Thursday, November 13, 2014


There are some relationships, and the inevitable break-up, that have become part of our popular culture and consciousness. For those old enough to remember a world without Starbucks and texting, Elizabeth  Taylor and Richard Burton is the seminal relationship-breakup-remarriage event of the last century. 

Katie Holmes left weirdo Tom Cruise. Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt never made it.  Elin Nordegren threw out Tiger, and he hasn't been the same since. 

But in our humble opinion, the most culturally significant break up of our time,  occurred today, November 13, year unknown, when "Felix Unger was asked to remove himself from his place of residence...and that request came from his wife."  Thus was born one of the best sitcoms ever, and dozens of philosophical gems, as well as some of the best lawyering you will ever see. Observe below:

Best cross examination: "When you ASSUME... you make an ASS out of U and ME" It starts at 3:17 of the clip. Plus, it always pays to bow to the court. And the actual "assume" incident is at 4:20. We've been waiting 30 years to use this. And of course there is the valuable lesson all of us always need to keep in mind: calling one witness too many, and asking one question too many. This should be required viewing in every law school. 

Best way to end a cross? "Get off the stand, you make me sick!
The cross of the stooge of management, corporate puppet, the nameless, faceless little gray men trying to claw their way to the top, begins at 3:15. 


  1. The Captain Reports:

    Well then, happy birthday to both the Miami Dade Drug Court AND The Odd Couple.

    UPDATE on my Drug Court Post; scroll down below the Odd Couple post.

    Howard Finkelstein contacted me and immediately credited Miami Dade as having the first Drug Court in the country. He even admitted that he visited several times to get an idea of how to get it going in Broward. He remembers seeing Hugh Rodham, the first PD in that court.

    He did not realize that his web site said what it said about being the first. He will get that corrected.

    Cap Out .....

  2. And as a corollary to the "Don't ask one question too many rule" may I add the maxim "less is more?"

  3. Cheers pierce the soft Miami night
    The dolphin offense shows its might
    the bills defense is caused to frown
    as the stadium erupts "That's another Miami Dolphins First Down!!"

  4. Odd couple trivia

    When Felix took a writing class he had a classmate who said he was "gonna write the big one" which would blow the lid off what industry?

    What was name of racing dog oscar bought?

    Which person was never a guest star?
    Paul Williams, deacon jones, pat morita, earl Monroe, Edward Villela?
