Monday, January 14, 2013


Corrections Officer Guillermo Olivares died this weekend in a motorcycle accident. He was assigned to the the jail division in Courtroom 6-7. 

By all accounts Officer Olivares was a wonderful person and a very professional corrections officer. His untimely death is a terrible tragedy. 

Attorney Joseph Vredevelt, Jim's partner, has asked us to post this:

I will be hosting a memorial for Jim this Thursday, January 17th at the Hole-In-The-Wall Pub located at 14421 S. Dixie HWY.  It will be from 6:00pm to 10:00 pm.  Everyone at the courthouse meant a lot to Jim and although he "didn't do funerals" and didn't want on for himself, he would have loved all the attorneys, judges, and court staff to come and raise a glass and tell some fishing stories in his honor.  

It's been a difficult few days. 


  1. Rumpole:

    Since we are honoring people that have passed on, today would have been Martin Luther King's birthday, (January 15, 1929).

    Broward Schools are honoring him today with their luncheon menu.

    They are serving fried chicken and collared greens. This is not a joke post.

    I would like to know what your readers think about that selection of foods; is that a honor, a racial insult, ???

  2. I can't tell you how many times I went to do a bridge interview and Officer Olivares (Oli as we called him) greeted me at the door with a smile and firm handshake. He would come out to PD happy hours and fit in just perfectly. He was a great guy. Died way too soon.

    Former Jail Division APD.

  3. Personally I think we should be past the point of thinking that food has racists undertones. I loved collard greens and I am a lifetime member of the NAACP and I have NEVER seen a connection between the two. If I decided to eat collard greens today or not it would have nothing to do with MLK. As to fried chicken, well, I love that as well, but there is the health issue.

    Stereotypes should be long burried and dead.

    Nice comment on Oli.

  4. difficult AND depressing few days.

    how about somebody posting something happy?

  5. Rump,

    Thoughts on Aaron Swartz and the charges he was facing?

  6. If you are dumb enought to ride a motorcycle you deserve what you get. The way these idiots speed on the expressways I wonder why more of them are not killed by their lack of common sense.

    1. I hope that you've never done anything dumb in your life because the day you do you should also reep the same way. you have no heart at all you need to be more sympathetic to others.Remember we all make mistakes and we do pay for them one way or another. You need God in your life.

    2. Smh... in disgust at your comment. People die in car accidents everyday but I guarantee you are dumb enough to still drive a car. Idiot

    3. If you were a bit brighter, you would know how to use proper grammar or at least use spell check before posting your ignorant comment. It is spelled "enough". I'm sure the "dumb" enough people who ride a motorcycle, yet lack common sense know how to spell it correctly or know how to use spell check. Whether they do speed or not it does not give you the right to judge such individuals. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. It was an accident and an accident can happen to any individual including yourself or a loved one. May you never have to experience the loss of a spouse, sibling or worse of all, your own child.

  7. Something happy - sure. Did anyone see the children of Sandy Hook singing "Somewhere over the Ranibow" on GMA this morning? Happy kids doing something special for their deceased friends and their families. It is on the internet and raising money for good causes. Listen, contribute. Do some good.

  8. 11:33, cold and callus.

  9. remember bondsman of the year, Gene Shryock. He was killed riding his motorcylce at 4am on Mother's day several years ago.

  10. 11:33 am is correct. If one takes certain risks such as sky diving, scuba diving, driving fast and reckless or having unprotected sex with the same sex or motorcycle riding be prepared to suffer the consequenses of such activity.On a regular basis I have these imbeciles racing past my porsche at speeds well over 100 mph with no regard for their safety.

  11. Can someone please post a photo of Guillermo?

  12. Rumpole, I am not sure what your rules are. But 11:33 has to be violating one of them. His/Her comment is over the line.

  13. 11:33 honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you? Fucking troll

  14. @5:58- I posted a comment to him @12:27.

    The big question is why Rump allowed the comment in the first place.

  15. So the follow up to the asshole at 11:33 is even worse,

    So, unprotected sex with the same sex is dangerous but, unprotected sex with the opposite sex is ok.

    Fuck you, homophobic asshole.

  16. 11:33 is right, mostly.

    It's the minority of motorcycle riders (at least in these parts) who respect the road and other drivers.

    It's a damn shame about Oli, in any event.

  17. I allowed the comment because I thought the best way to deal with some moron who wrote the completely stupid comment was to expose him or her to everyone's responses rather than censor it myself. There's a certain satisfaction these sub moronic pieces of excrement get in writing a comment and then seeing me not post it. Trust me. You should see what doesn't go up. So in this instance, while they might outwardly smirk at seeing their comment and people upset about it, they cannot get away from the true reality which is that they lack the intelligence and humanity of a flea.

  18. There was not one day Olivares did not have a smile on his face. Very down to earth man with a big heart. Anyone who knew him well knew he LOVED motorcycles & unfortunately he's no longer with us. Keeping his family in my prayers during these difficult times. He will be missed!

  19. Anyone else have a problem with judge hague in 6-8? Every time i walk in there, it is slammed crowded with people and he is reading the a form out loud and making stupid comments, regardless if the case is dropped or plead. And his rulings are always way of base. I don't even bother showing up until at least an hour after case is set because he is always so far behind. No wonder he keeps getting passed on moving up to circuit. Just not very bright

  20. Just heard that Tammy Forrest rehired by the State. She' s the A in Brennan. How did that happen? Also, isn't she good friends with Brennan? Brennan should be recused on all cases where Forrest is ASA.

  21. 11:33:00 AM ........Stupid callous comment, especially when it's often the car driver's, unaware of the motorcycles, that cause the accidents.

  22. 11:33
    you are` an ass. Most bike accidents are cars slamming into bikes in their blind spot.

    Besides a good guy died. You are` ever ore insensitive then I, and I am considered the King of Insenitivity here on the blog.

    Loud Pipes Save Lives

  23. Brennan is so happy her friend Tammy Forrest is back. She giddy at the thought the state might not lose every case in there.She might actually get to sentence someone.

  24. Inappropriate to post at this time maybe, but motorcyclist safety and the dumb things some of them do, should be addressed.
    Granted, the extremists who show disregard for safety ruin it for the others but that applies to so many other discssions (gun control, politics, etc) we have in todays society.

  25. Miss your smile and talking with you. Rest in peace Officer Guillermo Olivares

  26. Hasn't Tammy Forrest been an A three times?

    1. The first time she was an A.

    2. The second time being after stepping down from being the Chief of the Sexual Battery division.

    3. Now.

    She's still a heck of a trial attorney regardless, but interesting career progression. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

  27. Tammy Forrest is a great prosecutor!!! What's the problem? So she went to law school with tons of judges. So what? You think Brennan isn't fair. She is...She came back to clean up the mess all the others left behind.

  28. Tomorrow would be his birthday, wish he was here. Nague as I used to call him. Gone but not forgotten!
