Thursday, May 08, 2014


Lawyer Christian Carrazana has filed to run against Judge Rodney Smith. 

Right up to the time he filed to run, Carrazana was gainfully employed by some firm named Panter and Panter. 

Once he filed, he was fired. 

How do we know this? 

Upon being fired, Carrazana immediately filed a petition to modify his child support, and blamed his firing on his refusal to  agree to Panter's demand (or was it the other Panter's demand? Or both? It's not clear) he switch from running against Judge Smith to an open seat. 

Seems a bit unseemly to us. Also seems like Carrazana needs a good lawyer to examine his options against Panter, or Panter, or both. 

As to the motion to take money from the care of his child, we disapprove. You should be able to to take care of your child before spending money on a judicial campaign. Family should be first. Especially children. Seems like bad judgement. Something you don't want in a judge. 

Just our opinion. Mr. Carrazana has an open invite to respond however he likes without any editing by us. 

See You In Court. 


  1. He "needs a good lawyer to examine his options against Panter"? Firing him for running for judge against the wishes of the firm's administration seems perfectly legal to me. He's been a lawyer since 1999, yet I assume from his petition tht he doesn't have enough in savings, investment, and retirement to be able to continue his support obligations during a period of unemployment. Unbelievable. Also incredible is the statement in the petition that he didn't know the powers that be at his firm wouldn't support his candidacy. This suggests that he never discussed this with them before filing to run. Unbelievable.

  2. Rumpole, you magnificent bastard, you've scooped the Herald.

  3. "Family" "court" is a sewer.

    Rumpole fucking loves being called "a magnificent bastard."

    And he did scoop the Herald. but, thats like shooting fish in a barrel.

  4. You're making the assumption that he's spending money on his judicial campaign.
    He's probably hoping to spend other people's money.
    While many candidates drop big bucks, there are others that don't use much of their own money.
    If he got fired and has no income, child support can be modified.

    10855 SW 72 ST, MIAMI

  6. If the guy cannot afford to pay for his child he needs to GET ANOTHER JOB. not run for judge. Really. It couldn't be more clear. Take care of your children first.

  7. Amen Rump de la Rump.

  8. I think that because he was fired as a result of running for judge, his campaign should pay his child support - how can that not be a related expense?

  9. it is "judgment" and not "judgement" This word is the most misspelled one in the English language.

  10. What's that old saying about a lawyer who represents himself? This guy needs an attorney AND a publicist, ASAP!

    It's a good day for Judge Smith, although he's too much of a gentleman to acknowledge it.

    We should all send Judge Smith's campaign $50+ today, just to make sure this idiot doesn't stand a chance to sit in judgment of anyone.

  11. He needs to get a life. And get a job!

  12. This is funny because I know the Panter brother and they aren't nice guys and now they show they're really rotten guys.

    As for the candidate, he is a jerk. He only ran against this particular judge because he is black.

    Looks like a bunch of jerks no longer work together.

    As for the motion...well, this guy is not judicial material. Boy did he show his true colors!

  13. If the Herald had been as anxious to impugn a judicial candidate as you and your bloggers seem to be, it would have vetted the story much better than you have, Mr. Rumpole. Get your facts straight. The decision to run for a judicial seat should be the candidate's decision, not his firm's. When Carrazana decided to run, and when he paid his filing fee, he had a job and a good income. So, I assume you're suggesting that he withdraw from the judicial race now in order to continue his support obligations, which is exactly what his firm appears to have wanted. Skin the cat any way you can. And, don't assume that someone is not "taking care of his children" just because he requires a temporary support modification based upon unemployment. Speak to Dennis Murphy about downward modifications.

  14. First of all there is one blogger- me. Everyone else are commentators.
    Second - anyway you look at it, this poor excuse for a father is allowing his child to suffer because he thinks the world can't spin unless he's a judge. This is CHILD SUPPORT. FOOD AND CLOTHES FOR A CHILD. He had an obligation TO HIS CHILD to keep his job, clear his campaign with his employers and if that was not possible then to wait - find a new job that would let him fill his big ego and run- and meanwhile SUPPORT HIS CHILD WHO DEPENDS ON HIM. This is akin to going to Vegas, betting it all on red and losing and coming home and filing the same motion. He is a parent. HE HAS AN OBLIGATION TO HIS CHILD. He has failed. He is showing himself to be a reckless and poor excuse of a responsible adult.

  15. By the way- to support his child and provide food and shelter and clothing / yes I am suggestion the idiot withdraw and get a job and support his child. That is exactly what I am suggesting. What are you suggesting? And by the way, don't tell me. Tell his kid and the mom. They're the ones paying the price tor his massive ego.

  16. I was in front of Rodney Smith when he was on branch court in Hialeah some time ago. I was surprised to see him wearing black robe with, what appeared to be, an African tribal brocade running from collar to hem. Some old timers wore solid blue robes and Pooler (C) wore a solid purple one, if I recall.

    Does Judge Smith still wear that robe on the bench?

  17. It was JUDGEMENT when I was in school, and has now become JUDGMENT.
    Either is considered a proper spelling. Check your dictionary.

  18. And finally, Murphy moved to reduce his ALIMONY and his ex-wife was living with a man but didn't want to get married and lose her permanent alimony. That is a world of difference from an innocent child suffering for someone's arrogance.

  19. Arrogance, does Carrazana even know the meaning? If so, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


  20. Good evening Horace.

    Still think the NETS will win four of the next four games against the HEAT?

    Did you put your money where your mouth is? ("Take it to the bank")

  21. I said all this about Carranza when he initially filed. I told you that he was about to be let go by the Panters. It is not just because of who he filed against, they want to let him go for a while.

  22. Live at the REN-the Dolphins are on the clock and Shumie is leading a conga line thru the club.

  23. What Mr. Carrazana failed to mention is the fact that prior to February of this year, he had not paid child support since 2012 when he & his ex-wife first separated. Furthermore, it was pretty clear in the motion he just filed that he was given fair warning by his employers to not run against Judge Smith and he chose to do it anyway. It seems to me that he made the wrong choice (among many he has made) and is now dealing with the consequences of his action. Clearly, being a supportive father is not important to him while blaming others for his problems is. I hope everyone realizes that we do not need someone like Mr. Carrazana on the bench and based on multiple public records (like 2 foreclosures, anger management issues, etc.), he is really not somebody who deserves to be a member of the FL Bar.

  24. rumpole: Should be "one blogger-I."

  25. Rump,

    I don't know Carrazana, but you're way off on this one. Petitions to Modify are done all the time, especially in the last few years due to the economy. The guy is unemployed, so he is entitled to get a break on his support obligations for now. Of course, his reasons for unemployment and his ultimate income a few months from now will be examined by the Court and a final determination as to what he owes will be made. Child support is calculated by state guidelines and those guidelines are primarily determined by income. It's always in flux, whether up or down. If the guy was making 85k per year with Panter and then won a circuit seat to go to 140k, his ex-wife would be in court the next day seeking an upward modification. It's actually a very fair system and family lawyers (like myself) don't get riled up as much as you do when we see this.

    This is not the same as going to Vegas as betting on red. For all you know, the guy pays his support, coaches little league, is active in the PTA and bakes brownies for school fundraisers. Yet you've deemed him a deadbeat dad. You want to see deadbeat dads? Go to the child support enforcement division for about five minutes.

  26. A law firm is a profession and a business. If one of your employees wants to try to get another job while he is working for you and that attempt is deemed harmful to the long and short term interests of the business, you suggest that the business is required to continue the employ?

  27. Carrazana should contact Renier de la Portilla. they seem to have a lot in common: lots of debt, zero assets, dire need for employment, angry ex-wives, low moral character and aggression issues. Ask Carlos Lacasa about Renier's anger issues.
    But at least Carrazana has legal experience, where Renier has a done a lot of lobbying, currying favors, starting fights and committing campaign violations. What Renier DLP doesn't have is legal experience of any kind.

  28. amen, 8:46,
    Looks like Rump jumped to a lot of conclusions on this one. For all we know, unless someone does, but I'm totally speculating, the guy could've been making $150K a year and been paying more in child support alone than many two-income families make per year.
    There's no allegations here, other than by Rumpole, that he isn't taking care of the kid.
    We also don't know from this the financial situation of ex-wife and kid, maybe it means kid won't be able to get the newest LeBron sneakers and will have to get last year's version. poor kid

  29. sorry, i saw 1,100 p/month. Still more than most people pay. how much does that kid eat?

  30. There is an allegation he hasn't taken care of his kid. Read the previous comment that said he didn't pay any child support until Feb this year. And the court file reflects that as well.

  31. Surprised Carrazana hasn't been in court for harassing young women when and where he was employed!!!

  32. FACDL Listserve LeakerFriday, May 09, 2014 12:34:00 PM

    As I said a few days ago:

    Judicial "politics" boils down to race, ethnicity and money.

    Carrazana chose his opponent based on race and ethnicity. He's running because he needs the money. There is no more to this miserable deadbeat dad than that.

    But -- and this is the thing that matters -- if he stays in the race, he is likely as not going to win, because his last name is what it is and Smith's is, well, Smith. That's all most voters will need. Meanwhile, in the comedores and the towers . . .

    And then we will all be appearing before him and we will all have to call "your honor."

    This is the truth, and you know it in your hearts.

  33. Are You Kidding? Anyone With Kids Know That $1,100 A Month Is A Ridiculously Small Amount

  34. As I said previously, Mr. Carrazana has only been financially supporting his child for 3 months. So what did he do with the $ he was supposed to pay for the 2 yrs he & his ex were separated? The amount of $1,100 was determined by the judge to reflect all of the months Mr. Carrazana failed to pay child support. That's why it was higher than "normal". Additionally, I don't have a problem with someone asking for a modification of an order when their financial situation has changed, as hard times have fallen on us all. But that's not the issue. The issue is Mr. Carrazana is not fit to be a judge as he routinely makes the wrong choices. Ask him about the anger management course he was asked to complete. Ask him what is going on with his child and the custody issues that have come to light. Ask him why he chose to run against Judge Smith instead of running for an uncontested seat. How many bad choices does Mr. Carrazana get to make before we in the legal profession say enough is enough. I never called him a deadbeat dad. I called him a bad candidate to be a judge and quite frankly, a member of the FL Bar.

  35. Hey, 4:30,

    It is "judgement" and not "judgment."


  36. This blog post proves that lawyers will argue about anything. If there are people here who think that Rump is not 100% correct on this, then as a nation we have failed to teach basic morality and how to prioritize. Sometimes in life you have to make hard choices. Voluntarily, and knowingly, giving up a job so you can run for judge against the person you want to run against does not entitle you to reduce the money you spend on your children for their care. GOOD GRAVY this is a sad day that this is even thought debatable.

    And 'judgement' is the way the British spell it. I prefer that way but 'judgment' is the American spelling. And we're in 'Merica.

  37. Bad judgment all around... beginning with representing himself in family court.

  38. Who filed the civil suit against DJ Laz?

  39. He is better off not working for the Panters. They escaped the Florida Bar by having their ambulance chasing father testify that his kids didnt know about his activities. They had Ron Buschbaum try a big case (sailors getting lost in a rental car who were killed by bad guys in a bad neighborhood) The Panters can not try a case. They are like the red headed step child. No jury appeal. They do alot of advertising to get cases and settle quickly.


  40. This all begs the question about Rumpole's competency when it comes to basketball. Like Joe Johnson, who tweeted today that, "Outside of Lebron James and Dwyane Wade, we are a much more talented team", referring to his Brooklyn Nets; Rumpole famously posted:


    Nets in six over your Miami Heat. Take it to the bank.

    One would hope Rump is a better trial attorney than he is a prognosticator.

    Heat Fan

  41. Ask any frequent flyer in PI law and they'll tell you that the Panter brothers are not liked or respected.

  42. Free Alex Michaels!!! Dot com.

  43. Rump, you getting offended about this guy's petition to modify is about as knee-jerk as it gets. And simply not based on any understanding of the family rules or statutes. This is a process and it will all be examined by the Court. It's similar to the knee-jerk reactions we hear of when an accused murderer has the "audacity" to plead not guilty at arraignment and demand a trial.

    And to show how little you know about Carrazana's plight- You know who is praying to God that he campaigns hard and wins the election? His ex-wife.

    If he wins, he'll land a minimum six year gig at 140k per year (which is much more than Panter would pay anyone, EVER) with nice insurance benefits for the little ones. And his child support will be paid via a Income Witholding Order direct to her. She'll collect any arrearages faster than if he simply took your advice and went to work at the PD's office at 50k.

    So stop being so offended for her.

  44. I went to law school with Mitch Panter where he was a great, honorable guy that was very studious. I have referred him cases. His form has done an excellent job, not only accomplishing a great result, but also accomplishing it in a very professional manner. I have only the highest praise for his firm.

    It is a successful law practice which is not achieved by being nothing but high quality.

    If the subject matter was "The Lord" you anonymous wusses would have something negative to say, no matter what the subject matter there is always somebody trying to detract.

  45. I would like to know more about why the Panters were wanting to fire him prior to announcing his candidacy as it sounds like maybe there were other issues. Additionally, per court documents, his ex-wife is a Nurse Practitioner and makes 6 figures herself so I don't think she is hoping he becomes a judge. I think she would tell you that he is a dishonest person who doesn't really seem to care about his child nor about being a good person. The fact that he hasn't financially supported his offspring says a lot about the kind of man he really is. I think she would also tell you that Mr. Carrazana becoming a judge is about the worse thing that could happen and she would gladly support Judge Smith to ensure he wins back his seat.
    Again, the issues I have talked about are all public record and I am not making anything up concerning his character. I think you will see in the coming weeks just how inappropriate Mr. Carrazana is to be a judge but I'll let the doubters be a "judge" for themselves.

  46. Props to The Ren last night for laying out a big free spread food- ginormous chicken wings, tacos, egg rolls, and free draft beers for about 30 min before and after the dolphins were on the clock. Very classy.

  47. Say what you want about the ShumDog but he knows how to put out a spread.

  48. He doesn't allege a substantial change in circumstances, but he does allege that it's an action for the dissolution of a marriage which has already been dissolved by fiat.

  49. Is this the same Miami attorney named Christian Carrranza
    that is involved with Santaria as noted in a recent Miami Herald article.

  50. "taking care of your child" is not synonymous with court ordered child support. And, frankly, earning six figures as a judge is probably in the long-term best interests of that child...

  51. To the person who sent me the long comment and begged me not to post it and said they had no other way to contact me- you can contact me- as it says on the front of the blog- by email=

  52. Is the law firm's position against Carranza filing against an incumbent have anything to do with Judge Sampedro's brother being the 3rd named partner in the firm? I believe the firm is Panter, Panter & Sampedro.

  53. Do you actually preach what you think? Threatening me and my family is not a great way to start your campaign because you were drunk and being a total jerk. Do not appreciate being called a fat ass, slut, bitch etc when I never met you. Best of luck. I can go into more details, but I will save them until you decide to go against me again. To repeat your words. "I will lose or you will have everyone against me." You can try....I have the texts and the police incident report. Enjoy your day.

  54. The Panters are two trolls. I worked there in the past and they are the most vile people to work for. The office manager is a piece of work who is racist and mean. I was young, but not dumb. These people hate everyone except money. Sampedro was said to have targeted Judge Smith and when he saw the heat coming toward his wife from the legal community and the Christian Coalition they got scared and pulled back.

    Regardless, they are all bad news and Judge Smith will win with our help. If not, I will have to revert to my lunch time activities from when I worked at Panter and Panter; pure Bare Necessities.

  55. They have made alot of money but settle stuff cheap. If I settled a quad case I would publicize that I got only 400k

  56. Correction: They have made alot of money but settle stuff cheap. If I settled a quad case I would NOT publicize that I got only 400k in their newsletter.

  57. Mari Sampedro is David Sampedro's sister. Interestingly, she used to do plaintiff's PIP -- which is what Carrazana did -- in partnership with her husband. Her husband still does plaintiff's PIP and - wait for it - Judge Sampedro sits on appellate panels involving PIP appeals from county court. Want to guess which way she swings with her opinions?

  58. He is the same one from the Miami Herald Article on Santeria.

    Below is his Facebook page.

    This is his live in girlfriends page as well.

  59. He can also be found in youtube taping these crazy rituals and rights of passage as he calls it.
    Is this what we can look forward to in the future?
    His religious fanaticism has strained him and all of his relationships. Is he really sane for this job?
    Check out this youtube video... Complete disregard for animals!

  60. Animal cruelty at it's best. Caution may be explicit

  61. Youtube channel with more nonsense
    Awo kolade

    Please stop this man from coming near the bench. He needs a psych eval instead. Anyone up for an involuntary 72 hrs??!!
