Friday, July 11, 2014


BREAKING: Friday night 9:50 PM Jury finds Clifford Friend guilty of second degree murder. Total sell out compromise verdict. This was a whodunit? It's either a first or an NG. Such is our justice system. 

Just substitute "he" for "she".

He's gone
He's gone
Oh why?
Oh why?
I'd Better learn how to face it.
He's gone
He's gone
Oh why?
Oh why?
I Beg the devil to replace him
He's gone 
He's gone
oh why ?
What went wrong?

LeGone. He's Gone. 
Character Counts. 

Enjoy the summer weekend. Maybe you can take YOUR talents to South Beach now that there is a vacancy. 


  1. The Knicks still suck!

  2. By all indications it should have been charged as a 2nd. No premeditation in the fight.

  3. I can go to Heat games again!

  4. You win Rumpole. You called it. Lebron Shumied Miami and the Heat and now it's shumie time. You win. We lose. Ok?

  5. I didn't call anything. I said Rumpole called it and he did. He said Lebron would leave and he left. shumie time for us.

  6. That jury sure Shumied petey heller and his client. Second is a bs compromise.

  7. Rumpoloaa at least give Chris Bosch credit for not shumieing the Heat. He stayed.

  8. Anyone who reads Lebron's Essay and tries to attack his character had damn well have some pretty great moral credentials himself. I will leave it at that.

  9. Stop with the Shamir already. It was old 5 years ago.

  10. Last NIGHT AT REN (a venue)Sunday, July 13, 2014 11:46:00 AM

    Shumie endures. Like a pet rock or tie die shirts or mood rings or a chia pet or Gerry Klein (RIP).

    Anyway, last night at The REN ( a venue) it was
    "Poracito Brazil" with one dollar beers and two dollar shots for anyone wearing Brazil's colors.

    Today of course it is the big day. Germany vs. Argentina. The party starts at 2, the game at three. Wear your team colors and get all sorts of specials when your team scores a goal.

  11. Rump, what do you think are the most significant goals in world cup history? I would take Maradona's two goals against your English in 86 semis, including the famous "hand of g-d" goal, and old Tommy Vardon's "run for the roses" goal for England against Italy in 28 which he improbably repeated Switzerland in 32.

  12. Few things in life are certain, but I would wager much that the sophomoric juvenile who posts all the 'shoomie' crap has never had sex with a woman.
