Thursday, August 30, 2012


Update: Sad news. A Broward ASA arrested Friday for committing domestic violence against a Dade ASA- his wife. Nothing pleasant about personal problems being on display in the newspaper. 

The National Football League opens its season next Wednesday. Which means the world famous, award winning, set your-head-a-spinning-, rockin and rollin,  roof raisin, shocking and amazing Justice Building BLOG SUICIDE POOL IS BACK!

The rules are simple: pick one team that will win each week. The spread is not considered. Just pick one winner. BUT, once you use that team, you cannot use that team for the rest of the year. 

Send your picks by email to: (the same address as last year). 

Rules: 1) No purchase necessary; 2) the time of your email governs your pick. If you send an email at 12:59:59 on a Sunday for the 1pm game, you're in. If you send it at 1:00:01, you're out for the 1pm game and have to make a pick for the 4pm game or the Monday night game. Remember: there is a full schedule of Thursday night games this year. 3) All decisions of the the blogger are final. 4) By entry into the pool you are agreeing to litigate any matters before the Honorable Judge Juan Ramirez, (Ret.), with his arbitration company, and you will be responsible for all costs. 
5) Emailed picks  sent to our regular email address (Howardroark21) will be replied to with this message :"Hey, idiot? How did you pass the bar? Can't you follow simple rules."  You will also be openly mocked on the blog for being a dope. 

Check you're email in box. If you played last year, you should have an email from fbpool12. Former Judge Jon Colby responded with alacrity. He is the first registered player for 2012.   

Labor Day Weekend is here!
Cold beer; cookouts, and perhaps the best news of all: The Republican Convention is OVAH!

Enjoy your long weekend. 
See you in court. 


  1. How is Kim Rhode an olympian? She's a chunker!!!!

  2. Watching the run-up to Mitt, I am convinced he is the second coming of Christ, unless you're jewish, then he is the first coming. Either way, unless he walks on water tonight and feeds the entire convention with a loaf of bread, his speech will not live up to the build up his speakers are giving him.

  3. At the convention Rhode just said she was a "wide eyed 16 year old" at the olympics in Atlanta . Now she is a wide butt fattie. How can she look at herself and call herself an athlete?


  5. Just watched a player from kent state pick up a muffed punt and run 60 yards the wrong way. To top it off the opposing team tackled him before he could get into his own end zone for a safety . Gotta love college football

  6. we're tweeting during Mitt's speech. if you don't follow us, you should. @justicebuilding

  7. National Guardsman in Florida for GOP convention accidentally shot by another

    Tampa Bay Times

    A national guardsman accidentally shot a colleague Thursday night while examining a loaded revolver in a room at the La Quinta Hotel.

    Jeffrey A. Spurr, 26, of Bronson, was checking out the grip on Michael Wdowiak's .357 revolver when the gun went off, according to the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office.

    Three other people were in the room, but Wdowiak, 21, of Weirsdale, was the only person injured, deputies said. Paramedics were called to the La Quinta at 4999 34th St. N at 10:22 p.m.

    Wdowiak was taken to a local hospital where he underwent surgery Thursday night.

    No charges have been filed. Both men serve in the Florida National Guard company based in Ocala. They were in town to help with the Republican National Convention.

  8. Why watch meatheads run around with a ball when I can be fishing or reading a book. Football was cool in college but then I grew up

  9. Ex-miami ASA, broward conflict counsel and current Broward ASA Marcus Griggs arrested for domestic violence against current Miami ASA.....all terrible details on sun sentinal front page.......

  10. 10:32: wouldn't have been a safety. can't advance a muffed punt.

  11. Absolutely loved the twitter feed last night rump. You got some major retweets from media bigwigs on some of your comments during the RNC convention. Keep it up.

    Big fan.

  12. Silent Charlie has been in Washington DC for the
    Lavender Law Career Fair,
    a LBGT Recruitment drive.
    On the tax payers dime, because there are not enough qualified attorneys in South Florida that want to work for the PD.

  13. No, Silent Charlie is in D.C. for Lavender law because there is not enough qualified LGBT candidates who want to work for the PD.

  14. In vicious debate: who's the better director? Gaspar Noe pr Terrence Malick. Luckily the coffee and deserts at Michael's Genuine are making it so I am not wanting to get up any time soon. Who wants more creme brûlée?

  15. - Not just another political Story, it has Justice Bldg interest since This is Judge Zabel's Husband-

    Former North Miami Beach mayor investigated over cost of bus bench ads

    Myron Rosner was accused of underreporting the value of bus bench ads in his campaign.

    More than a year after losing his reelection bid, former North Miami Beach Mayor Myron Rosner finds himself under criminal investigation for allegedly underreporting the value of bus bench ads bought from a city vendor.

    Rosner, 52, declined to comment on the possible campaign finance violations charges. His attorney, Ben Kuehne, said Rosner has been “fending off” complaints arising from his handling of campaign finances and signage, including bus benches.

    Read more here:

  16. I'm shuming the whole weekend. Took off Friday completely. Did some chores. Went to the bank. Had some lunch, drove west on Bird forever until I got to the most famous Cigar shop in Miami and bought some stogies from the noticeably slimmer big fella himself. Spent the afternoon relaxing in a hammock by the pool sipping some cool ones, and enjoying a Shumie selected cigar. What a day!

  17. Anybody run into Jeff Feiler lately? The Intercontinental Man of Mystery?

  18. If anything Fake Kenny is getting more obnoxious and elitist. He needs to be more of the man of the people. Speaking from experience here.

  19. I'm very upset that Fake Kenny W declined my offer to be my VP. He would have been so perfect and would have made our ticket unbeatable in November.

  20. Sometimes for no discernable reason # shumietime trends on twitter. It exploded last night. Then this monring? Nada.

  21. Is it smart for a current pd to be posting a story about a judge,s husband?

  22. That dude griggs was always a scumbag.....i remember him in Dade narcotics, always being so shady and cocky. Unfortunately for his wife many of us saw this coming

  23. he didn't write the story. just posted a link. What could possibly be wrong about that?

  24. Whoever said DS was smart?

  25. 150...........Griggs is a decent guy. No reason to call him a scumbag. He overcame a lot of hurdles and deserves at least some respect for that and, of course, his public service. Obviously, there's no excuse for what he did here (assuming it's true). But, is it really necessary for you to pile on at this point? Like Rump, I find the whole situation to be sad and disappointing.


  26. Oh my friend, you don't really want to go mano a mano with space trivia with me, do you? I;m not talking the simple Apollo stuff, but the real tough stuff?

    Well, to echo the words of Steve Bales in guidance...

    "You're go on that 1202 alarm"

    You remember of course that Bales who gave the "go" was given that info by 24 year old computer guidance specialist Jack Garman, who at flight director Gene Krantz's request, had written down every possible computer alarm, with the appropriate response.

    The real hero in this 1202/1201 alarm sequences was the teamwork at mission control. Garman told Bales immediately it was a go. Without questioning his young colleague, Bales told Kratnz it was a go. Kratnz trusted Bales and told cap com to tell Armstrong he was a go. The point being each player in the sequence, over the long long hours of training trusted with their lives the judgment of another member of the team. Preparation pays dividends.

  27. FYI Charlie Duke was cap com for the landing.

  28. Rump This blog continues to bathe itself in the dirt of hurled insults from anonymity. When will you bring decency and civility back ? At least if tragedy befalls one of us and cannibals come out for the hunt, institute a policy of only printing insults in public when people are ready to defend. Otherwise, you will continue to forsake your opportunity to be of some utility to our little community. As it is, you service only the vile.

  29. To 1:41:

    So true.

    A blog which services the vile.


    Punctuated by the witless and inane shumie and fakes.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. 12:34
    1. The Story was in the Herald
    2. Ben K is the defense Atty
    3. SAO maybe investigating.
    4. Joe Centerino maybe investigating.
    5. Its a Judges Husband.
    6. Its about possible public corruption.
    7. Its Public record.
    8. The Fla. Dept of Electipns is investigating.
    9. Wouldnt you want to know if your Judge's Husband was being investigated by the SAO?

    All reasons to be on the Blog.

    By the way I think the whole thing is BS, but it has legs for the blog.

    Not my soon to be Ex

  32. DS,

    I'm not talking about your post but your lack of judgment in doing so.

  33. 659 am. Yo yo yo I resemble that remark but at least I have a life and im not posting at 7 am. While u were posting I was catching live bait on my boat. I had three dolphin in the cooler by noon and spent the afternoon off of aligator reef diving. Now im drinking a beer at the dock at my vacation home in Islamorada. How about you?

  34. Sure it's a story that a judge's husband is under investigation by the SAO, if the judge is sitting in criminal.

    But what is really interesting is the lawyers who run to this blog to post anything they read that is negative about someone else for the sole purpose of making themselves feel better about their miserable lives.

  35. New lawyer in town here. Dolphins are intelligent mammals. How can you people catch them for sport and eat them? BTW that "local mahi mahi" scam is just a scam. Mahi mahi are only caught off of Hawaii. What u do is disgusting.

  36. 339 -who's miserable? We spent the weekend at Ocean Reef in a house on the water.

  37. New lawyer: only the baby porpoises are eaible. Wheb they get to be Flipper the meat is too tough. Try it baked, stuffed with lobster and a cream sauce. The best, Jerry. The best.

  38. I am about to be 57. Perhaps "I am mad` as hell and aint gonna take it anymore'.

    Actually I still have a` naive belief if we all speak up AND participate , politely - with civil discourse , WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE, hopefully for the better?

    Also, aren't We Lawyers.
    Especially those of us that are Defense Attorneys fight Authority. Lawyers from Adams to Darrow to Kunstler to our own Ellis Rubin have stood and challenged Authority.

    But they did not do it from the shadows. I dont claim to be in their league, but I do admire them.

    Perhaps I should stay silent. It would be smarter,to go along and dont challenge the system , dont comment and draw attention to myself.

    But isn't that part of the problem in our society?

    By the way if you check the front page of the blog , you will see me listed as a contributor.
    Perhaps all I post is a carton or opinion piece designed for response, lol? If I am such a knucklehead why do you care what I say?

    F*@# it. Just finished mowing the lawn and my first bier.
    Happy Labor Day, See You 'all at Dante Fascell's Picnic.

  39. Cisco would never put ruben and darrow in the same thought.

  40. DS seems unhinged. Why call out the judges husband for some bullshit. Because darrow would do it?? Are u suggesting that Zable should be transfered out of criminal or we should move to recuse her bc she would favor of the state?

    Be cool and act normal fella.

  41. Rump: Here's an odd bit of space trivia…

    Robert Pearlman, a space historian and collector, explains the scheme that would have been used to provide for Neil Armstrong's family, should the worst have happened:

    "These astronauts had been signing autographs since the day they were announced as astronauts, and they knew even though eBay didn't exist back then, that there was a market for such things," Pearlman said. "There was demand." Especially for what were called covers -– envelopes signed by astronauts and postmarked on important dates.
    About a month before Apollo 11 was set to launch, the three astronauts entered quarantine. And, during free moments in the following weeks, each of the astronauts signed hundreds of covers. They gave them to a friend. And on important days — the day of the launch, the day the astronauts landed on the moon — their friend got them to the post office and got them postmarked, and then distributed them to the astronauts' families.
    It was life insurance in the form of autographs.

  42. 1:50 you are an idiot- I was an ASA when Griggs was in narcotics. He was always down to earth and willing to help. Super nice guy.

  43. Rumpy dude: Where is everyone? I had like an arraignment calendar and the building is empty dude.

  44. My word is Chris Christie fat.

  45. For real. Is it just me or does he look just like another Jersey boy, Salvatore "Big Pussy" Bonpensiero.

    Big Pussy got his name from his proficiency as a cat burglar. Of course, there was always the confusion about his nickname because of "Little Pussy" Malanga. That confusion almost got Big Pussy" whacked by mistake. Whew! Well we saw how the turned out, anyway.

    Big Pussy. Won't see him around no more. He was a good earner.


  46. I always thought majors Anthony nelson, and rodger Healy were the crew of that launch

  47. I saw it on tv live when I was a kid

  48. FAKE DS
    9:12, Correct. I am LD.Gifted. Thank God for the remedial classes in elementary school.

  49. Leave DS alone on Labor Day. His papa, Murray was a BIG union man back in the day. Ever hear of UTD, Pat Tornillo?

    He was also a teacher/principal at Hebrew School.

  50. Ellis Rubin? Did you really but Ellis in the same sentence as Darow and Kuntsler? Really?
