Friday, February 01, 2013


We've been tweeting our Super Bowl picks. If you followed us on Twitter you'd be getting the mortal locks before anyone else. 

Good Friday  Saturday morning. Today is the first  second day of the second month of 2013. 

Super Bowl: The long awaited, much anticipated, guaranteed super bowl locks are coming soon. Stay tuned and check back often (because it increases our stats with Google.) 

Some of you are recovering from a hangover courtesy of the Bench and Bar mixer last  two nights ago at Tobacco Road. No, that was not the Chief Judge on a table doing the Macarena. 

If you don't know who US District Court Judge John Gleeson of the EDNY is, you need to go to DOM's blog and read Judge Gleeson's ruling and criticism on the application of the federal guidelines to run of the mill drug cases. 

Answer to last week's trivia question: "Who swore in Janet Reno for her last term as State Attorney"? was the question no one answered. According to the guest blogger who prepared the trivia challenge, the answer is none other than former Circuit Court Judge Herb Klein. 

What job would you rather have?
You're a circuit court judge (A rather large stretch for most of our readers including your humble blogger) and on the same day that the Governor calls and offers you an appointment to the 3rd DCA, the White House calls offering you an appointment as a United States District Court Judge. Which one do you accept? 

How about this: A seat on the Florida Supreme Court versus the 11th Circuit? 

A little winter weather has arrived in South Florida for the weekend. Enjoy. 


  1. USDC over third....BUT FSC over 11th.

  2. Federal no matter what. I don't want Floridians deciding if I should be retained.

  3. 11th wins because you have to live in Tally for the FSC gig.

  4. Putting aside the lifetime appointment and pay differential, I would stay stateside across the board. Being a federal judge is probably incredibly boring. You are a slave to Pacer. LIke being locked in a mausoleum with nothing but double dipping retired state cops walking around in grey pants and blue blazers dizzy eyed from staring at people's driver's licenses all day and asking "Do you know where you are going?"

  5. Any Federal bench slot over an FL bench slot. Not just that you have better pay and lifetime job security, unless you seriously mess up, but look at all the FL min mans, attacks on Courts by the GOP, etc.

  6. 6:54: agreed. USDC and FSC

  7. Judge Gleason is the former auas whho proscuted Gotti. He is as fine of a judge as I have ever been in front of. I have had both civil and criminal cases before him and if every judge has his intelligence and judical temperment the practice would be much much better.

  8. Have you seen the size of Moreno's office? FEDERAL all the way, even thought I hate the FEDS.

  9. Judge Hurley left the Third DCA to be a federal district judge. Judge Barkett left the Florida Supreme Court to sit on the Eleventh Circuit. I don't know of anyone every going the other way.

  10. Very interesting point 3:36. It had to have happened somewhere, sometime in the US but I have never heard of it. Lot to do with the pay and lifetime appointment. If the Fed judges had to be re-nominated every 5 years and the state judges had lifetime appiointments, it would go the other way.

  11. Parker Schnable of Gold Rush on Discovery is the coolest cat on TV, and now comes word that the So. Be Altacocker might just be his newest investor for next year's Alaskan Gold Mining season.

  12. But why risk becoming an arrogant tool?

  13. I agree Fed all the way. You might be a slave to Pacer, but at least the file will be complete and accessible.

  14. Oh, and I am totally convinced DOM will be a federal judge one day.

  15. No way. DOM has defense in his blood. He lives for cross. Would go nuts sitting on the bench watching lesser lawyers screw up cases. Being a judge can be a very frustrating experience.

  16. Look at the differential in talent level between federal judges and the state court hacks we have in Dade County. At least the selection process for appointing a federal judge, although politicized, ensures at least a modicum of intelligence. On the other hand, Dade County has seen an influx of little girls wanting a steady pay check, but woefully unprepared to assume a judgeship. It's becoming the exception rather than the norm to see a judge in Dade County with trial experience, save for the pretty good appointments made by our governor who has no qualms about appointing experienced lawyers from the SA Office and PD Ofice. Sadly, those getting elected with the hyphenated names are responsible for lowering the curve of the overall quality of the bench in Dade County. No trial experience, no common sense, and no intelligence, the hallmarks of what makes a great judge! Only in Dade County baby! Oyez, Oyez.

  17. Who is dis south beach altacocker? Vat is he doing investing in gold mining in Alaska? Vhy vood he be going so far away to spend his money?

    I am veeeeeery suspicious of dis. It maybeeeee bulllllllsheeeeeeet.

  18. Is Parker Schnable the guy who has been looking for a "glory hole" for the past two years? If he came to Miami Beach, he could find a good glory hole in about two minutes.

  19. Well here we are at America's national holiday where we celebrate by consuming thousands of calories in saturated fat or sugar while cheering on 300+ pound "athletes" who can barely run five yards without losing their breath and whose chief accomplishment is the ability to hit each other so hard that by the time they're fifty they have serious neurological disease unless their brain is so damaged they kill themselves before 50.

    Whoo hoo- pass the diet Pepsi and the Bud light (because I;m on a diet) and those chips and dip and chicken wings with some extra grease and hot sauce please. And don't forget to pour on the cheese sauce and save me some cake and cookies too,

    As a society we on the edge of no return. It's so damn sad.
