Friday, November 01, 2013


Dear Rumpole - please post as soon as possible.

It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of my devoted bailiff and dear friend Francisco "Tony" Escobar on October 30, 2013 after a battle with cancer. Tony served as my bailiff for the last 3+ years, and prior to that with Judges Norman Gerstein and Judy Kreeger. In total, Tony served nearly 28 years in our court system. There will be a Celebration of Life in honor of Francisco “Tony” Escobar on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 6:30 P.M. at Miami Lakes Baptist Church located at 6250 Miami Lakes Drive East, Miami Lakes, FL 33014. Tony’s favorite color was red, so please feel free to wear red in his honor.
In addition, please feel free to forward this information, as Tony impacted the lives of generations of people in the legal community.
If you have any questions, please call Janet Samper at (786) 412-0974.

Thank you,
Andrea Wolfson

The jurors have not reached a verdict as of 12:15 Friday afternoon. And a statute book was located in the jury room. Recall that the jury's first question was to ask for a law book, and Judge Murphy told them to rely on the instructions. Well, somehow, someway, over the course of the last two days, some book ended up in the jury room.
Query: would you ask for a mistrial if you were the defense? Or is this your best shot at an acquittal/lesser? Tough call in this case. We will elaborate more when we have a moment.

Although we eschew public transportation in general, and commercial airline travel in particular, there is good news for those of you who stand in line like cattle, taking off your shoes, raising your arms over your head, spinning like a top, paying extra money to take you luggage with you and paying hundreds of dollars to squeeze into a middle seat that would even make Twiggy uncomfortable: you will now be able to keep reading your Kindle, watching your video, and playing games on your I-Pad for the entire duration of the flight. The FAA has decided that Angry Birds will not interfere with the flight controls of the 777 you are flying on.

VERDICT WATCH: We predict there will be a verdict today in the case involving the murder of Sean Taylor,  and as long time and careful readers of the blog know, we eschew Friday verdicts whenever possible. 

Enjoy your weekend. See You In Court. 


  1. Dear Rumpole - please post as soon as possible.

    It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of my devoted bailiff and dear friend Francisco "Tony" Escobar on October 30, 2013 after a battle with cancer. Tony served as my bailiff for the last 3+ years, and prior to that with Judges Norman Gerstein and Judy Kreeger. In total, Tony served nearly 28 years in our court system. There will be a Celebration of Life in honor of Francisco “Tony” Escobar on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 6:30 P.M. at Miami Lakes Baptist Church located at 6250 Miami Lakes Drive East, Miami Lakes, FL 33014. Tony’s favorite color was red, so please feel free to wear red in his honor.
    In addition, please feel free to forward this information, as Tony impacted the lives of generations of people in the legal community.
    If you have any questions, please call Janet Samper at (786) 412-0974.

    Thank you,
    Andrea Wolfson

  2. I love it when you use big words like "eschew."

  3. Former ASA here.

    Rubin should offer a plea immediately. This idiot would accept 25 years with CTS for 6 years. The case has no DNA, no physical evidence, no eyewitnesses who could ID him and all the other "sexy" stuff that jurors in the CSI era expect. And if a jury wont buy the validity of a videotaped confession, then how can you get four more convictions? The other defense attorneys will benefit more by this trial than the State will.

    Maybe I'm just Monday Morning quarterbacking here, but maybe not.

    Maybe the police departments will get smart and eliminate the "pre-interview" once and for all.




    And your next Governor of Florida is

    Possibly the last Governor of Florida, Charlie Crist.

    That's because today, November 1, 2013, Crist officially filed as a Democrat to run for Governor in 2014.

    Cap Out .....

  5. Hey Former ASA, thanks for the laugh. How many homicides have you handled? You don't make policy decisions on one case. One jury's struggles with this case (which, frankly, are beyond the comprehension of anyone remotely familiar with the case), aren't going to sway anybody.

  6. There's nothing so gloomy as......

    (send in your responses)

  7. Big Fall Weekend here.
    And big fall weekends mean big fall fashion for enterprising young men about town and the debs they are pursuing.
    Here are some trends the up to date fashion conscious gentleman is considering:

    Cuffed Pants: Though cuffed denim and brown oxfords are the resounding weapon of choice, we saw ankle-bearing styles in velvet, wool—even cotton sweatpants, paired with everything from minimal dress shoes to loud high-top sneakers.

    Camo: From traditional bright green and olive tones to deconstructed interpretations on the print, camo has officially traveled from the runway to the streets.

    Burgundy: Another runway trend that's been embraced in subtle ways (like shoes and accessories) as well as in statement-making pieces.

    But for the SoBe man about town, we like the classic chino pant, or elegant white linen, with a beautiful tasseled loafer, and a casual-elegant plaid shirt, worn out in a sort of rakish -devil -may-care- I'm just back from the club- style.

    Remember- it's more important to look good, than be good.

