Saturday, September 21, 2013


WE CALLED IT!Blogger Rumpole said...

If I really had guts I'd pick the Texans over the Ravens at Baltimore in the survival pool. And don't be shocked if the never say die Cleveland Browns pulls out the shocking upset of the week in Minnesota.

Sunday, September 22, 2013 12:58:00 PM

We wanted to post the survivor pool picks as early as possible as most players are choosing Seattle over Jacksonville. Currently we have selected the Broncos over the Raiders, but that could change before 1pm. 

UPDATED SURVIVOR POOL: NOTE ONE MAJOR CHANGE- Plea D emailed us and said the week was boring and changed their pick from Seahawks to....Vikings. The rest as they say, is history and so is Plea D from this year's Survivor Pool. David O Markus (he picked the Seahawks- we checked the emails) and Dan Lurvey  (he responded by picking the Broncos tomorrow night) have yet to make their picks as of Sunday night at 7:45 PM. They are down to choosing from Bears/Steelers or Raiders/Broncos. 

Our picks: Take the JAGs +16 in Seattle. Heavy rain keeps it close. Take the Colts +10 1/2 on the road in San Fran. We like the Giants +2 1/2 against the Panthers who stink, the J...E...T....S.. -2 at home over the Bills - we love the Jets  D, and the Pack +1 on the road in Cincy against the Bengals who just aren't as good as people think  they are. 

Coming Monday: Prognosis Negative!


  1. Denver. Seattle. Seattle. Denver. Can't decide. I would generally pick Seattle but the possibility of picking an equally safe pick with Denver at home with almost the entire league picking Seattle- and the potential upside of being one of two or three survivors of a JAX upset appears very very tempting. Hmm...

  2. FYI- it's going to rain heavily in Seattle today.

  3. If I really had guts I'd pick the Texans over the Ravens at Baltimore in the survival pool. And don't be shocked if the never say die Cleveland Browns pulls out the shocking upset of the week in Minnesota.

  4. Rump- Browns 17- Vikes 14 in 2nd Q. YOU DA MAN.

  5. If there's one thing that's a FF trend so far, there aren;t any offensive rookies worth anything other than a 12-13 rd pick. No rookie QB WR or RB has shown themselves to be anything other than the 200+ best player in the league. In a ten person league, even after 100 picks what rookie justifies a pick? Maybe Maybe Gio Bernard in Cincy, but if last week was a flash in the pan, them no way.

  6. The game is on
    The fins are great
    when the day is done
    the falcons will frown
    as that's another Miami Dolphins' FIRST DOWN!

  7. Rumpole. a question for you and your readers. I have some GF troubles. We both look very good. I am a weightlifter with about 9% body fat when I am not training for a competition. 6Pack, etc. She is smoking hot and we are very compatible privately. Like a few times a day on the weekends and at least once a day during work week. The issue is that when we are out and I am not training, I will drink an apple-tini. I am not a jock. I have no idea and could care less if the dolphins center scores free throws or not. I am excessively neat and tidy. In sum, she gets embarrassed by me because I am not macho in my mannerisms in public. I am soft spoken. I like the arts and opera and follow the exhibits are the Met in New York. I like culture. I don't drink beer and curse and sweat. I am a workout fiend but when I am done I wear very nice clothing and believe I am very cultured. As I said- I turn her on in private- but in public she wants me to order a beer and burger and ask the bartender the score of the game, when I am happy with a nice wine, a small salad and some salmon and reading the Sunday Times Arts section and book review.

    Any advice?

  8. Break up with your girlfriend and get the boyfriend you deserve.

  9. Fake Felix:

    Here's my advice--read another blog.
