Friday, June 27, 2014


BREAKING: MIRANDA FIRES HER BAILIFF....Details are sketchy but are trickling in. What we know is that sometime on Friday morning/afternoon, the bailiff was fired AND escorted off the premises of the REGJB. The breakup of the employer-employee relationship does not appear to be mutual or pretty.

 The NY Times (here)  and reporter Frances Robles (returning to her old stomping grounds; Robles was a reporter for the Herald back when.) have finally discovered the dirty little secret called the Broward County Judiciary.

The Times, with a Justice Building Blog type headline: "Here Comes The Judge, In Cuffs", (love it, wish we thought of it first)  reports on the recent DUI-epidemic that ran through the Broward Judiciary (motto: "one for the road") . The Times expands the coverage of incompetence and downright strangeness to the latest rumor: That a Broward County Robe-wearer is under federal investigation for his/her work, as a judge, in a family case. The allegation is that the Judge was improperly influenced by that wonderful  Ponzi-scheme financed -Scott Rothstein led- RRA law firm that could only germinate and flourish in the fetid, soupy good-old boy and gal -we hate Miami- attitude- of Broweird County. ( Russel Addler, the "A" in the RRA law firm cried his way to a top- of- the- guidelines 30 month sentence before Judge Cohn on Friday here).

JAA BLOG...GONE? Just when Bill Gelin and his JAA blog get a shout-out from the NY Times, (see above), the JAA blog is down. Clicking on the link yields the dreaded 404 error.
Coincidence? Hardly. We don't believe in coincidences, especially when it comes to Broweird,  where corruption and incompetence vie to be the  middle name. reminds us of Winston Churchill's quote in his memoirs of the Second World War about the Night of the Long Knives in Nazi Germany and German re-armament before the start of the war:  "I was deeply affected by the seemed to me to be invested with a ruthless urine tinge: it glittered and it glared."

Nothing like a good Churchill quote to put a corrupt and dangerous regime into perspective.

In memory of the great, recently passed Casey Kasem, we take you back to 1961 and the number one hit of Del Shannon. During the frenzy, this song was selling 80,000 singles a day. 

We send this out to ours, and everyone's, favourite Miami Heat Player.....

BREAKING NEWS FOR SATURDAY: Both Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh have opted out of their contracts with your Miami Heat. So now we have three Run-aways!

From 1961, Del Shannon....RUNAWAY!

(I think we hit the post on the song).


  1. What happened to JAABLOG?

    I keep getting a 404 Error Site Not Found.

    Did someone finally get a court order to shut them down?

  2. Me too. The blog appears, at least for the moment, to be gone. A court order would not have done that. Not paying a bill for the hosting would.

  3. I don't even care about the Heat, but your obsession with trashing the team is just stupid and boring.

  4. what you don't know you don't knowSaturday, June 28, 2014 10:06:00 AM

    Perhaps the best post of all time. Love the Churchill quote.
    All the best.
    Don Rumsfled.

  5. I didn't trash the team. I dedicated a song to their star player. Learn to read.

  6. The blog may have crashed because of the traffic that came from the NYT story. Simple as that.


  7. Lebron aint leaving Miami. He, unlike you is a family man. A star dad. His kids are happy and he loves Miami. Now miami has a point guard to get him the ball. Wade and Bosh will restructure their contracts and Lebron will get his well deserved 25mm. Not to be confused with the 180 thousand yearly you pull down on ct appointments. BAM

  8. I don't take court appointments. But I have to say with one minor change you pretty much hit the number on the head- substitute "month" for "yearly" and you're not far off at all. Now go cash your $395.00 McDonalds paycheck. It's honorable work and you shouldn't be ashamed.

  9. I don't understand how , once fired, the ex-bailiff can be escorted out of a Public building

  10. Yes I forgot and you only fly net jets (laugh) with the two million a year you now claim to make. None the richer, and still not enough to fly private. Keep it real bra

  11. Everyone keeps saying at this bar that Brasil vs Chile is just like Germany vs. Spain in 76 or Brazil vs. France in 86, but for the life of me I think this is just like Spain vs. Switzerland 1932. The famous "chocolate bar and Paella" match that ended in a tie.

  12. Love the reference to the chocolate and Paella match. Long time ago.

  13. Actually, it looks a lot more like the final game of the 1026 World Cup between England and Normandy.

  14. Rumpole, are you a moron? They opted out to create cap space. All of them are resigning. Plus a couple new faces too.

  15. I guess Lebron is trying to stay in Miami and Wade and Bosh and Haslem are willing to sacrifice for their TEAM - this is rare. And by the way when Lebron travels he flies net jets. Unlike you who flies in the back on Spirit.


  16. "All for one and one for all." That is the HEAT motto. They have something you dont have- friendships. A bond. A TEAM. Keep up the chatter, hater. Mello next.

  17. I keep singing this song/ all the leaves are gone- and the sky is gray....

    Except I keep changing the words:
    All the Heat are gone
    On this summer day


  18. Or here's this one from from Hall and Oates coming at ya;

    They're gone
    They 're gone
    Oh why
    Better learn how to take it

    It just keeps getting worse and worse doesn't it ? When you make your bed with dogs with no loyalty you get a bad case of the fleas and flees.

    Hahahahahaha. I crack myself up.

  19. Looks like another couple of years of crying, whining, hating, gnashing teeth and chewing on ones own liver for Rumpy. Watching the greatest player on the greatest team.

  20. Did I miss the news ?? Did Lerunaway sign with The Spurs???? That would be huge.

  21. Better to have loved and lost three greedy spoiled players than to never have loved them at all. Eh?


  22. The Dutch scored in the ol Gouda cheese trap play at the start of the second half and it was down hill there for the Mexicans and their enchilada zone

  23. Once again Rump, your obsession with trashing the Heat (not that I care about the team) is stupid and so borrrrrring. You say you crack yourself up with this nonsense, which means exactly one person is laughing. zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  24. Put another way, it's shumie time for Mexico, Chile and Uruguay

  25. Let me first apologize and then help you. Go to your browser and first erase the bookmark for the blog. Then go to settings and erase the history. There. Now you never have to read the blog or my comments again. And as tough as it is for us to struggle on without you, it's all our fault and somehow after paying the price for our intransigence we will struggle on.

  26. Only me Rump. I think I just blew my dream drop. First year associate big big firm. My first request for vacation was in November for the World Cup in June. I am a big soccer fan. So here I am in Rio Saturday at a bar full of Colombians watching Colombia beat Uruguay. And this very beautiful older Colombian woman is flirting with me. The flowing aguardente and caipirinhas didn't hurt matters. The more I drank the more I began to think she was somehow familiar. This morning in my hotel room it hit me: she's the mother of the secretary to my partner! Of course by the time I realized this she was right next to me in the bed. We took a bus to Ipanema and are spending the day and night here. I got a hotel room. The second she hit the beach off came all her clothes except a thong, which I find very erotic. Anyway, i am sure there are pictures of us on her cell last night before I figured out what was what. I am sunk at work if her daughter finds out. Do I tell her and ask her to keep it a secret or do I grab her phone and throw it in the ocean when she isn't looking or do I try and get on it and erase the pics? I cannot afford to lose this job. I swear I wouldn't have done this if I knew, but at the time I was really drink. Help!!
