Thursday, August 02, 2012


We continue to be in a reflective mood. 

When the Justice Building opened, no one wanted to move in. 
The reasons: lawyers handling multiple cases downtown could move from court to court and floor to floor to handle their calendar. Most of them had their offices on Flagler and walked to court. Plus there weren't any restaurants within walking distance of the new courthouse and parking was a problem. 
The more things change, the more they stay the same. 

He was 6'5, and startlingly bald, and he cast quite a shadow when he strode into a courtroom.  He was a  WWII war hero with one good eye.  He lost the other eye in a bombing mission over Germany, for which he received a purple heart. 
He investigated Watergate when no one else would, and obtained the first  conviction. He rallied the local police chiefs in the 1960's to crack down on homosexuality after a national magazine labeled Miami as a city friendly to those with that sexual orientation. He prosecuted the owner of Whelan's Drug store in Miami Beach for selling pornography: Henry Miller's Tropic Of Cancer. He cut a wide swarth through the political and legal history of Miami from the 1950's until his death in 1992. He hired Janet Reno and then picked her as his successor as State Attorney. He was tough, smart, controversial. 

We are of course talking about Richard E. Gerstein, the man for whom the building we all work in is named. 
Here is a Miami Archives Blog post about Gerstein,  courtesy of Bill Cooke at Random Pixels.  which may well be South Florida's second most popular daily blog. 

There are gaggles of newly minted lawyers headed our way in August.  It's important to know who planted those acorns that became the oak trees, in whose shade we all rest beneath. 

See you in court. 


  1. Seems like he wasn't such a good guy after all. I'm gonna call it the Metro Justice Building. Sounds like he was full of shit. Who names a Court house after a fucking asshole prosecutor.

  2. Speaking of Bad Prosecutors, Kathy Rundle's worker is caught in hialeah with 31 Absentee Ballots, and the law clearly states the maximum allowed is two ballots. Kathy says that she is going to investigate after the Aug, 14 election. That doesn't speak corruption at it's highest. It's almost absolute that the ballots have her name bubbled in and it was her campaign managers staff worker so this is how things work in Dade-County hunh. The Cuban Mafia strikes again, you Lawyers don't think probable case exist for an arrest, really? What does this say about our justice system?
    After 19 years Kathy Rundle's post has apparently become a throne.

  3. And yet, there remains this persistent undercurrent that he was on the take.

  4. Richard Gerstein may have been the greatest person in the world but I think it was wrong to name a criminal courthouse after a prosecutor.

  5. Question: Who sends you emails at
    2:53 in the morning?

    Answer: Carlos Martinez, P.D. reminding employees to answer the Improvement Survey

  6. Just like when Brummer named Carlos Martinez his successor?

    Brummer and Gerstein where just a like.

  7. "The office seeks the man. The office seeks the man."
    Ronald Wilson Reagan to aides in 1966, two weeks after his stunning victory beating Governor Brown in California by one million votes, in reply to a request to begin setting up an unofficial campaign for the 1968 Republican nomination for president.

    Rumpola: when this state attorney race shakes out, Kathy will emerge victorious but damaged and shaken. And its time you step up because this office needs you.

  8. "...which may well be South Florida's second most popular daily blog."

    I stand corrected. ;)

  9. Hi. I just took the bar and am coming to Miami for a job. My girlfriend lives in Tulsla and says I need some new suits. She say Hickey Freedman is the best. Any suggestions for budget priced suits in Miami while I get started?

    1. Go to Macy's and you will always find a sale- many different designers. Could get a suit for 200 and less if sale is good.

  10. Gerstein was about to be arrested when he died. He was no saint. His law firm fell apart. Bailey, Raskind, Dresnick and rippinggale. I am no fan of REG.

  11. New Esq:

    There's a guy named Alberto San Pedro in Hialeah...Rick Sanchez and John Hogan can hook you up.

  12. Wait for the big sales at the Saks outlet stores. Hickey Freeman is a great choice.

  13. If you do not have a seersucker and straw hat in summer, you will not fit in.

  14. Just another dickhead prosecutor.

    How much did he lose in his bet on the Clay/Liston fight to inspire him to launch that investigation?

    "These nudist magazines??? Oh, it's part of an investigation into deviant, pornographic activity."

    Sounds like the words of a closet homo to me.

  15. Don't move to Miami. There are too many lawyers here as it is. You are not needed or wanted.

  16. 12:35 pm, you got your names mixed up. The person you meant to refer New Esq to is (or was) Emeterio Marino Pijeira who had his designer suit store on Coral Way and 28th Ave. and whose sartorial good taste and skills made powerful men like Jogn Hogan, Rick Sanchez, and Sergio Pereira look their best at extremely reasonable prices.

  17. REG picked Reno as his successor just like Reno picked Kathy as hers. I guess, history repeats itself.

  18. New Esq, you can go to NW 20th Street, a short walk from the Metro Justice Building, and buy fine clothes at wholesale prices.

  19. I love your history posts. I'm not a new lawyer, but I started practicing in 1993, after REG. I know a lot of stories, but not this one, thanks for posting.

    A reader.

  20. Rumpole
    Hoe can you write about Richard E. Gerstein and NOT talk about the Mossler Trial his greatest fiasco?

  21. Channel 7 did a story today on Judge Pando's Campaign Web site. Seems she listed 10 elected officials as endorsing her, BUT ALL 10 said they Did NOT Endorse Her and their names disappeared from the web site.

  22. Want the inside scoop on Gerstein? Somewhere deep in the SAO and MDPD archives are files labeled "Market Connection." About five or six boxes of documents. Makes fascinating reading if they still exist which I doubt they do. You will see names like Morphonios, Goodhart, Sepe, and Frank Martin, a man who had more sway in the courthouse than any judge despite the fact that his only claim to fame was the ownership of a grocery store/gas station near the Justice Building circa 1971.

  23. Sy took a hit in the market case. But he got back off the ground and continued his practice.

  24. As my late property law professor often said "I am not disgruntled, but I am far from gruntled.

  25. Dolphins are going to stink again. I just know it. But that new rookie QB has a hottie for a wife.

  26. The market case isn't that the case I hear the old men talk about that say Meyer Lanksy was the broker in that. My father in Law was 90 when he died an he told me stories about AG Dick Irvin we found letters and pics he had showed us in his room to prove this. He told me he used to pick up money from Al Capones house for Dick Irvin. IJS if Dick was on the take then you know Gerstein was on the take. True story I don't bullshit talk.

  27. The Courthouse should be changed to another name or just the Metro Justice Building.


    Pando steps in it
    Ch ? News

  29. Pando lies again. How many times is she gonna screw up, what is she retarded

  30. My dear young fellow:
    Hopefully this missive finds you, and finds you well. You are at a fulcrum- a turning point for the rest of your life and this advice, pray it reaches you, may well save you from a life of dreary drudgery law.

    It's all about how you dress. Your client, the judge, the jury, they don't see the law degree. They don't know your bar score or your score in con law (79 for me). They will see you, and I want you looking sharp.

    A beautiful watch. A Patek Phillipe or an IWC, but not a Rolex which is so 1970's. Something simple but yet when people look at it they don't have to ask- they can't afford it. Start with a smart used one.

    Lets skip to the shoes: beautiful leather and leather sole . Do not let me see you in rubber soles. Ever! Allan Edmunds are the classic. Should run you $350.00

    A beautiful leather briefcase. As you career succeeds you should move up until your brief case costs as much as most used cars. But for now a nice simple black leather brief case for 1K should hold you fine.

    Now the suits. Please no Hickey Freedman. Tell Laura sue from Tulsa that she has no idea of mens fashion. I want you to scrimp and save and buy two new beautiful suits and then add one nice suit a month. Avoid the filler suits. You will never know when the next client will meet you and what if its on one of those days your wearing some Mens Wharehouse trash? Don't risk it. Gieves and Hawkes from London, Prada, H. Huntsman (about 5k per), Caraceni, these are the brands you should be shopping. Look for sales. Get a great tailor. Have your shirts made for you.

    Here's why: that schnook who spent his law school career in the library may know more than you. He may go to more CLEs than you and take more cross exam classes than you and he may know how to research and shepardize better than you. But when he shows up in court with some college kid back pack slung over his shoulder, wearing wrinkled chinos and the one blue blazer his mother gave him in 2000, who do you think is going to impress the judge, the jury, the possible new client? You are my friend. The judge will see your suit and watch and think that you are wearing more on that day then he earns in a month and you must be successful which means you must know what you are doing, which means he is going to side with you. The new client will see your watch and briefcase and want you, not Melvin with the coffee stains on his only tie.

    Its all about style over substance my young friend. Listen to my advice and you will get big fees, get big cases and look terrific. Otherwise you will be one of those schmos who are now on this blog whining about their court appointed fees. Meanwhile you and I will spend more in a month on cars and clothes than they get in ten court appointed cases. Because we will look good and the clients will want us.

    My way or the schmos way. Your call young man.

  31. Hey 9:58. Shepardize? Is that still around?

  32. How many mistakes is this judge gonna make. Oh and it was not a letter of recommendation she wrote. She ordered corporations to be reinstated and then got thousands in contributions from them. She is a liar and a disgrace.

  33. Stupid old me. I dressed to make sure that the jurors thought I was succesful, but not an effete snob.

    If I only knew that wearing my Patek would help some retired bus driver like my case more..

    GQ does not try cases any better than my evidence professor would do in front of real jurors. Look like a real person [even from Tulsa] and jurors will like you + your case.

  34. Whatever you do young man don't be like one of the Lawyers in this Court House who wears suits that look like he got laid in them.

  35. Million Dollar question who's name is on those absentee ballots possed by Daisy Cabrera? I'm sure Kathy's name is bubbled in. Kathy's consultants hire "Bolatera's" hunh that's. Please vote this woman out it's been 19yrs and the corruption is seeping now. Lets get new blood in the SAO. Al Lorenzo hired Cabrera Kathy isn't stupid and we aren't either. We know Rod's name isn't bubbled in on there for sure. Lets say not to corruption and preferential treatment.

  36. I've been an attorney in Miami since 1986. I've not once heard the criminal courthouse referred to with Gerstein's name included.

    It's always been referred to as "the Metro Justice Buiding". I always figured it was because everyone believed he was a crook.

  37. Catalano, what are you -- five? "Everyone makes mistakes"???? Let Josephsberg give the big boy interviews. Do you think that's what Bob told the news when Morrison dropped his pants in Dinner Key?
    Mikey and Pando deserve each other. I'm surprised Bob would allow his name to be associated with Mikey.

  38. Classic Rump. You refuse to let anyone post negative things about dead Judges or attorneys since they cannot defend themselves. Then you do an entire post and allow comments trashing a dead attorney.

  39. Considering that I have been hired for a job in which I am told there were over 100 applicants for each spot; and that my dad was both a small town attorney and sunday preacher, I think I'm going to pass on that advice of style over substance. Miami can't really be all like that can it? I just need to update my wardrobe a bit. But you can count on me doing research and filing motions and working hard to learn my profession.

    PS- went to a prestigious law school in the mid-west and this blog is read and discussed there. Nice work. Cool to be here and want to meet this famous blogger Rumpole if I can.

  40. Some things about the 1968 election bug me.
    Why didn't Reagan declare his candidacy for the nomination until 4 days before the convention? Like Johnson in 60, he waited too long.

    Why didn't Nixon pick Reagan for VP? He would have locked up the south and the west. As it was, Johnson's peace deal with the North Vietnamese almost sealed the election for Humphrey but for Kissenger spying on the negotiations for Nixon, and Nixon using Anna Chennault to tell South Vietnamese Ambassador Bui Dem to reject Johnson's deal because Nixon would get them a better one.
    But if Nixon had chosen Reagan then he wouldn't have to had engaged in what historians now label as treason against the US and the Paris Peace Accords.

    It's always bothered me.

  41. New Esq. dress in a fashion that makes you feel comfortable. David Boies has made a fortune wearing cheap mail order suits in court, a cheap watch and sneakers in court.
    Plus by not going into hock to buy watches and suits you can't afford you won't join the long gray line of
    lawyers, who sweat the arrival of their visa bill like the results of a critical medical exam.

  42. Boies is a hack. I make more money than he does because I look more like a lawyer than he does. Client's hire me because I accessorize so well. What did Boies get on the bar? Who knows? Who cares?

  43. Nixon chose Agnew- a Governor for 2 years, precisely because he was incompetent and would never show up Nixon. Agnew was, Nixon thought, the ultimate insurance against impeachment/assassination. Nixon didn't want any strong VP poking around into what he was doing. And Nixon's role model for this was Eisenhower, who during his 8 years in the White House, never invited Nixon -his VP- upstairs to his personal quarters. The first time Nixon saw that was when Johnson invited him up.

    Reagan didn't run in 68 because he was only a Governor for 2 years. He was extremely popular on the lecture circuit and would have been a formidable opponent. But he and Nixon had an interesting relationship. All through 67 and 68 they wrote each other letters admiring each other and downplaying any challenge one posed to the other. Nixon warily viewed Reagan as a legitimate threat, while Reagan just instinctively knew it was not his time. But he was seriously tempted because of his popularity. One instance stands out: Reagan and Bobby Kennedy appeared together on a TV show in 67-68 to debate English College students on Vietnam. Reagan wiped the floor with them while Kennedy struggled to respond. It was aired on CBS I recall, nationwide and when it was over Kennedy cursed out his staff for getting him into that mess.

  44. New Esq:

    Circuit Court or meeting clients: Decent suit; County Court, no clients: Separates, blue blazer and slacks will do; Substance always trumps style; Easy to be a good lawyer in this town: Proofread your pleadings, make them look perfect and read the Florida Law Weekly; You will be ahead of 75% of the attorneys here

  45. Regan announced his candidacy in Philadelphia, Mississippi, there was a reason for that.
    Regan wasn't shit but a Union Busting Asshole Republican.

  46. How do you know so much? It drives me crazy with lust.

  47. I beg to differ American Minority. As Governor he:
    1) signed into law the most liberal abortion bill in the country to protect women who were being butchered; 2) signed into law the largest tax increase in California's history to cover a deficit left by Brown. 2 years later, with the coffers overflowing with a budget surplus, Reagan gave the money back to the tax payers, something unheard of in government.

    Your view of him is from uninformed people who can only write a sentence or two and have never read his speeches he personally wrote in the 1950's and 60's that he gave for GE.

  48. I'd add the Reagan also worked VERY well with the Democrats (O'Neill in particular) and deserves a lot of credit for bringing the Soviet Union to its knees by pushing the arms race and crippling the Soviet Union's economy.


  49. There are no prestigious law schools in the Midwest. It is like calling University of Miami a prestigious law school.

    If you did not go to Harvard, Yale or Stanford, don't ever tell us where you went to law school - hope with think it was Nova or Miami or St. Thomas or FIU and that we won't want to treat you worse because you are not from here.

  50. I just wish Gerstein were still around to crack down on homosexuals in America. How disgusting is a bunch of people kissing in public in unbiblical ways. Whether you hate God's word or not, all will come to account very soon. Accept Jesus Christ as savior and he will set you free from homosexual demons.

  51. Rump exposes the great myth about Reagan: despite his conservative rhetoric, he was always a practical politician. Politics was the art of the possible. One of his first acts as president was to invite every moderate/conservative Democratic house member to the White House. He heard their concerns and acted accordingly. Cut deals with them left and right that violated his every conservative principle but they voted for his tax cuts.

  52. And don't forget that Reagan began his career as a Democrat.

    Cap Out .....

  53. Now I need to read gems from religious bigots in the Blog? Anyone doing any screening - Rumpole?

  54. University of Chicago
    University of Michigan

    3 very prestigious law schools in the midwest

  55. A suit does not make the lawyer. In fact, some of the highest paid lawyers in the PI arena buy Sears suits so they appear honest and hard working in front of the jury. Only the actual criminals themselves are impressed with your suit and what kind of car you drive, poor fools.

  56. "Accept Jesus Christ as savior and he will set you free from homosexual demons"

    -When did Jimmy Swaggart begin reading
    this blog?

  57. BDTD - Being in the courtroom and taking people's lives into your hands is no place to have a "dry sense of humor" (if that's what you call it). I will say it again, Lenny Glick was a condenscending and rude judge. He was arrogant and was not humble. He did not play fair and did favors for his friends. He did not follow the letter of the law. If he didn't know something, rather than seek the truth, he just dismissed it. That is NOT a good judge.

  58. New Esq.: try the back room at Austin Burke. Ask for Kenny.

  59. Rump I'm talking what he did and was known for as a President what people Glorify him for is a conservative republican. What your saying substantiates that Regan was full of shit. His own son said his father was a hack.

  60. No. What it proves is that you are ignorant and not very bright and do not have a good understanding of history. As for that quote, I sincerely doubt it. His daughter made disparaging comments which she later said she regretted. His daughter pattie and not maureen that is.

  61. Loved Him in that movie w the Chimp. Also the 2 w Errol Flynn. Not a Bad head of SAG. Good on Death Valley Days.
    BUT REAGEN Named Names to to the House UnAmerican Affairs Committee.

    Reagan was a Dem in the 40s & 50s. but like many Conservative Dems became a Rep in the 60s. Once The Dems listened to Anti-War & Civil Rights Liberals Those KLANISH Dems became Nixon's Silent Majority.

    Reagan made a deal for the Iran Hostigages to stay in Iranian's Hand till Reagan sworn in.

    Reagan then Backed Sudam Hussain when he Gased Iranians and Kurds. He allowed drugs to be sold for guns for the Contras, mined harbors of foreign coutrys in violation of law. and Voodoo Economics,

  62. I knew Dick Gerstein. He was a man for his times. He had the bearing and stature that commanded respect. I never believed that he took money.
    As to the issue of the name on the building, perhaps we should review building names every 50 years or so. If the honored party is no longer widely known, then the honor is not such a great one. As to the State Attorney thing, those offices used to be located in REG. They no longer are, and today the SA and PD really carry equal status.
    My choice for the next 50 years would-be the Roberto Pinero Justice Center. I have always been on the defense side, but I think that he was one of a kind. You would never know that he had started as a prosecutor. He was fair, good-natured, and bright. His death still hangs over that building in terms of the loss we all suffered. And, while we are at it, maybe we should re-name the State Attorneys’ building as the Janet Reno Building. She was a state attorney, a partner in a big firm, and an attorney general of the United States who was fair, above reproach, and devoted to the people. I think that Senator Ernest R. Graham and his son, U.S. Senator Bob Graham, would both be honored to have her name follow his at 1350.

  63. Reagan did engage in abusive stereotyping like his fondness for telling stories about welfare queens living fabulous lives on Government
    aid. But he does get credit for applying massive pressure on the Soviet Union which did contribute to the collapse of the Soviet Union and improved the lives of millions of people under the old Soviet empire.
    He is well regarded by many in Eastern Europe for this contribution.
    Like many politicians he had
    a mixed record but I don't believe
    saying he was full of shit is a useful way to describe his role in history.
