Friday, March 21, 2014


UPDATE: On Thursday Judge Brennan, who previously sentenced the head of crime stoppers to 14 days jail, changed her sentence to....court costs and a 300 word essay!
"I will not eat paper in court....I will not eat paper in court....I will not eat paper in court."

Long time and careful readers of the blog know that among our other varied pursuits, Cosmology holds a special interest for us. 

In the realm of Cosmology, the 64 dollar question is where did the Universe come from? While that might never be answered, the question of what was going on during the first trillionths of that first second of existence has now been answered: INFLATION. Not the kind President Gerald Ford grappled with in 1974-75, but the rapid (twice the speed of light) and uniform inflation of space/time. 

In 1979 a young physicist at Stanford spent a long evening wondering where some of the particles from that first very few moments of the Universe were. He posited that if the Universe rapidly expanded in a uniform manner at twice the speed of light, that would explain the regularity of the observable universe. What could be seen of space was not jagged but uniform. If the theory was correct, then there should be ripples in the fabric of space/time which would have occurred during those first trillionths of seconds when the Universe rapidly expanded. 

Harvard and Smithsonian Astronomers at the South Pole have recently discovered those ripples in the fabric of space/time. Inflation has now been preliminarily confirmed!

Lets take one step back: we've known for some time that everywhere we look the universe has a uniform background temperature.  We also know that the Universe is about 14 billion years old. We also know that the Universe is so large that it would take light 28 billion years to travel from one side to the other. So the Universe doesn't appear to be old enough to have scattered patches of hot and cold to mix and form a uniform temperature. But Inflation solves this conundrum. Think of looking at a hot cup of coffee from a telescope a mile away. Watching the steam rise you can estimate the temperature. Now assume everywhere you look there is a hot cup of coffee with the same amount of steam rising. How could this be if you didn't have enough time to fill the cups of coffee at the same time? This is illustrative of the paradox of the constant temperature of the universe relative to its size. 

But Inflation theory assumes that all the coffee cups were filled from one large pot of coffee almost instantaneously. This solves the paradox. 

The observations from the Harvard/ Smithsonian team need to be duplicated independently and verified. But if and when that occurs, Inflation becomes a fact not a theory with a significance equal to that of special relativity. This is a big deal. 

See you in the cosmos. 


  1. so a young Woody Allen was right ….

    "The universe is expanding"…. (Annie Hall)

  2. What's the point of not sending him to jail? What's the point of sentencing him to jail and then just let him pay court costs -- which I'm sure don't mean anything to this guy -- and get away with what he did. Meanwhile, he violated the Constitution, and destroyed evidence. Court costs will not undo the harm he caused. I thought Brennan had more balls than that...literally!

    1. Whether he gave up the documents or not, the eating the document in court in front if the Judge was contemptuous and should be punished w a few weeks in DCJ

  3. Zzzzzzzzz. Please bring back the Captain

  4. Lawyer bribes judge in justin bieber case? Well, sorta. The miami judge presiding over the justin bieber case accepts a 500 dollar political contribution from famed attorney roy black just one month after he became bieber's attorney. Expert criminal gad fly mike grieco who is familiar with the case says that " this sorta thing happens all the time" and that he is available for tv interviews for further discussion on the topic. Mr black could not be reached for comment.

  5. Universe is 6000 years old; man walked with dinosaur and had baby dinosaurs as pets.

  6. Excuse me, are you in line? Yes I see the thirty other attorneys queued behind you, but I wasnt sure if this was the line. Do you mind if I just cut in ahead of you? Gotta call my case really quick. Just a reset probably. You dont mind right, thanks. Ive actually got other courtrooms to be in.

    Yes judge I'm not sure what page my client is on, can someone look it up. He's here somewhere, I think in the hallway, can the bailiff call out please. But he would like to do the plea colloquy now. We're going to need the interpreter.

    And there's another matter, do you mind if I come sidebar?

    Oh, and I have three other things on calendar judge, just briefly.....

  7. There's absolutely nothing wrong with making a donation to a judge who you practice before.

    End of that story.

    Maybe Roy didn't know that now you can donate $1,000.00 and not just the old cap amount of $500.00.

  8. If i was the bieber's judge I would not have deposited roy's check and hit him up when the case was over. These old timers have lost their edge.

  9. Space. Time. SpaceTime.
    You're freaking me out!!

  10. New round of resignations rocks PDs. Soon it will be Ollie, Henry, Bob, and PD Pete covering all the felony divisions.

  11. 2:32 is hysterical and right on point. Typical old timer bull crap.


    ugly, ugly crime

  13. There is inherent institutional bias against Hispanics and other minorities in our state Court system.Political hacks ascend to the bench then act as if they are smarter than every one around them.The absence of the quality controls that exist in the Federal System require that the state bench be "culled" every few years. This process reminds its members that they are ,like us,captives of the choices they make.If those choices make you vulnerable or put the allegorical "target on their back" from day one so be it.As someone said "This is the life we've chosen".So if judicial power floats your boat buckle the proverbial "chinstrap" and get ready to play.
    Just make sure, however, that you are on the Seahawks squad and not the Broncos.
    As the Honorable Mensch Moie Tendrich would often say "Live by the sword ,die by the sword"

  14. Roy's donation is a non-story if ever there was one. PLENTY of prosecutors, former prosecutors, defense attorneys, etc. support Bill's campaign (as they do many other judges and candidates). None of them expect special treatment. The only ones make a any kid of issue about this are those who support his opponent. It's unfortunate that this is shaping up as another ugly Miami-style campaign already.


  15. The PDs office simply needs to pay more for 5-7 year attorneys. You cannot expect someone to try murder cases for $51K in 2014.

  16. The PDs in ROC make less than $1000 a case, with 20 years + experience under their belts

  17. Brennan is a POS. So who cares.

  18. As a PD who has talked with many of the younger As about their experiences in the office, they all say the same thing: they love the office and wish they could stay, but the pay is simply not enough to deal with the aggravation of the job. Carlos, the legislature and the public have to come to the reality that criminal defense work is essential to our democracy and people need to earn a living wage. The old timers, sure, they are going to stay because the have no where to go. But a 30 year old with 5-10 murder cases under their belt can command to much money on the open market to stick around to earn the paltry salary that the PDs pay.

  19. Why are PDs with 4 years experience handling fist degree Murders?

  20. 5:09pm, the reason 4 year PDs are handling first degree murders is because 6-15 year PDs don't exist. They all quit because they were not compensated fairly. That is the problem. And if you think 4 year PDs shouldn't have first degree murders, in 3 years it will be 2-3 year PDs handling first degree murders and people a couple months out of law school handling 3rd degree felonies. And if you talk to 4-6 year PDs, they will all tell you that they have no business trying first degree murders.
