Wednesday, September 11, 2013


There's an oft repeated sarcastic joke that the best judges go to civil court because in criminal court  they deal with life and death but in civil court they deal with important things like money. 

It's a warped view of the judiciary, but one apparently heartily endorsed by Pam Biondi, Florida's Attorney General who successfully asked Governor Scott to postpone the execution of Marshall Lee Gore because (we couldn't make this up if we tried) the date of the execution conflicted with Biondi's kick-off campaign re-election fundraiser. 

Has any other public official in Florida taken such a candidly heartless view of human life and more crudely put their personal interests above their obligations as a public official? 
And how does Scott and Biondi's voracious support of bills designed to speed up execution dates square with their decision to delay an execution to raise money? 
The Tampa Bay Times article is here. 

We cannot thing of a more self centered, truly disgusting act that any public official in Florida has done in the last few decades. Biondi's lack of judgment (and Scott's for that matter) give us a clear window into their dark souls: They care more about being re-elected than solemnly discharging the awesome responsibility of overseeing executions in Florida. If these two money grubbers care so little about when Gore is executed,  just how much confidence do we have in Scott and Biondi's consideration and denial of Gore's petition for clemency prepared so ably by our own Todd Scher? If they will play bingo with Gore's  execution date, did they really consider clemency? And while we are against the death penalty, we wonder how the relatives of Gore's victim's feel about the delay in Gore's execution? 

The whole sordid mess is disgusting. 



  1. Why no comments---because its true. Funny how the truth seems to shut up numerous wisenheimers in the prosecution group.

  2. Am I the only one who has noticed that while our circuit court judges are great here, the county guys leave a lot to be desired. Sure we have Ortiz and Krieger-Martin who have been courteous, kind, and consistent for years. But we also have some ill-tempered ignorant jerks in the form of Newman, Seraphin, and Hague. Judges who yell at an attorney for having the gall to be in another court room when theirs is far more important. The same judges who yell at you for not being on time, also let you stand in a line that stretches out the door without having the decency to call you out of turn when you ARE on time. Judges who lack common sense and patience and truly have no business on the bench. If somehow their legal acumen could bail them out, but none of these 3 have any. They need to go.

  3. Pam Biondi; Sister of famed olympic gold medalist, Matt Biondi.

  4. Whats the big deal? This murdering scumbag gets to eat a few more meals at taxpayer expense. He is going to get excuted so who cares about a few more weeks when it has been over 25 years.

  5. She's not a prosecutor she's a political nimrod who has never tried a case by herself. Unfortunately it looks like no one will run against her.

  6. Boy is 3:22 pm right. Fred will get opposed at next election.i'm tired of his making me wait in line and weird comments.

  7. 3:52 pm, the AG is Bondi, not Biondi.
