Wednesday, June 04, 2014


The state opened in the prosecution of Sean Taylor. ASA Marie Mato gave a detailed and very well presented view of the evidence.  Bob Barrar for the defense took the predictable route and blamed the shooter for the crime. 

In the Officer funny face trial, the state rested on Tuesday. 
We are a firm believer in not putting our client on the witness stand. However, when you have an officer, who presumably has testified many times before, the calculus becomes more complicated. 

Best Tweet of the day was from Fake Alex Michaels @draculawyer who wondered if in a regular DUI the tests are called roadsides, were the tests in Officer  Funny-Face called "surfsides" since the DUI occurred on an ATV at the water's edge. 

Don't forget to submit your baked goods in the contest before Judge Brennan Thursday at 11am. 

Dan Marino filed a lawsuit against the NFL in the concussion case. Then he called an audible at the line and changed the play and withdrew the lawsuit. 
Richard Bishop is the name Plaintiff. Bishop was a lineman for the Dolphins AND an REGIB  county court bailiff when he retired. Marino was a QB of some note and renown. 


For you old-timers, Gary Nesbitt is an ex-pd and son of long time County Court Judge (and bane of prosecutors) Alfred Nesbitt. 

See you in court. 


  1. He is right about the role reversal. But come on, the deck is not that stacked in state court. Go try being an FPD.

  2. Gary "nolle prose" Nesbitt. Nice to know there's a life after the REGJB.

  3. Nice letter, Gary. Good to hear from you.

  4. Gary Nesbitt!! Great letter from a great guy! Big smile on my face.

  5. Never call Judge Nesbitt "Alfred". You must call him "Fred".

  6. Where's the Nesbitt letter?

  7. What the judge did is totally jqceeable and the PD should file a complaint.

  8. Dude still owes me money.

  9. Lunch At Marias!! Village salad. Extra pita bread. Galatabrikos for dessert.

  10. What the judge did was completely wrong and he should be removed from the bench. That being said, I would have loved the scene if the defense attorney were Alex Michaels. I'm sure both would have lucrative careers with UFC or WWE waiting for them.

  11. Who glorified the judge's handling of the PD? Is there someone who does not think the judge was a complete asshole?

  12. Signing up to be an APD comes with certain strings attached. It's a given no one is going to like you. So if you need praise (be it from the indigent client, the community, or the court), you picked the wrong team. If you expect equal treatment for something you did at your least finest hour, compared to when a judge or even a prosecutor loses his s--t, then, again, you picked the wrong table to sit at in the courtroom. An APD draws strength and purpose in his or her mission from a different kind of well. You either realize that eventually and accept it, or you leave. Nothing will change where suddenly you become revered by the bench and bar for defending the constitutional rights of your client. Pull your chin strap tight and continue to carry the fire.

  13. What ever happened to Greg Samms? I thought that he had a great practice and career, but I lost track of him. Anyone see him around?

  14. Nesbitt owes him money apparently.

  15. Didn't they call him "Not Guilty Nesbitt" because he got two NGs in one day?

  16. snooooze......always nice to see former PDs making it big. ....zzzzzzzzz

  17. On behalf of the Judges Of Broward County, we would like to take a moment to acknowledge, and thank Judge Murphy, for getting the g-d-dammed spotlight off of us. THANKS JUDGES MURPHY! And while you're at it, take another swing at that pesky PD.

  18. Forget the complaint. Isn't that assault? Oh I forgot, the fraternity plays by different rules than us serfs. I guess it's "professional courtesy" not to be arrested.



    Governor Scott signs HB 5301 into law .....

    The bill creates three additional seats on the appellate courts of Florida.

    Specifically, the bill creates two additional judgeships in the Second District Court of Appeal and one additional judgeship in the Fifth District Court of Appeal.

    The law takes effect July 1, 2014, meaning that it will be Governor Scott who will likely being making those new appointments. (He first term ends in six months, assuming he does not win re-election).

    Cap Out .....

  20. Which judge is presiding over the Sean Taylor trial and which ctroom?

  21. Gary Nesbitt? Kenny Weisman? Greg Samms? Village salad? Do I smell a lunch reunion at Maria's?

  22. "jqceeable"

    Is that a word??

  23. Rumpole or Captain:

    There is some interesting ore to be mined in those campaign finance reports. One Circuit Court candidate has put $500,000 of his own money into the campaign. Some have put zero. (And plenty of reports are late.)

    Hmm, which is worse: Rich guy who buys his way onto the bench or the candidate who won't put any of his own skin in the game?

    More perhaps than many years before, an in depth look at the contributors shows pure political favors being made. This isn't new. But this year . . . wow. When one of Levy's or Gutierrez's candidates gets the maximum contribution from, say, the central Florida phosphate miners consortium, it probably isn't too much about Bubba from Bartow's desire for a quality judiciary in South Florida. These sorts of favors do not get made without being paid back, one way or another.

    We already have some people on the bench, who are going to be there for 25 or 30 years and whose division you simply PRAY doesn't come up in your case number.

    It is only getting worse, and you know it in your hearts.
