Friday, October 12, 2012


As fine a criminal defense attorney that ever walked the halls of the REGJB, Bill Matthewman, is going to be invested today as a federal magistrate at the Ferguson Courthouse downtown.  Everyone is entitled to one mistake in life, and thus we overlook Matthewman's donning of the black robes, and wish him the very best in his new career. The big question on everyones mind is whether everyone's favourite federal blogger will be attending, as the 12:30 start time has put a crimp in his plans for his afternoon repast. 

The nicest thing about appearing before Judge Matthewman will be that regardless of how he rules, as a former trial lawyer (not to mention former police officer) you will know that he has been there, and done that. 

How do you think Joe Biden did last night? We think he did fine. 


One indicator of a successful candidate has often been whether he or she is the type of person you would like to have a beer with. 
Well, we propose that question to you about our judiciary. 
Which judge, if given the chance (and obviously you are buying) would you like to have a beer with? 
Bill Matthewman would be at the top of our list. So would Dennis Murphy. 
Post an answer in the comments section and we'll select the top nominees and have a run off and final a champion.  And if that judge is so inclined, we'll buy the first round. 

Enjoy this beautiful fall weekend. See You In Court. 


  1. I would like to turn the clock back to 1959 and have a bottle of Boone's Farm wine in the back seat of my dad's Chevy Impala with Amy Steele Donner. She may be pushing +70 but every time I see her my heart drops.

  2. Have had drinks with Echarte and he is a hoot..

  3. Ok. Here's the deal. A glass of wine is fine. But I cannot allow this to turn into which judge do you want to get drunk and jump his/her bones. This is about friendship. and who is a real guy/gal, and who do you think having a beer with and eating some wings and watching a game and shooting the shit with would fun. Nothing more. Don't go there por favor.


  4. The Captain Reports:

    BEER. ....

    Did I hear correctly today that the National Beer Counsel says that the average American drinks 28 gallons of beer annually? Can that be? I am not holding up my end of the bargain.

    What say you Horace?

    Cap Out ....

  5. Murphy is a solid pick. However, Venzer seems like she'd be a hoot to have a drink with...

  6. I have had a beer with Berty Soto, in a platonic professional manner and have had a great time.

  7. Judge Cooke, Turnoff and Williams

  8. Ahhh, there's only one who woman who makes my heart drop-- and I'm calling the shumie for her.

  9. Best beer-- Heineken
    Best wings-- Wingstop in Hialeah

  10. Budweiser Select "55" 55 calories and 1.9 grams of carbs

    Forget the wings-- a Bud and a nice stogie.

    Shumie Time!

  11. I'd have a beer with Cueto. He is a modern day Renaissance man full of stories and fbombs.

  12. Beer with Peter Lopez. Great guy.

    No beer with Dava Tunis. Not nice at all and if she says one more fucking time...."I don't mean to be rude but,...."

  13. Pedro Echarte. I talked with him once outside the courthouse. Great guy. 20 years ago: Tom Carney. Not even a close second

  14. Beer with Judge Murphy and Mag Judge Goodman

    Zima with Judge Young

    Chardonnay with Judge Altonaga

    Bitters with Alan Schwartz

  15. My favorite drinking buddies -- Miller and Echarte. Izzy Reyes, honorable mention.

    Would love to have a few with Cueto.

    Murphy is indeed a hoot.

  16. If the opportunity arose I would elect to have a beer with,Judge Murphy, or Judge Schwartz, the fill in, Judge Schwartz, has a temperament that is very magnanimous, never a knee jerk reaction judge.

    The judge who in my opinion has the worst temperament is "El Loco Juez", Cueto, he has a real ego problem and thinks that because on rare occasion, he pretentiously fraternizes with the support staff, (Corrections, Assists. e.g.) that, that somehow justifies his obnoxious behavior.

    All in all, Judge Schwartz 1st, Judge Murphy 2nd, maybe even Firtel, he's a man's man the kind that is forthright and unpretentious, yet likable. I respect people of such type.
    Last but not least Judge Gerald Klein who reminds me of my father in law, who was friends with Stephen Clark, William Lehman, Joe Klein, Dick Irvin(FL former Atty. Gen.) and Claude Pepper. I'm sure Judge Klein would share how unjust he views the system is.


  17. I would have a beer with any of the fun judges who use to attend Mike Catalano's Christmas parties.

  18. I'd love to have a beer with the Honorable American Minority. Just make sure it is served in a bottle so I can whack it over his head.

  19. State judge murphy, federal magistrate John O'Sullivan I have had numerous beers with each and they are tops( and coincidentally Irish )

  20. Berdy Soto is fun to have drinks with and she brings both her PDs and ASAs together. Learned a great lesson about leaving my beefs with the ASAs in the courtroom. Things went much smoother in the courtroom when I started sharing happy hour with opposing counsel.

  21. 7:25pm,

    Now sir, there goes a spirit representative of a true republic, just the sheer ignorance of your comment alone, makes me proud to be an American.

  22. I wanna whack American Minority too.

    You, sir, are an ass.

    And, don't speak for me.

    Also an American Minority.

  23. We walk into Tobacco road and start doing shots of tequila with Fred Moreno. And the more shots we do, the more he talks about the old days when he was a DUI judge. Then David Miller walks in: "Hi guys, whatcha doing?"
    He sips a shot, makes a face, throws up and passes out on the floor.
    The bartender comes over and Moreno and I do another round.

  24. 7:08,

    Violence is your response what a weakling you are of course if you ever tried to harm me I would take precaution to make sure I'm within the four corners of "Stand my ground".

    Anyhow, don't use the word so loosely if your not an Afro-American you not a minority in this country Jack. Most people like you have disdain for me, because I am a stand up guy, and you know deep down inside your cowardly little soul, you are a weakling who has to threaten physical violence on a law blog.
    What a looser. Let me ask you how many cases you try a month in the last 5 years, and don't lie I already read the FSC annual statistical report.

    Pick your battles wisely, I will devour you intelligently, as I did poor D.S.

  25. AM

    You Sir are ma-schug-ga-na.
    You sound like those little dogs w big eyes mature ladies carry around in the arms who bark at everything.

    Fake DS

  26. You're still an ass AM.

  27. AM

    When did you devour anyone intelligently ?
    Certainly not " poor D.S." . You definately can not match his courtroom experience nor trial record. Dude, He outclasses you .

  28. Fake DS is correct.


  29. LOL, just got home from the UM game, then Duffy's and the pundits are partaking in scuttlebutt, I see. Hm, me a meshugana, let you tell it. I'm more of a mensch, and you are a pill,if your'e an attorney you most likely are a schlemiel.

    Goodnite, I am with a very beautiful young lady I went to school with, who's slightly annoyed by my key striking during our movie time. Later Turkeys


  30. "if your not an Afro-American you not a minority in this country Jack"


    How about Native Americans? Asians? Muslims?

    You can't even walk in the scum DS' shoes leave behind.

  31. G-d knows how AM made it through law school.

  32. A.M. is no lawyer, don't be fooled.

  33. Gag me with that Matthewman apologist crap! If being obsequious and dishonest is what it takes to be a Federal Magistrate Judge, he certainly fits the bill! We certainly deserve better.

  34. A drink w Max ( Maxine Cohen Lando )was always great.

  35. A drink w Max ( Maxine Cohen Lando )was always great.
