Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Ben Bradlee, the charming yet gruff editor of theWashington Post, who found his paper alone reporting arguably the biggest domestic story in US politics, died today at 93. Bradlee's support of his reporters was legendary. He turned the Washington Post from a sleepy third place newspaper, into the premier journalistic enterprise of its time. 

Our favorite story: The twice divorced Bradlee started dating a post reporter who had been sending him anonymous love notes. When he finally learned the name of the reporter and they started dating and the relationship became public, he was asked if would get married for a third time. "When they elect a Polish Pope" was a flippant reply. A year later the improbable happened, and four days after Pope John Paul II was elected, he was married four days later. 


FACDL issued a call-to-arms for Tuesday's  Miami Commission meeting, and the commission blinked. The proposed hike in court costs of $75.00 will not be going into effect. 

The Judge was (past tense) endorsed by the Herald. 
But such endorsements are ephemeral and once the Herald revoked their endorsement (much like a PVH revocation, but more messy) was the Judge obligated to not send the ad? Or is she within her rights to send the ad, because the Herald did endorse her?

Sorry for the delay in posting this week. A busy travel schedule and a lousy weather in DC has really upended our travel-work schedule. 

See You In Court. 


  1. There are going to be huge issues with the JQC on her ad. It isn't as if her ad indicated the Herald recommended her in the past tense, but did so in the present tense (date of the recommendation is irrelevant). Beyond all else, it is a stupid campaign move and opens her up for attach by opponents who will really be able to point out how she is being dishonest and disingenuous to the people. But this could have more ramifications with the JQC.

  2. I blame you, Rump, in part for this mess. Numerous people on this blog brought up the incident in question and minimized it. As a result, we now have a race between a bad incumbent and an attorney with no criminal experience. Also, the Herald made an endorsement based upon tenure and not judicial temperament. I wouldn't wrap dead fish in the Herald or this blog. Shame on you both.

  3. It's disgraceful what this inept, unethical excuse for a member of the Florida Bar is doing. It offends me on so many levels, but this is what happens when diversity runs wild at the expense of qualification.

  4. Ben Bradlee, the last of a generation gone.

    As for Schwartz, spending more than twice a year's pay in a primary, is anyone surprised she would mislead, frankly outright lie to the public to keep a job she was always unqualified for?

  5. Great work FACDL. I also heard that the other resolution to have someone other than MDPD investigate police shootings/deaths of those arrested also passed! Great day for those who get caught up in the MD criminal justice system, and not too many people even knew about it. I guess that tree that falls in the forest without anyone present does actually make some noise, maybe a whisper, but still some noise.

    PS do we really have a problem with robots posting (and by robot I do not mean brain dead humans, actual robots)

  6. Re: Ben Bradlee. He was the first to admit that the Post had nothing to do with Nixon resigning. Nothing. They reported what was happening and what was happening was what brought RMN down. If the tapes had never been discovered, Nixon would have survived, Carter and Reagan would never have become presidents, and . . .forget it, let's not play what if.

  7. I got one of those in my mailbox too. What the fuck is wrong with her? She did that on purpose. What other reason can there be for an ad showing a withdrawn endorsement and the date of the old endorsement?

  8. I've been thinking and thinking, but can't figure it out.
    What's the connection between Blink-182 and Ben Bradlee??

  9. I was looking up District Judge Fred Moreno on the Bar web site and he shows up inactive.

    I like Fred but, this is stupid.

    I know you don't have to be a valid lawyer to be a Federal Judge or US Attorney but, is it asking too much to pay your fucking dues and do CLEs?

    I have to wonder how many Federal lawyers and judges are inactive or suspended for failure to pay or do CLE?

  10. 10:32 . . .

    Frank is at the PD's and has been for at least a few years.

  11. All the small things,
    True care, truth brings

  12. The JQC are Nazis. In a free country, a cantidate for office would be able to make truthful statements.

  13. Dear 2:52:00;

    There is no reason a Judge should have to be a lawyer. If a normal human being of ordinary intellegence cannot ascertain what the law is; then the law is unjust.

  14. A judge shouldn't have to be a lawyer? what? Clearly your not a lawyer and have no idea what judges do. Just cause you watch law and order doesn't mean you know how to be a lawyer. How are you going to make ruling on evidence matters when you have no idea what the rules of evidence are? etc.

  15. There have been movements over the years to try to ban lawyers from being judges and from being lawmakers. Has to do with separation of power issues.

  16. 9:06,
    Most referees in the sports world have never been more than fans of the game. You don't have to be able to play the game, as long as you know the rules.

  17. 1:14 pm..........you must not be a lawyer. No way a lay person could be a judge. You don't just "learn the rules" as a referee does in sports.

