Friday, December 07, 2012


UPDATE: SCOTUS blog coverage of the Supreme Court's grant of cert in the two gay marriage cases. 

Who wants to wait in line at the REGJB? Not us! So please pay attention:

An email from Jude Faccidomo:

Dear Membership:
On Wednesday FACDL Vice President, Eddie Pereria, and I met with members of the Administration of Courts  to discuss the process for moving forward with the renewal/continuation of the REG ID Badge program. As most of you have probably noticed your ID badges are set to expire at the end of this year. That date has been extended to January 15. 
Starting December 17 there will be new IDs available for pick up. That location is yet to be determined, but will either be REG or the Lawson Building. Through our negotiations with AOC there will be no charge for your renewal this year since most members used their IDs for a small portion of 2012. FACDL will be sending out to its members an ID renewal form with the 2013 FACDL Membership Application. Once you have filled out your ID renewal form you will need to bring it with you to pick up your 2013 ID along with your 2012 ID. When picking up your ID you will then need to sign an acknowledgement form affirming that since your first application you have not had any arrests. 
If you did not apply during the pilot program and need to get an ID for the first time you will need to go through the process of submitting a full application. For new IDs there will still be a charge of $30.00. These applications will also be available through FACDL.  
Again, you will be able to enter the building with your current ID or a new ID until January 15. After January 15th you will only be able to enter through the side entrance with a new 2013 ID badge. Per AOC, the pick up time for the renewal IDs will be finite. If you do not pick up your new ID between December 17th and January 15 then you will not have an ID for 2013- but I am sure your colleagues will wave to you as the pass you in line.  

BREAKING: US SUPREME COURT TO HEAR ISSUE OF SAME SEX MARRIAGE:  Oral arguments set for March, so there will probably be an expedited briefing schedule. The two cases come from challenges in California and New York so it's a "bi"-coastal case. (Bad pun). 

Rumpole has always said there is no reason why gay people should be happier than everyone else who is married. 


  1. I'm putting on my dancing shoes and I'm getting ready to boogie woogie woogie until I just can't boogie no more.

  2. OMG is that a disturbing thought; I need to drink a lot tonight.

  3. Rump- if I take pics with my cell phone, will you post em?

  4. Rump- any truth to the rumor that Ric Zweig and his band of renowns will be jamming at the PD party tonight?

  5. Things are just starting to heat up here at the PD party. So far for the big 10pm Electric Slide contest we have Joe Farina, Henry Rausch, Barry Wax, Judge Sara Zabel, Judge Sam Slom, Norm Gerstein, and as a special guest judge for the event- Richard Brinker.
    Fake Steve Glass showed up in a Limo , as always, and Fake Kenny W is criticizing the pigs in a blanket and the mini-kinishes.
    So far so good.

  6. Quick update for your readers rumpole. Sara Zabel is a late scratch from the Electric Slide contest as she broke a heel doing the twist. Only 4 people advanced in the Hugh Rodham look alike contest, but those were the 4 people who wore Hugh Rodham look-a-like costumes. Carlos is guarding the punch from those who want to spike. Same as always.

  7. the PD party was just ok this year. A few judges showed up and quite a few PD alumni. The place was packed but it didn't seem to have that crazy vibe that defined the PD holiday party for so many years. There were some hot young APDs though.

  8. The best PD parties were held in the officel. A few clerks were never seen again. some ate the christmas bulbs off the tree. He is now a major offical with the Fire Department; Porno of the secrectaries was played and alot of alcohol was drank. Those were the good old days. Miami Herald reporters were in attendance and got intimate with some PDs attorneys. Judge George Orr enjoyed himself as did other judges. Max would bring me a bottle of Chivas and we would drink it in the corner and watch the festivities. Never to be repeated.

  9. best part was the guy in the Bennet Brummer mask. And then he got drunk. Funny.

  10. I went off menu this year. Skipped the 24 yr old new pd and went for the 35 year old recently separated hottie. Does cross fit and pilates and had a chip on her shoulder agains her ex, that I was only too happy to remove. Need to type quietly, pretty sure when she wakes up she will have a massive hangover, not that that will stop me......hahahaha

  11. Yeah, like I would waste my time on a lameo party. I was at Battersby last night. The hottest new restaurant in Brooklyn. And one you will never get into until the day before it closes.

  12. Just noticing for the first time that fake kenny now joins the rarified air of a blog character that merits a "real fake". Congrats.. I guess.

  13. What about that dude that was walking around with the sign around his neck: "T63hry dh9t thffpt 09sh%43c jhdi?"

    What in the world does that mean? I asked.

    "I'm fake DS" he responded.

  14. 8:20 pm, how did the ghost of Richard Brinker do judging the electric slide?

  15. The comments on this blog are borderline retarded.

  16. Was at a funeral today and Judge Mapps procession arrived adjacent to the service I was at. What I noticed is that there was a rather small attendance to the cemetery and there was one gentleman in who I presumed to be his bailiff because he was in uniform. There did not appear to be substantial attendance from the MJB.

  17. This is a signal that Alito is more liberal than you all think. Read Jones and see that he beleives in the right to privacy. Thus not only is this issue in front of the court because of him, but abortion is not because of him. High fives for Sam Alito.

  18. I could not be at the funeral for Judge Mapp today so, I went to the viewing last night.

    Nice guy. Good man. Treated me like a son.

    Rest in peace Cal!

  19. Rumpole, am I the only single under 30 male on this blog who has had the most mind blowing week in his life due to Art Basel?

    I don't know a thing about art. But the level of female talent on Miami Beach increased- as if I ever thought that possible- by a factor of ten.

    Whereas for the the prior 40 so weeks that I have been living down here (new law school grad) and enjoying myself with the B grade models from Kansas, LA, or any small town who are getting ad shoots, this week- with Euro art trash from the world descending on Miami Beach- the new B grade girl is the contingent of Sweedish models some Russian Oligarch has flown in for the week and then discarded in favor of a group of girls from Brazil. I mean every night I am at some gallery and it's like being a kid in a candy store or waking up on christmas day. Every night a new model Rumpole- and I am talking about talent like you cannot believe.

    Anyway, all good things must end and Art Basel is ending and it will be make to the US trashy girls who thought they were going to be on the cover of Ocean drive and ended up serving drinks in SET. Which isn't that bad for the other 51 weeks of the year.

  20. 3:20: remove the word "borderline" from your post and it will be accurate.

  21. Dude! Right garage, wrong spot. Art Basel has been the worst kept secret for doing what we do for years. But you're wasting your time on the mo-dels when there is faux euro-trash royalty about. I've scored a Liechtenstein duchess and a countless who showed me her lineage to the Hapsburg empire. And the thing about these women is they got flow- plenty of cash. Euro hot, looking for an all american boy to show them around the beach for a week and keep them company. I take two weeks off from work because night slips into day and the days are 24 hours of sun, champagne, art and sex.

  22. Been there and done that my brothers. 8:17- you are a chowderhead.

  23. PD party reminded me of a Hialeah Quince: parking sucked, music was too loud, room was separated into two distinct rooms, so you had to cross the dance floor to see everyone, and WHO PUTS GREEN LIGHTS OVER FOOD?? Talk about making it look unappetizing. Turn out was really good though.

  24. What the F is up with these after parties? I mean you go to a party and that should be that. But at all these holiday and art basel parties everyone is whispering about where the fricking after party is and who is invited. It makes me sick. After being around these numbskulls and watching them stuff themselves silly for hours the last thing I want is to go to another patry with the same gross slobs.

  25. 9:15:
    'chowderhead'? that's your retort? wow, I think that 8:17 could not have been more correct.

  26. Actually chowderhead is a pretty good put down in Boston.

  27. Great segment False Confessions Tonight on 60 Minutes. If you missed it go to 60 Minutes website and view it. 6 false Confessions in 2 cases , 6 guys Juvys convicted 15 years served till DNA Clears them.
