 CR-2-7 (Fajardo's Division)
Jason Bloch       Criminal CF-02 CR-2-8 (Gordo's Division)
Martin Zilber    Juvenile
Mavel Ruiz        Juvenile


Colodny                        Criminal CR-4-7 to CR-4-2
de la O                          Criminal CR-4-5 to CR-4-3
Fajardo                         Criminal to Family
Glazer                           Family to Criminal Bond Hearing Unit
Gordo                           Criminal to Civil
Hendon                        Criminal to Civil
R. Hersch               Juvy to Crim. CF-04 CR-4-7 (Hendon's Div.)
Pooler                          Criminal CR-3-1 to CR-2-4
Rebull                          Criminal to Civil
Rodriguez-Chomat     Criminal CR-3-2 to CR-6-2
Ruiz-Cohen                Criminal to Civil
Sanchez-Llorens         Criminal to Civil
Thomas                       Criminal to Civil
Tinkler Mendez      Crim. CF-60 to CF-16 (Vacant Div.)
Tunis                     Crim. CF-71 to CF-60 (Tinkler Mendez' Div.)
Ward                     Civil to Crim. CF-03 CR-4-8 (Lobree's Div.)


Areces              Family to Civil
Blake                Civil to Family
Cynamon          Civil to Family
Eig                    Civil to Family
Figarola            Juvenile to Family
Marin                Family to Civil
Miller                Civil to Family
Schlesinger       Family to Civil
Trawick            Civil to Family
Zabel                Civil to Family

*All Rotations will take place between January 2-29, 2015.


Last month Judge Gladys Perez informed Gov. Scott that she was resigning from the bench. The 11th Circuit JNC has now indicated that they are accepting applications for that open seat.  The deadline to apply is December 29, 2014.

All persons interested in applying must deliver a complete application and 10 copies to:  
Christine Hernandez-Baldwin, Chair
Eleventh Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission
c/o Miami Dade State Attorney’s Office
1350 NW 12th Avenue
Miami, FL 33136

You can find an application here.

CAPTAIN OUT .................


  1. Ah yes, 'tis the season for criminal court judges with absolutely NO clue about civil law to migrate to 73 West Flagler so they can begin building their re-election war chests.

    For some who are willing learners, and able to admit that they have something to learn, this is not an complete disaster. Others, who were arrogant and insensitive while dealing with the sacred liberty of human beings, can be expected to be just as arrogant and insensitive while dealing with mere money -- and now you can add utter ignorance to the mix.

    There's no question that just about any criminal matter is more important than just about any civil matter -- no matter the amount at stake. But save me from judges whose entire legal perspective was their ten or eight or six years as a prosecutor; who know nothing of business or torts or civil fraud or contract law . . . let alone running a practice; who have not read the law since the day before they took the Bar exam; and who invariably treat civil litigants like criminal defendants.

  2. All those judges rushing to go to the dilapidated, health hazard, crumbling civil courthouse? Either they know there will be a new building soon, are looking for some workers comp/PI settlement, or have already bumped their head!
    All said in jest, but I do seriously hope that no one gets hurt in that building.

  3. If Richard Gregg can't do it, than no one can!

  4. All the best judges are at the Lawson Center! I wanna be a divorce lawyer!!!!

  5. All the best judges went to Lawson because they didn't want to suffer the deplorable and dangerous conditions in the County Courthouse.

  6. "Judge" Dava Tunis, who was serving on the bench per a forged federally-mandated judicial loyalty oath (per the official findings of the State Attorney and the County's Inspector General) was introduced at the Annual Bar Convention by the drinking Bar's President as "Tuna Davis." Something fishy here. Is her name Dava Tunis or Tuna Davis, and further how can she preside over any case involving the State of Florida since she received a gift in excess of the gift limits from the State, which she didn't report? Pretty simple questions really.

  7. This blog recommends Roy Black's self-aggrandizing blog. So I went to it, only to find that it falsely was asserting, with a lead banner headline, that US News and World Report had named it "the best law firm..." when in fact it was named "one of the best."

    Big difference. You would think a genius like Roy Black (just ask him) would know the importance of using words correctly.

    Anyway, because I reported it to the proper folks, the correction was made, with no thanks to me from the busy Roy, no mea culpa, nothing but the change made in the dead of the night. You're welcome. Jack Thompson (punished by The Bar for telling the truth, in a state in which lawyers who lie are rewarded) Rumpole calls my telling as "antics" for which I was disbarred. Wrong. The federal government completely vindicated my "antics." No wonder Rumpole endorses Black's blog.

  8. Any changes in county court?

  9. At least Rodney had the good taste not to ask to move to civil where he could make all those rulings for which UAIC has already paid.

  10. Keep 'em coming , Jack. (Thanks Horace)

  11. Who will be taking over Cynamon's Division?
