Saturday, May 11, 2013


Foster children start out with more strikes against them then most of us deal with in our entire life. Imagine growing up without parents, or being taken away from your parents because of abuse and spending your childhood in a never ending succession of stranger's homes until one day you turn 18 and you are out on your own, with no support network, no family to help you, and limited job skills. 

The sadness and the indignities these kids suffer is almost unimaginable. And as these kids are uprooted and shuffled from foster home to foster home, the kids suffer one more indignity: they gather their meager belongings in a trash bag. Could there be any more sad statement about their lives then having to move the few things they own in a garbage bag? What kind of message does this send to these children? 

Someone finally said "enough". 

The Florida State  Foster/Adoptive Parents Association is organizing a "Duffles for Kids Drive". 
What a great idea! At least now when these children are forced to move to another foster home, they can gather their belongings in a duffle bag and move with a little dignity. A small gesture which will go a long way to help reinforce in these children that they are not garbage and that they mean something and have dignity. 

There is a walk to raise money next Saturday, May 18, 2013, at Parrot Jungle. 
The Herald article that brought this to our attention is here. 

But you can also go to the website here and just scroll to the bottom and click the "donate now"  button and donate through Pay Pal. 

Take a few minutes today. Spend twenty bucks. And help an innocent child. No more garbage bags for kids. These children are  not garbage and this is such a simple problem to solve. This blog gets about 3.000 hits a day. If 500 people donate 20 bucks, $10,000 dollars buys a lot of duffle bags, and more importantly sends a message to each child that despite their tough start in life, people care about them. Children aren't garbage. They shouldn't have to more their belongings in garbage bags. 

Have a good weekend. 


  1. Couldn't agree more Rump. In honor of the Heat victory, in Chicago last night, and their 2-1 lead, I'll give $40, one for each win this series.

    Go Heat. Go Bloggers. Give from the heart.

    Heat fan

  2. Somehow I think all of us criminal defense lawyers need to do something to help foster kids.

    I will buy a few duffle bags.

  3. Great cause. Donating now.


  4. Rumpy. I guess the chief of the classless Lebron James isn't living up to your feelings. Here is what he said after game three.

    For (Bosh) to have 19 rebounds, and for Norris to come off the bench and defend the way he did against Nate and also contribute offensively -- a big-time drive in the fourth and a big-time 3 as well," James said. "Those two guys were the reason we won the game."

    Nothing but class from the four time MVP.

  5. A geesel from the south beach altacocker dandy.

  6. I'm in $100 bucks.It's not much but it's what I can afford at the moment.

  7. Facdl Banquet tonight. Memories from years past:

    The infamous seafood pasta night 198_something, when half the criminal defense bar hadn't recovered from food poisoning by Monday.

    The late 1990's electric slide competition when the Judges from Probate always seemed to win.

    Roy Black and Joel Hirschon's duet of Billy Joel's "I am an innocent Man."

    Delores being given a ticket and a cab ride and crashing the party.

    Fred Nesbitt's famous Conga line-with Calvin Mapp always in the rear.

    The secret raffle-losers sat at Joel Brown's table (ouch).

    Looking forward to tonight.

  8. "Those two guys were the reason we won the game." Oh, come on! The refs were why the Heat won the game. This NBA is as real as pro rassling.

  9. Omg rumpole. At Facdl at vizcaya. Some genius decided to hold it outside. A sweat fest!!

  10. Rumpole props to Judge Hirsch who received the Justice Kogan Judicial Courage Award. He actually gave a very short and moving acceptance speech.

  11. Yeah but he also managed to quote Thucydides, Guy D'Maupassant, Ernie Banks (lets play two!), Alf Landon, Maya Angelou, Lou Costello, and Jay Z all in the same few paragraphs.

    But good job Milt.

  12. Flare ‏@MegsFlares 18 Feb
    Anyone seen shumie?

  13. Had to leave early last night. Who won the limbo contest?

  14. It will be interesting to see if Galanter falls on the sword to help OJ. I think his ego is too big to admit he was ineffective and had a conflict of interest. I know for a fact that he never charged OJ for the battery case tried here. He is the modern day Ellis Rubin, taking high pub cases for free, hoping for press. Like his rep of one of the Joyce Cohn co defs.
