Friday, April 18, 2014


Happy Good Friday this 4-18-14, which if you write today's date backwards, you get...4-18-14. 

"Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man....He drew over to him both many of the Jews and the Gentiles...and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross..."
Josephus, The Antiquity of the Jews (93 AD). 

State courts in Miami are closed. The Feds are open.
The Bronx is up. The battery is down. The people ride in a hole in the ground....

Enjoy your Easter Weekend. It's a fresh ham for us on Sunday, a bottle of wine, and watching the Ten Commandments on TV. 


  1. So there was this this guy named Moses who claimed that he delivered the Jews from captivity from a Pharaoh except that there are no contemporeneus credible historical sources to validate this "myth".....except in a book of fairy tale stories beleived mostly by people who only 150 years ago lived in shtls in Eastern Europe


  2. “I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is.”

  3. Uh...we do have the Pyramids.

  4. there are no hieroglyphics or other evidence of it other than the myth.... Josephus verifies the historicity of Jesus and the crucifixion

  5. The pyramids were the ladies employed by the escort service favored by the pharaoh and high-ranking members of his administration.

  6. doing the man's work

  7. Rump, I think I speak for every single person who reads this blog, please stop posting this MC Waste of a life's comments. Some of us also have the internet and don't need a link posting service.

  8. another round of resignations rocks the PDs

  9. gunners come and gunners go
    cysco left his mark at the pdo

  10. You don't speak for me. Speak for yourself. Attack ideas with ideas, and not attack ideas with excommunication. The world of ideas may be too much for you.

  11. "Last Night At Ren" ( (c) Eye On Shumie, 2014) )
    A continuing blurb about the hip hop happenings at Miami's hottest south night club.
