Friday, August 30, 2013


The last summer vacation is upon us and we will be spending this long weekend at our favourite spot, by the ocean, in a hammock, with a cooler beneath us, and a radio beside us and a book in our lap. 

ASA Kristi Bettendorf reitres Friday after 35 years, many of them ably running the pre-filing unit. 
From a comment yesterday:
Anonymous said...

Kristi Bettendorf will retire, as of tomorrow, after 35 years at the SAO. She is one of the few remaining of the "old guard" from the days of Janet Reno. For over two decades she has supervised the Felony Screening Unit and other divisions of the SAO. Among her duties were PTI referrals and expungements.

Kristi trained her ASA's well and did not let them abuse their positions.

Those who practice criminal defense know her door was always open. She took your calls or met with you, listened to your pitch and made an informed and legal decision. Her answer was not always yes, but she always told you her reasons for saying no, and they were never retributive or delivered in a confrontational manner....
FANTASY FOOTBALL: Just a few spots left. Draft Monday evening. to try and nab one of the last remaining spots. 

Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen: It just feels like a Nietzsche in German weekend. 

Enjoy your long weekend. 
See you in court Tuesday ready to finish up the year!


  1. Aptly stated Rump, she has always been a firm advocate for her office yet fair. Never has been inaccessible nor arbitrary. Lastly, she always teamed up with top notch secretaries

  2. No comment on the anniversary of infamous incident at Christy's? Where an unlit cigar, some thrown mashed potatoes and a few to many drinks turned a night out to eat into a riot Miami will never forget? Once the law suits started flying every member of Miami's elite said they were there. It became a badge of honor to say you had a suit or dressed ruined in the Christy's melee. Waiters were pulling anchovies (from the famous Christy's caesar salads) from the chandeliers for days afterwards.

    The lawsuits were consolidated before Judge Solomon who once said in an offhanded remark that he was shocked beyond pale at the specifics of the allegations, leading him to seal the file until 2010. But since then the clerk's office says they can't find the file. Why am I not surprised? Too many power brokers don't want their names revealed in that mess.

  3. Nushin Sayfie moves to full admin duties next week. Recently appointed Judge Robert Luck takes her division.

    He sat in with her this week and I watched as he called his first full arraignment calendar today. Handled himself well, respectful, picked up on procedure quickly, made fair and fast decisions.

  4. Kristi was my division chief many years ago. Total class act.

    Now that I defend, I have had numerous very nice dealings with her and found her to be the same decent and smart person she was when she was my boss.

    I hope she enjoys her retirement.

  5. Cant wait for the new pynchon to come out ina few weeks

  6. down goes tebow on a dude

  7. maybe now the FIP will get a bit more reasonable.
