Wednesday, May 08, 2013


The FACDL celebrates 50 years this Saturday night with it's annual banquet.  And when banquet time comes, so comes the changing of the guard. A new FACDL President comes in, and the old one leaves. 
For those of you who do not remember a world without Starbucks, you might want to ask some of your older colleagues who Daniel Pearson or Harry Prebish was.  It might surprise you to learn that criminal defense attorneys were standing up for the accused well before there were cell phones or computers or cafe lattes. 

Dear Membership:
Once again I find myself  breaking listserv etiquette and begging the Membership’s indulgence as I take this executive privilege to offer a farewell from my position as President of FACDL-Miami.
Ideally, I would like to take a page from one our past presidents, Judge Hirsch, and eloquently quote Shakespeare, or at the very least select a poignant and apropos quote from Lincoln. Sadly, I have resigned myself to the fact that the more appropriate quote is from one of Lincoln’s significantly more mediocre successors. So, much like Ulysses S. Grant, I leave the presidency assuring all that “my failures have been in judgment, and not of intent.”
While there were many challenges this year and I often found myself chasing accomplishments on an ever-moving horizon, it was absolutely a fulfilling pursuit. I entered this office with one paramount and all consuming goal- to build upon the success of my predecessors, and leave this organization stronger, and more influential, than I accepted it. I don’t presume to offer an opinion on whether I was successful in this endeavor; I will leave that assessment to the talk in the halls and the posts on the blog. I will, however, say that it has been my great pleasure and my great honor to lead this organization.
I thank my Board for all of their hard work, and I thank the membership for their continued dedication to our chosen and important profession. I look forward to seeing you all a week from tomorrow at the 50th Anniversary Banquet where I will officially hand the reins over to my deserving and capable successor, Eddie Pereira. Thank you again.  
Very Truly Yours, 
Jude M. Faccidomo, Esquire
FACDL-Miami, President

Well said and well done Mr. Faccidomo. 
As Judge Hirsch might have said:
"Leave them wanting more."


  1. See the paper today....

    Murder defendant spits at Gail Levine.

    I've wanted to do that to her for years.

  2. I, too, have wanted to do the same to Gail Levine for many years now. I understand (have heard from many who work with her) she is not very well liked by her peers either. I don't know how she can live with herself and can sleep at night with what she does in the courtroom. The things she does to get a conviction are unbelievable!

  3. You are a class act 8:03, just like the double murderer!


  4. What does Nixon have to do with Jude The Hit Man Faccidomo? Did Jude resign?

  5. No prosecutor deserves to be spit on for doing her job - thank goodness Gail is there to prosecute this murdering thug.

    That being said...I do not think Gail can say good morning to a complete stranger without that person feeling an urge to spit on her.

    Therein lies the difference between civilized people like lawyers, judges, children, postman, nuns, baristas, and others, who all feeling the urge to spit at Gail, do not, and the out of control murderers among us.

    Good work Gail - I thank you for putting this guy away.

  6. 8:03--your a fool. This county needs more prosecutors like her. Both sides each have their own job to do. Although Gail pushes the envelope sometimes, I have never seen her do anything unethical. I want a zealous advocate representing the State in the worst of the worst cases. Her cases are a little bit different than some county court ASA pushing for 364 on a resisting is all relative. Also--what kind of jerk celebrates one of our colleagues--either state or defense--getting spit on. You should go home and reevaluate your mental health.

  7. I take serious issues with Gail's antics. Although I would never spit on her, even though I have wanted to at times, I certainly wouldn't pull over to help her if she had a flat tire. If I saw her being robbed, I wouldn't testify in the trial of the accused. The thing is with Gail is that she doesn't need to push the envelope. Capital cases are stacked for the state so high that all she needs to do is her job. Ried Rubin is the best prosecutor in that building and perhaps the best Capital prosecutor in the State and he conducts himself with grace and dignity. No one has anything bad to say about him and he too puts the bad guys away for life.

  8. It is I, His Royal Magristracy,

    Richard Nixon was the most ethical President that this country has ever seen. There I Command that he be ressurected and immediatley reinstated as President.

    I also command that thou shall follow me on twitter, "Judge Nebuchadnezzar" @prickjudge. I am Thee Almighty Judge Cueto and My rulings are SOVEREIG.

  9. 1:18 pm--The fact that you wouldn't testify against a person who hypothetically robbed Gail Levine--just because she is Gail Levine says more about your character than anything else. We all have gone up against attorneys on both sides of the aisle whose tactics we don't like. Nevertheless, We all live in this community together. It sickens me that so many people--likely member if the bar--have thought or wished about spitting on Levine. The "pro-Gail Levine Spit" commentators on here really need to have their heads examined--regardless of your thoughts on Levine's tactics in a case.

  10. 332, BTDT

    You need your effin head checked because it's so far up Gail's ass you got dung in your brain. Btw what's with the corny community speeches and God help your client's if your defense attorney, hopefully your in civil.

  11. 125 am--there is a rationale argument. Because I think we should be above the idea of celebrating or supporting a fellow lawyer being spit on by a defendant who has been convicted by a jury of killing at least two people, my clients are in need of God's help. That doesn't make a lot if sense. With respect to Your comments about my head, Gail Levine's ass, and "dung," I think you miss my point. My point is, no one deserves to be spit on--prosecutor, defense attorney, or the defendant himself. They idea that any of my colleagues would celebrate that act offends me. If that makes me less of a good advocate for my client in your eyes, than I don't know what to say to you....other than I feel sorry for you and wish you would grow up. Finally, respect to your question about my "Horny community" speeches, all I can say is that I think most of our colleagues believe that we work in a community here. Thus, although I think your comment is repugnant and offensive, if I saw you being robbed--I not only would testify against the accused--but I would stop and try and help you. Good luck.
