Monday, June 02, 2014


The best part of the bake off?  "Entries must be submitted anonymously"
We like anonymous. Always have.

There are 90 judges in Broward. Three of them currently have pending criminal cases. 

3 down...87 to go....

Hottest rumor: The latest arrestee:  When Judge Rosenthal, whose real last name is Feig or Feig-Rosenthal- was in custody, her husband made a mad dash for her chambers, only to be denied access. What was in there that he needed? 

Hahvahard Lawh had a graduation the other day. From one of the commencement speeches:

“You will help a cable company acquire a telecom company. You will defend BP from birds. You will spend hours arguing that the wellwater was contaminated before the fracking occurred...People are going to listen to what you say now, whether you’re good or evil…Some of you are evil. That’s just the odds."

Someone named Mindy Kahling made those remarks. She's on some television show or other. Also speaking, Preet Bharara, from the Southern District of New York. 

SOL can mean many things. Statute of Limitations for one. When prosecutors charged two models with animal cruelty, the videos depicting the illegal acts were ten years old. The statute had expired.  The prosecution was "SOL" (...out of luck) and forced to nolle prosse (latin for "never mind") the charges. Kudos to Lody Jean for the defense, although our personal sympathies lie with the prosecution on charges like these. 

The prose is verdant, crisp, yet languid in descriptions of scenes so rich, we often feel we are in a corner, watching the events on the page unfurl. Having been captivated by The Goldfinch, we turned to Donna Tartt's first best seller: The Secret History.  She is a writer of incredible depth and strength. 

Another week starts in our REGJB. 
Cases won and lost. Lives restored, lives in despair. 

See you in court. 


  1. I think the bigger issue of the actual charge, is that a prosecutor is that ignorant to file any case when the statute of limitations ran. As this was a sexy media type case, the ASA did nothing but pad his ego by filing this, and subsequently being a braggart about it.

  2. Hey hey ASA
    How many barred cases did you file today?

  3. Major announcement on franchise opportunities coming soon. Stay tuned.




    Local ASA Abbe Rifkin has two more shots at becoming a Judge, in Broward. I believe her name has been up to the Governor's office at least three or four times in the past two years already.

    Today, the JNC sent up six names for two open County Court seats due to the retirement of one Judge and the promotion of another.

    The six names include:

    Keathan Frink,
    Thomas Oates,
    Abbe Rifkin,
    Richard Sachs,
    Maxine Streeter,
    Steve Zaccor.

    The Governor will choose two of those names within the next 60 days.

    Cap Out .....



    As reported by me on this BLOG in my Post of Monday, May 05, 2014 entitled:


    Today, Governor Scott signed the bill into law. The law takes effect on July 1, 2014.

    Cap Out ....

  6. From: "Daniel A. Ricker"
    Date: June 1, 2014 at 2:29:42 PM EDT
    To: "Daniel A. Ricker"
    Subject: Watchdog Report Vol.15 No.4 June 1,2014 EST 05.05.00 - I go when you cannot- Celebrating 15 Years as a Weekly
    Miami-Dade, Florida
    Vol.15 No. 4 June1, 2014
    Daniel A. Ricker Publisher & Editor – Celebrating 15 years May 5th
    EST. 05.05.00 I go when you cannot & A community education resource & news service & Former Miami Herald independent news columnist


    Florida: Busting of wayward judges in Broward, shows need for higher standards on bench, two candidates in Miami-Dade will get scanned by WDR, Diaz de la Portilla and Zilber all seeking a spot on the bench -- State and county leaders’ financial disclosures will be on line, some are there now,, sea change for transparency of elected official’s finances

  7. ....being a "braggart" about it, was an understatement, 9:59 a.m. the ASA on this case knew exactly when the videos were made, he knew it was outside the SOL, he also "carried" with him the videos on his phone and showed it off to anyone and everyone who would lend him an ear....but I am so happy someone has finally called the ASA out on his antics!!! Animal cruelty is not acceptable, but wearing the white hat seems to have been forgotten on this one....

  8. Which ASA was this? Who is that dense that they didn't evaluate this basic concept?

  9. 11:36
    REN is a red herring. I'm interested in acquiring Caribbean Cigars. That's where the real money is.

  10. The ASA who filed those cases should be fired. There is no room at the SAO for such lackadaisical behavior when you wield such discretionary authority. Word around the courthouse is that this ASA is a tremendous fucking tool with mental health issues and a big wad of cash.

  11. How come when you GOOGLE REN, nothing comes up?

  12. The ASA cavorting about with the videos on his phone was the division attorney. Im presuming he did not make the filing decision, but rather someone in the Screening Unit. No doubt their name is on the docket.

  13. How the hell does a ten year old case not send up a SOL red flag? Did they not realize it was such an old video?

  14. 7:30 Google "The REN a venue" and be prepared to be amazed.

  15. Considering the head of HR hangs out in his office like a 26 year old new attorney, is it any surprise nothing happens.

  16. The intake attorney according to the court docket was someone named Jason Pizzo.

  17. 7:30 it's actually The Ren A Venue - dumb name.
    But it actually exists. I didn't know what all the crap here was about so i looked too. not totally fictional posts.

  18. If the filing ASA knew the video was made outside the SOL then they should be fired and I imagine that sort of conduct would merit a Bar investigation. If the DC knew then the same applies. Lets not forget the case was filed AND it went another month before the State nolle prossed. Also, this "case" was used as a basis in a probation violation hearing of one of the defendants and affected the liberty of both. Even as disgusting as those two "models" were in the videos, we should be equally sickened at what went on with the filing of this case.

  19. 1127 remember it's the hippest hottest night club - restaurant south of the Mississippi. It's also "A venue." A-Rod is in there every other night. Usually with a different babe. It's the place to be.

  20. 12:04 PM- the video was not made outside the SOL….the filing decision and arrest were made OUTSIDE the SOL…..basically, the video was made before 2006, the arrest was made in 2014! The SOL was three (3) years.
    It wasn't the division ASA that had the videos on his phone and showing it to everyone, it was the filing ASA. He should be fired, but then again the head of HR is always hanging out with him...

  21. …another rumor on the porn/animal cruelty case….the SAO is now thinking of filing RICO charges against the women and the man! Seriously, can they ever see the forest for the trees?

  22. 6:50pm- you can look at it either way but if the crimes contained on the are outside the SOL based on arrest date then the problem is the same: the ASA who filed the case should be fired. Was Jason Pizzo the filing attorney?.I kniw he was the division attorney who dropped the case. Even if he is tight with Lorna Solomon how can the SAO not do anything? And why hasn't it been referred to the Bar?

  23. Dear 9:55 PM--- I do not work at the SAO and therefore am unsure why the office has not yet disciplined Mr. Pizzo. Mr. Pizzo was the filing attorney and the one who dismissed the case, yet he did not personally come to court to do the dismissal, he had the division ASA stand in and do it. What is interesting is that the DC that "played along" on this case has also not been questioned. It was not the division DC.
    As far as Lorna Solomon goes…her decisions at the SAO has been questionable. Maybe the defense attorneys on the case should refer the issue to the Florida Bar…If Mr. Pizzo or anyone else does come down to charge the people involved in a RICO case, it will look really vindictive on their part, after all the back and forth that has now been published!
