Tuesday, July 10, 2012


A "sit-down" now has a whole new meaning. 
From a soon to be released study: Sitting down for more than three hours a day can shave a person's life expectancy by two years, even if he or she is physically active and refrains from dangerous habits like smoking, according to a study to be published on Tuesday in the online journal BMJ Open..."Several studies show that when you're sitting, your leg muscles are completely inactive... When you're sitting and completely inactive, this is when you run into trouble managing blood glucose."

Now who do we know who sits at work? Hmmm.... who sits at work? On a bench...wears a robe....never mind. Sitting is good. Sit all you want your honor. 

Tom Logue is your new 3rd DCA judge. We don't know him, but the Captain's run down on his credentials in the comments on Monday indicate he is well qualified and has impressive credentials. Logue has big shoes to fill as he is the replacement for Judge Juan Ramirez who recently retired. 
Just try to stand during oral argument and you'll be fine Judge Logue. 


  1. That is a very interesting and obscure study, just not sure it is accurate. I've known barbers who stood all their lives, and died relatively premature from glucose related causes.

  2. Tom Logue is brilliant and super nice! I believe he will make a great addition to the Third!

  3. What makes the study "obscure"?

  4. rumpole doesnt understand the word obscure.

    he thinks it makes him sound erudite

  5. AM,
    Your knowledge of barbers does not a study make. The whole purpose of medical research is not to just rely on the observations of a few people you happen to know.

  6. Nice endorsement for my former Intern, Diana Gonzalez for County Court in the Herald today.

  7. Does anyone have a nice thing they can say about former judge Juan Ramirez? Not me!

  8. I don't think anyone who ever practiced in front of former Judge Ramirez at the Third has anything nice to say about him.

  9. Has anybody realized that American Minority is really Luther Campbell?

  10. Tom is very smart and is a great addition to the court. Along with Keven Emas finally we are getting some intelligence on the court as opposed to some of the questionable appointments in the past
