Thursday, February 06, 2014


RICHARD BARON: You know him as an incredible lawyer, great guy, charitable fellow. Gives his time and money and talent to worthy causes.  And now: FANTASY FOOTBALL LOSER

The following is an email we received from Mr. Baron, paying off his bet to the Honorable Miguel De La O, who is the Justice Building Blog's reigning fantasy football champion. Baron and De La O faced off in the Fantasy Football Finals in the Blog league. This blog post recognizing Hizzoner accomplishment is long over due. 

From Richard Baron:
(this is how he looked just after finding out he was beaten by Judge De La O)

First, trying not to sound ingratiating, I LOVE the BLOG!  It’s clever, insightful, intellectual and funny. I can only imagine the time you spend putting it together, so thank you for my evening fixes.

This email is long overdue.  I had a small wager with Judge De La O as he and I were in the finals of the fantasy football league you ran.  My team was noprobablecause. I really thought I’d take that trophy away from his Honor, and our bet was the loser posts a comment on the blog about the winner’s incredible ability to pick fantasy football teams.  So here goes:

I am a very poor loser. I don’t like losing motions or hearings and I hate losing trials. But even more than losing in the world of jurisprudence, I REALLY hated losing  the final game in my only fantasy football league.  And I lost to a perennial winner, the most honorable Migel de La O.  I really like the Judge; both personally and as a Jurist.  But I can’t stand that he continues to place so high in these leagues.  He doesn’t even look like he knows the difference between a quarter back and a cheerleader.  But does he ever know how to pick the winners in fantasy football.  So here’s to you Judge De La O;  You’re the best fantasy football league player in all of REG and I for one stand up and cheer you for knowing the difference between a quarterback and a cheerleader.  

You can email Richard to further discuss his loss at Judge De La O has graciously set up the account and will monitor it for a while. 

Since we're off law for today....

The amazing novels of acclaimed Japanese writer Haruki Murakami. Start with "A Wild Sheep Chase" and go from there. 

See you in court. 


  1. Richard Baron is one of my heroes and role model. Truly one of the finest human beings I have met. He has made many peoples lives better, and saved a few. Some day he will leave us, having left the world a better place for being born, and me a better person for having met him.

    Which made my victory that much sweeter......

  2. Does DJ Esquire have a comment on the fantasy football championship?

  3. DJ Esquire has a comment on any subject that will get his free publicity.

  4. Are you a member of the media? Do you care about Judge De La O winning a fantasy football contest? Of course you do. Silly question.
    That's where I, Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Grieco, come in. Not only am I a former state prosecutor and defense attorney -- but I'm also available for comment. Right now. Call me. I know I told you last time that I'd only ask once. I was wrong. Whatevs. But, really, last time I'm asking: Let's talk Judge De la O and fantasy football. (Please.)
    --XOXO Michael Grieco

  5. Again

    Dont hate dj esq hate the game. He, tannnenbaum, galanter marcus, eiglarsh ellis rubin, the list goes on and on. Dj learned from his role models. All of them make bucks by self promotion and there is not a thing wrong with it.


  7. Where in the world did you find that picture?

  8. amazing story about Miami "justice"

  9. @10:09

    There is a difference between playing "the game" and utterly embarrassing yourself in front of the judiciary and legal field you practice before. I'd rather scrape out a living and be respected, than to pander to the media for airtime like Grieco.

    Trust me, I represented a very important and influential person last year and saved him from an indictment. I didn't blog details about it, didn't beg for the media to notice me and didn't offer to talk about Justin Bieber because of it. I simply accepted my fee and moved on. And when my client's circle of friends and colleagues finds themselves in a similar situation, they will call me because they have serious lives and can suffer serious consequences. They don't trust that kind of stuff to lawyers with earrings, press kits and a desire to land a case to hope for TV time. They want attorneys to make things "go away," not plaster them in front of the world.

    So Grieco can handle the wannabe rapper from his percocet possession charge on Sobe. I'll take care of the big fish. And not embarrass myself along the way.

  10. If you like the Murakami, proceed to "Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World," "Norwegian Wood" and "Kafka on the Shore." I don't know if I can recommend "1Q84."

  11. 11:32

    10:09 really got a rise outta you.

    that's so dramatic shit your talkin. have a drink or 10

  12. We'll said 11:39. I would not trust my future with someone who obviously cares more about their image than my results.

  13. Congratulations to my most esteemed colleague for a truly struthious victory.
