Friday, August 03, 2012


This gem from Roy Black's blog. The author is anonymous:
“Excellence can be obtained if you care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical, expect more than others think is possible.”

If you're a trial lawyer, you should be reading his blog every day, so that when he writes: "The search for favorable evidence should never end." you have an idea on how he prepares for trial. 

If you're not reading the Bear Lawyer comic strip/blog, you're missing out 

Trying to follow the ballots in the breaking Hialeah Absentee ballot scandal is like trying to count popcorn as it pops. There was a big to-do yesterday when the woman found in possession of 31 absentee ballots in Hialeah of all places, zoomed up to the SAO and then was placed in an official looking police vehicle. For us, the real question is whose names were on those ballots? Al Gore? 

It's now officially the dog days of summer. August in Miami. Yuck. 

Here's the thing about our post the other day about Richard E. Gerstein: you have to look at the man within the context of his times. Yes, today his statements and investigations about things like pornography and homosexuality seem ridiculous at best. But within the context of the 1960's, even during movements promoting great social change like the civil rights movement, you didn't see or hear a peep about rights for homosexuals. It took time for society to evolve and we do not think it's fair to judge Mr. Gerstein today through that lens of time. There were prosecutions for the possession and sale of pornography during Janet Reno's tenure as State Attorney as well. And perhaps one day in the not too distant future, young lawyers will be reading this blog ( we don't age. It's all about high dose vitamin C) and commenting on the ridiculous prosecutions for drug possession and how those policies ruined tens of thousands of peoples lives during the lat 30 years. 

When dog bites man...ho hum. When man bites dog, it's breaking news. That's why the news that a Lauderhill police officer was planting drugs on people during traffic stops is not earth shaking, stop the presses news. Here is the Herald report.  Yeah, Broward is just paradise. 

So lets summarize: voter fraud in Hialeah; bad cops planting drugs in Broward; it's hot here in August. 
*Yawn. *

Enjoy your summer weekend. 


  1. Question is why wasn't Ms.Diesy Cabrera charged with 31 counts of voter fraud??? She fraudulently handled 31 or more ballots.

    Secondly who hired her it takes no Alfred Hitchcock to connect the dots, or should I say connect the ballots.Compelling the ballots in itself will be indicative of whom she works for.

    Thirdly how many other fraudulent ballots have she submitted in this or any other elections for that matter?

  2. Hialeah consultants defrauding elections process and stealing votes and you all still trust Rundle in office, how ludicrous is that. Welcome to "Miamee",Kathy's Casa.

  3. So, DS, Reagan was a member of the Klan?

    Or was he just "Klanish"(sic)?

    Your ravings venture into the range of truly pathetic.

  4. Read Reagan's speeches on civil Rights in the 50's and 60's and then tell you think he was a racist. Far from it. Ahead of his time. But that's not the stereotype that people know.

  5. Rump, you're absolutely right about the tenor of REG's times during his porno (sorta) crackdowns. The public supported it (sorta).

    I joined the SAO after UF Law in 1977, and enjoyed Grandmaster County Court ASA Ted Mastos' prosecutions of porno movies from various Miami Beach 'arthouses.' Whenever Ted scheduled film (no vids in that era) to play for the jury, the courtroom was packed with ASA's and PD's.

    Horny li'l group then. Heh.

    PS. Ted never won a porno case as far as I can recall.

  6. Rumpole, Regan was a hack it's nothing you can say to debunk that fact.One of his own sons, says he was a hack. Regan is exaggerated, he was a congenial asshole, I give him credit for that, he was a good sellsman. He sold bullshit ideas to the American People and repubs still drool over his presidency because they became very wealthy under deregulation, it was their free for all. The middle class got fucked.
    BTW, I seen a Florida Rep in his Regions Bank Office, and I grilled his ass about the LR what have you and the other colleagues done in regards to this effort?

  7. Rump, you keep referring to Regan's speeches, it is his actions I am referencing too.

  8. AM, Deisy Cabrera wasn't charged with 31 counts of voting fraud because handling the ballots is not voting fraud but a violation of a county ordinance. State law does not prohibit handling more than two ballots belonging to others.

  9. The middle class got fucked? I made more money easier in the 80's then I do now. And the stats would bear that out for the middle class then. The economy was better. He put the final nail in the soviet's coffin. He reduced by real numbers the number of nuclear missiles, number of warheads, and throw weight of weapons. First time that ever happened. But you keep cursing because in this argument thats really all you can do.

  10. Remember when ASA's reviewed videos taken from video clubs for possible obscenity prosecutions (sometimes over popcorn and beer)?

    If the ASA's thought the videos were obscene, they would apply for a warrant from one of the county judges, usually Gerry Klein.

  11. REG was a old school Southern prosecutor, suing homos and hippies and selective mobsters who were not paying him enough.

  12. So, Rumpole, you're comparing the civil rights of gays and lesbians to crackheads? I think you've missed the mark there.

    While I agree that current policies on drug prosecutions are awry, and treatment should be the preferred remedy, I don't think that drug abusers are a "discreet and insular minority" (to quote SCOTUS) who have suffered the deprivation of civil and human rights, like the LGBTQ community.

  13. Rumpole-

    That makes you old brother- I was in high school in the 80's and I feel old. The old age factor makes it hard to make money in criminal law. A criminal lawyer has his prime earning potentail from 36-46. After that, it is hard.

  14. Why is everyone blaming Al Lorenzo, have you all forgotten about Sasha tirador and the candidates that hired her. She was allegedly the queen of getting Ab's. Al Lorenzo wasn't linked with stealing votes.

  15. American Minority - I know who hired Mrs. Cabrera. It was yo mama.

  16. Mr. U.M. Law professor...What does the Q in LGBTQ stand for?

  17. I don't think that the LGBT community has suffered deprivation of civil and human rights. Au contraire, they seem to be able to scale positions of power and make money better than the straight community.

  18. In The Late 1960s & the 1970s a massive movement out of the Democratic Party to the Republican Party occurred .

    Southern , Midwestern and Conservative Dems bolted to the Republicans. The GOP went from the Party of Lincoln & Business to the Party of Big Business & the Klan and its anti-hippie and anti-Civil Rights/Bussing/Defendant Rights party it is today.

    You see it with the election of Reagan in Cal, Kirk in FLA and Nixon in 1968.
    The Nixon Tapes shows that Nixon and his cronies were bigots. New Republicans , that were Old Democrats, were elected all over the country in former democratic strongholds.

    I am not saying Reagan was a bigot, but he did Name Names.
    That was wrong.

    Reagan benefited from that as He and the anti-Civil Rights Democrats ( ie anti-Black, anti-de-segregation, anti-school busing, anti-integration of public schools ,) all became Republicans.


  19. I'm pro choice pro gay and pro freedom. Spark up in public and speak your mind. But stop taxing me. Federal income taxes should never be more then 25 percent.

  20. Rump, if you were making six figures in the eighties, you werd not muddls class...douche

  21. 3:20pm
    Busing has obtained a bad reputation in segments of both parties and being opposed to it does not make someone a member of the Klan. Are you suggesting that minority members who overwhelmingly vote for their own group as a point of pride are bigots or do they get a pass from you if they are registered Democrats. Are you that certain that Democratic politicians are as free of racial animus as you suggest or was Nixon just bizarre in choosing to record his conversations while more prudent Democratic officials don't. You throw the term Klan around pretty freely without much evidence.

  22. 5:10 I was going to erase your comment because you cursed at me. But instead I'll make you sick:
    I made seven figures twice turning the years Reagan was President on mostly three stocks: the ABC's of bio-tech: Amgen, Biogen, and Chiron. Now granted most of those profits came due during the Bush administration, but I invested the money during the Reagan administration and did take some significant profits in 1987.

  23. 1104 am Couldn't have been my Mom wouldn't defraud the Voter Process she grew up in the Jim Crow Era and respects our civil process and she has never been arrested. 11:20pm Deisy Cabrera In regards to her fraudulently filling out the ballots of non consenting elderly voters that is fraud, correct?

  24. Cisco Kid says
    Made means you sold and then banked the profits. Rather then roll it and crap out going for mega bucks. Considering your obvious gambling habits, I would bet you took the later course. Although, I hope you banked it. Of course, none of this has to do with RR.

  25. I have been away on vacation in the islands for a few days. So I have not been reading the blog, local news, etc. Even a few days away has given me some perspective.

    This blog is written by and commented on by a huge bunch of idiots.

    Rumpole, why are you arguing with Am Min over this? He has shown time and again that he does not know a thing about anything?

    This blog feeds into the misery of being a lawyer. I am officially starting on my path to another line of work. Life is too short to live it like this.

    That's it, I'm done.

  26. If I had to put money on American Minority, I would say he is really a patient in mental health facility and during "free time" he goes on the computer. His comments and arguments are screwy.

  27. Saturday at 11:51 AM...

    Q="Questioning," i.e. those questioning their heterosexuality.
