Thursday, March 07, 2013


Bit of a slow blogging week for us. 

DOM reports that the Khan/Paki terrorist trial finally ended with a conviction against the single, albeit main defendant. 

Are you regularly checking Former 3rd DCA Chief Judge  (and former REGJB Judge) Juan Ramirez's appellate law update blog? You should. 

A divorce case with the following attorneys/law firms: Akerman, Senterfitt, Former Justice Gerald Cope, Maury Kutner and Cynthia Greene, and if that wasn't enough- throw in an appearance by Boies, Schiller. All over a measly 160 million. Really guys, you can't find anything more interesting to fight about? See the 3rd DCA opinion in Schecter v. Schecter here.  (H/t South Florida and his minions.) 

What's occupying DC these days? The possible use of drone strikes on US citizens on US soil. It's coming folks. One day it will happen. And should it occur somewhere in the neighborhood of 12th street and 12th avenue, so much the better. 

A former mukety muck emailed us about the quality of private attorney representation versus public defenders. Here's the ABA article with the headline that murder defendants fare better with PDs than private lawyers. And based on the quality of representation we see- the headline is correct.  (H/t Muckety-Muck).

See you in court, watching the skies as we amble on it. 

Trivia: "Watch the skies" was the original working title for the movie ET. 


  1. As a former prosecutor, I always felt the PDs office did a much better job of training their lawyers. As a former criminal division judge I still feel that way. I would tell defendants that if they had to actually pay for the quality of representation they received by an APD, they wouldn't be able to afford it.

  2. Great Lakes Reinsurance v. Branam confirms my belief that Spencer Eig is the worst judge in this district. Or, at least tied for first with Abby Cinnamon. We can only implore Judge Soto to reassign these incompetent boobs to other divisions where they can do less harm.

  3. While I agree that many of the APD's who handle homicides are better than many, if not most, private attorneys, you're taking that ABA article out of context. The article discusses a DOJ study comparing COURT APPOINTED attorneys to APDs, not all private attorneys to APDs. Further, the issues appeared to be less about the quality of the lawyer than the resources available to the court appointed attorneys relative to those available to APDs.


  4. eig is the fucking worst.

    1. He's not The worst! He's just a mysogynistic weirdo without an agenda. I'll take him over Rosa Rodriguez or Jackie Scola any day

  5. by in large, the public defenders give better representation on all criminal cases than the majority of private attorneys. It is not just limited to murder cases.

  6. NOTHING NEW. Cap lit in FLA PD11 is the BEST. EDITH and her team are tenatious , dedicated and Talented Attorneys.

  7. Phil is with Regional- a poor persons backup PD's office. And he has the worst possible case- and look at what he has done to the State. Give me Edith or Phil any day over guys looking to charge a 100K and plea it out or ct appointed hacks looking to cash their 5K checks after a quick plea.

  8. Obviously, the private bar probably does a better job when it comes to misdemeanors and C cases (which is ironically where the bulk of the money is made). The PDs are too inexperienced at that point and their case loads to high to be effective. But once you get to B, A and Murder cases, the PDs office runs circles around the private bar.

  9. Not for nothing, but strong rumor in the building is that the Real Fake Former Judge has the Kavorka- the lure of the animal. Very sad news.

  10. Any comment on what hack Scalia said "1965 Voting Rights Act is a perpetuation of racial entitlement". If I'm not mistaken a certain individual said that my concern about blatant and subtle racism in America's Judicial system is "A conspiracy". Seeing that Scalia confirmed what I iterated, any remarks ? I don't think it gets any blunter than that. I know the truth I just like to see how nimrods and people in denial who make all kinds of downplay cliches, address this blatant statment.

  11. Phil is a great Atty also. RCA has a good team , Just like PD11

  12. How many possible U.S. constitutional violations here? Be thankful you live here.

    "Executions of 7 Saudis postponed for week

    Mar 5, 8:49 AM (ET)


    RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - A Saudi security official says executions of seven Saudis sentenced to death by crucifixion and firing squad have been postponed for a week.

    He said King Abdullah would review the sentences. He met families of the seven on Sunday.

    The official said on Tuesday that the ruler of the southwestern province of Asir, Prince Faisal bin Abdel Aziz, ordered the postponement. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

    The seven were juveniles at the time they were arrested for armed robbery, a capital offense in Saudi Arabia. One told The Associated Press by telephone from prison that they were tortured to force confessions and barred access to lawyers.

    Human rights groups called on the Saudi government to cancel the executions."

  13. Captain...

    Can you please post a link to the Complaint in Datran v Hirsch?


  14. Migna Migna Migna Migna Migna Migna Migna Migna Migna Migna Migna Migna Migna Migna Migna Migna

  15. 1:00am, Bullshit Rosa Rodriguez seems to be the only Judge in this damn building with intellectual and common sense, oh yeah she IS NOT subtlety racist AT ALL. Seems to be the only judge who doesn't treat minorities with disrespect and disdain. She is definitely magnanimous in my logical, and realistic opinion.

  16. What the fuck is going on in Firtel? It is a shit show!!!

  17. You are wrong, Rumpole. It was Night Skies.

  18. Don't go looking for help from the 3RD DCA with an IAC claim or to have a case reversed for a new trial. All you will get is right wing justice. Try doing a West Law search and see how few criminal cases are reversed for a new trial. Maybe someday things will change.
