Friday, October 04, 2013


The first Monday in October is coming up, and we know what that means: The corn chowder chili soup is back on the menu at Au Bon Pain in the REGJB. And the Supreme Court is back in session too. 

Just read the blog and we'll tell you all you need to know about the Supremes. Prediction: Justice Kennedy will be the swing vote on an important case. 
Prediction: Justice Thomas will write at least one 8-1 dissent. 
Prediction: Justice Scalia will write some acerbic comment that gets some publicity. 

How do we know all this will happen? It's just a gift. 

Here's a disturbing case about a Tampa police sergeant fabricating a DUI arrest of a lawyer to help another lawyer during a big law suit. The article is here.  But what do prosecutors/judges say when we accuse a police officer of fabricating evidence?   "Why would this office put his salary and career on the line for some arrest of a defendant he doesn't know?" 
Because cops sometimes lie and we don't always know the reasons motivating them. That's why. 

There was gunfire near the Capital on Thursday in Washington, DC. But that had absolutely nothing to do with the number of handguns in the US. The disturbed woman tried to ram her car through the White house gates. The Republican response: Presidents should be armed in the future. It's also fun to note that the Capital police responded to the incident, which probably has a whole lot of Tea Party politicians pissed off, because as we all know, they think government should be smaller and do less for its citizens. 

A beautiful fall weekend is upon us. Get out and enjoy it. See you in court Monday. 


  1. To say cops sometimes lie is understated, to say the least. When did you ever defend someone in a criminal case where a cop did not lie? That is the real question. Knock off the sugar coating bullshit and tell it like it is.

  2. Remember the Coral Springs cops who were caught on tape fabricating a DUI/Resisting arrest?

    Both not prosecuted.

    One cleared and other given a "time out."

    This is why many of us don't trust cops.

  3. At this point in Reagan's second term, he had dealt with the govt being shut down by the Dems (wait for it) 6 times.

  4. "But that had absolutely nothing to do with the number of handguns in the US." What a stoopid comment Rump. Especially when you follow it with the real reason for the whole situation yesterday. "The DISTURBED WOMAN tried to ram her car through the White house gates."

    That's like saying "Our offense is great, we scored 11 touchdowns. We were playing Savannah State."

    Circle K

  5. I can understand the cop being fired but don't understand why the cop and the others involved in the setup are not being prosecuted. This is corruption and misuse of authority take to the extreme degree.

  6. Just read that DUI story. The Florida Bar should revoke the law license of the idiot attorney that colluded with the Tampa police to arrest his opposing counsel.

  7. Lets look at the facts.


    And that means......A) Handguns are hard to get and this was just one of those very rare, unfortunate circumstances or...

    B) Handguns are so easy to get that even a woman who has lost her mind has one.

    This isn't an SAT test, but which of the two seem more likely?

  8. Both the Florida Bar and all internal affairs departments live for the same purpose: Protecting their own.

    The only time the Bar goes after someone is when it's a political hot potato (or trust violation).

    How often do we see IA actually do their job?

  9. Ain't nothin better than a hand rolled shumie cigar, a cold beer, and college football on TV all day and half the night.

  10. Anybody else deal with that Putzy new ASA who's wearing the fake Naval Academy Ring and likes to insinuate he was a CIA agent? The guy is so nutty and delusional I wonder how the state hired him? He is scary out there.

  11. 6:21 p.m., what courtroom is that ASA In?

  12. 8:58 p.m., the disturbed woman did NOT have a handgun, just like Aaron Alexis did not have an AR -15 either, despite the shoddy reporting by rhe media.

  13. My son got arrested twice in one month for personal use marijuana. He is a HS grad and a good kid who just like smoking weed.

    The cases are set before two different Judges, does he need a lawyer since they are his first offense ever?

    Please some advice asap.

  14. yea 7:30, your son needs a lawyer, a good lawyer

  15. So outlsw guns or make it harder for law abiding citizens to get a gun. And I guess you obviously know when she got the gun, how she got the gun and, if she got it legally, whether she was disturbed at that time.

    Drugs kill more people than guns do (actually, people with guns. If guns killed people there would be mass killings at every gun show) and you would argue to make it easier/legal for people to get drugs and not punish drug users and dealers with prison or min/mans.

    You are so inconsistent in all your logic.

    Circle K

  16. 7:30, your son should have a lawyer...but not Rumpole, for heaven's sake

    Circle K
