Saturday, December 15, 2012


We've posted this statistic before. And the truly sad thing is, we will probably post it again:

According to the  the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 3,042 children and teens died from gunfire in America in 2007 – one child or teen every three hours, eight every day, 58 every week. Almost six times as many children and teens – 17,523 – suffered non-fatal gun injuries and the often-lifelong emotional aftermath that follows. 


  1. No No No! The new colors are terrible. Black background with white and red lettering? You need to call someone who works on web design, they will tell you this is a bad idea.

  2. The blog is black today because of the unspeakably horrible tragedy our nation has suffered with the shooting of children in Connecticut. The regular layout you have come to know and love will return.

  3. Unfathomable actions , how beyond truely sad...

  4. Unfortunately, it is far too late to solve the problem of firearm violence in the United States. Simply put, there are millions of firearms, including high-powered assault weapons, already loose within our borders. No new law, statute, policy or Congressional action can change this. The horse is out of the barn. We have no viable options. We can only do our best to try to adapt to these ever increasing tragedies. The framers of our revered Constitution did a swell job, but struck out badly with regard to Amendment 2. Get used to events like yesterday. They are now the norm. I for one, will continue to carry a concealed firearm, but that will not protect our children or each other.

  5. Secret judge is wrong and weak and accepts what can and should be changed.

    The Tobacco industry and lobby was once as powerful as the gun lonny, and now its almost dead.

    We can defeat the gun lobby. look at japan. No guns, and no gun violence.

    Guns can be stopped and stripped.

  6. If now's not the time for gun control, when?

    Who really needs an AR-15?

  7. Truly tragic, but two hand guns with extended magazines such as the one Jared Loughner used in the Arizona shooting can inflict the same amount of harm. The problem is not assault rifles, or the 2nd Amendment, as there we're firearms when the constitution went into effect. The problem is the (people's mentalities, illness's and ill intent to harm others.

    The framers of the constitution did not foresee motor vehicles as well, and they are a significant problem too. How often do we see recurring deadly hit and run accidents recently ?

    The problem is the people, where the will is, the way will be found and god knows the people's hatred for one another increase every day. God keep those little children in his hands and heal their parents family and friends through this unimaginable tragedy.

  8. Nancy Lanza, 52, mother of gunman
    Investigators believe that Adam Lanza, the alleged gunman, shot his mother at her home near Sandy Hook Elementary before driving to the school and killing 26 others.

    Nancy Lanza was social, friends and neighbors told The New York Times, and she wasn’t shy about discussing her gun collection.

    “She had several different guns,” Dan Holmes, owner of Holmes Fine Gardens, told The New York Times. “She would go target shooting with her kids.”

  9. Remember in all of history the most Americans ever killed, ever were by Americans. Since the revolutionary war and civil war we are a gun oriented country and we have slaughtered our own more than any foreign enemy or terrorist.

    When the oath says "to protect against enemies foreign and domestic", it is self explanatory we are, and always have been a gun craised country. I am just stating the hard facts so we can realistically consider a solution.
    This tragic event is the culmination of our "American" culture which is obsession with violence.

    My father owned firearms and strictly warned us to not ever touch them and when I grew into adulthood, he had an hour long discussion with me when I purchased my first handgun and it has stuck with me. I also have seen kids whose parents were gun ho and taught their kids to be, and it shows in there adulthood.

    So yes gun control starts at home. The mother of this "animal" primed him with the glory of guns which is not the right way to indoctrinate a kid who apparently turned out to be a monster.

  10. Rumpole I don't like the black background, it makes it harder to read.

  11. I actually agree with A.M. the weapons are the visible symbol but not the cause.

    The problem is in how we design society.

  12. I wonder how different things would be if the liberals didn't force the closure of our nation's mental health hospitals in the 1970's. Yes, the system was abusive. But, tossing it was a poor option.

    We (and they) are not much better with the nation's mentally ill on our streets, are we?

    Of course, if the conservatives would acknowledge the problem and start funding appropriate programs, that would help too.

    Bipartisan failure in my book.


  13. BTDT
    It was Republican money saving policies during the Reagan Administration that closed down the instituions not liberals...
