Sunday, November 24, 2013


Survivor pool: Three players including Rumpole have picked the Lions, at home, over the Bucs. We are awaiting Lurvey's pick. 

UPDATE: Lurvey picked the Texans. In the 4th quarter of both games, both teams are losing. In the event the Lions and Texans lose, all players will play next week and we will institute a tie breaker, probably calling the score of the MNF game, closest to the actual score wins. 

We are also racing for a plane so we will update the post when we land in .....we are we going again? 
Oh yeah, it's classified. 

If the plane has wi-fi we'll update the post earlier. 

See You In Court after Thanksgiving. 


  1. What a bunch of malarkey. If everyone is out today then re-instate the last five people as well. Me included. Everyone knows Dallas should have won that game I picked. I am the best. This so called survivor pool is now tainted for ever because of your complete mismanagement.This stinks. Lurvey gets to pick last every week? What is that about? Another suspicious occurrence. I should pick for Weisman. I would have picked Tampa. EVeryone knows Tampa would win today. You stink. Re instate me. I demand it.

  2. Rumpole is Lurvey obviously.

  3. No. shumie is Lurvey and Rumpole is shumie. Wait...if Rumpole is Lurvey and Weisman picked Tampa then....wait wait...Colby picked Lurvey then ....wait....oh forget it.

  4. Remember when:

    Judge Ana Maria Carnesoltas. What a nut job. Crazy on the bench, she was.

    Lost an election years ago. Moved to Seminole, FL. Been in all kinds of trouble with the Bar over there. Now suspended for practicing while suspended.

    Remember her famous quotes about Cuban men? They were bad as Jeri Beth Cohen's famous line that if you sent all the Cubans back, the jails would be empty.

    Those girls in robes....gotta love em.

  5. I was in front of Ana Maria Carnesoltas. A Lovely Lady off the Bench.
    But when the Robe was on, WOW
    Mr. Zizellman
    I Know when Men Lie, especially Cuban Men.....
