Wednesday, May 02, 2012


UPDATE: Guess what words you currently cannot search on the internet in China (Motto: "The USSR failed. We're up."):
"Blind man", "Chen" (which is like not being able to search "John" in the US) and "Guangcheng"
Why? Because of one simple blind lawyer who refuses to back down to the Chinese. 
The NY Times reports on current events here
Chen Guangcheng, Esq., is a simple blind lawyer who refuses to silence his opinion against Chinese forced abortions, one child policy, and forced sterilizations. (For the US view on forced sterilizations, and Oliver Wendell Holmes majority opinion that "three generations of imbeciles are enough" , check out Buck v. Bell.

Republicans, who have their own plans to restrict internet searches for "abortion", "reproductive rights" and "Newt Gingrich" are ferociously supporting Mr. Guangcheng, with some advocating  "the total nuclear destruction of China to teach them a lesson." 

The opening salvo in Rod Vereen's campaign to unseat Dade State Attorney Kathy Fernandez-Rundle was fired on Tuesday when Mr. Vereen officially kicked off his campaign with an event staged with the PBA in Overtown. 

If you have been in Miami for a while then you know that PBA President John Rivera and Kathy Rundle get a long like Superman and Lex Luthor, or Judges Maria Dennis and David Miller, or Newt Gingrich and...well anyone else.  You get the point- they don't care for each other's company. 

Also on hand at the event was Miami Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones who beat back a disastrous prosecution by the Dade SAO. To the victor go the spoil, as it were. 

The Herald covered the event here. 


  1. Man, I've always liked and respected Rod, but this campaign makes me sick.

    I can't believe a guy like him is playing the race card; it's cynical (we all know KFR has been great for minorities) and divisive. I also can't believe he's running at the behest of Spence-Jones (who apparently knows no shame, like most politicians) and accepting her open support. We have enough corruption in Miami already; I can only imagine how bad it will get if a Spence-Jones supported candidate wins.

    Rod, even your fans (those of us who supported you for Congress), are disappointed. Your best chance winning significant public office, is to be the Rod Vereen those of us who have know you for years think you are.


  2. Miami needs a shake up!! Go Vereen.

  3. BTDT, you make me sick with your comments. And yes, we do have a lot of corruption in Miami, starting with KFR.

    Anybody has a right to run against KFR- she does not own the seat. And no, not every black man who runs is using a race card. Your comment is pretty ignorant.

  4. I like Rod too. But I agree with BTDT. Playing the race card is bad politics and unnecessary. It is obvious Rod is black and it is obvious that the black community is pissed at KFR. The candidate doesn't need to highlight these issues. His surrogates and the preachers in the black community will do it for him. Rod on the other hand needs to come off as qualified candidate, a better candidate, despite his race. He should be highlighting KFR's failures in office, the failure's of her prosecutors, the unfair justice, etc. But trying to say I am the black candidate for anything is bullshit.

  5. Agree with the above comments. Rod, we love you, but the Miami SAO is a reasonable place and KFR has done a good job there. You can always get a fair shake in Miami. If you want to rally the troops, go run for judge or state attorney in Broward where the motto is "We hate all that is not white."

  6. i'm out of the loop. How has Rundle been great for minorities? Also, why does Spence-Jones have "no shame" for supporting the opponent of the State Attorney who prosecuted her? By all accounts, the prosecution was a disaster and she was unfairly treated.

  7. BTDT
    Are you really surprised that large members of Dade's Black Community Do Not Like KFR?

    Right or Wrong ,They have No trust in the system, The Cops,Too many nuisance arrest in an attempt to clean the streets, so why trust the State Attorney.


  8. Right.

    Rod should prove he is the better candidate despite his race

    Nicely phrased.

  9. I am a Hispanic Attorney and I feel that Rod Vereen would make an excellent State Attorney. He is smart, hard working and experienced. He has my vote and that of my family and friends for now. HOWEVER if Rod goes down the route of making this a race war then I will absolutely not vote for him. I will not vote for anyone who would have us go back 25 years and play race against race here in Miami or anywhere. I will not stand for that in the least. I suggest Rod make sure that he keeps the election about why everyone should vote for him and not just telling blacks to vote black and not hispanic. Also becareful who you hangout with Rod. Michelle Spence Jones may have been acquitted however that does not mean she is innocent. You have never been a puppet before, do not become one now.

  10. 7:03 a.m. I agree with you BTTD which stands for (Butthole that talks to damn much) is an Asshole for sure.He repeatedly displays what type of obnoxious Tea Party jerk he is,but his own misery is his punishment.

    To the business at hand,my uncle was Kathy Fernandez-Rundle's investigator for 30yrs. KFR is a selective,political prosecutor.KFR wrongly prosecuted Commission woman Michelle Spence-Jones for an alleged 25k bribe, which was admitted to be an honest contribution by the developer, and then she turns right around and closed the investigation on David Rivera of his misuse of Millions of Campaign Dollars.

    Kathy Fernandez-Rundle approved and waived the min/man for Rolando Bolano, who robded the bank in hialeah he got 1yr prison and dyrs prob., when have you know Dava Tunis or any pros, to be so forgiving, not to mention the Miami-Dade Police Officer Peter Hassanos who I.A. investigated and charged with Drug Trafficking, she knocked down the 2 felony counts for 54 misdemeanor's counts and 5yr's prob.,obviously and deliberately waiving the min/man.
    That's just two of many cases I can elaborate on but for the sake of discretion I'll limit it to those two out of many cases of differential treatment.
    Now, I'm going to address the issue of the loosely used term "Race Card" when ever a person of color aspires to accomplish an objective goal they're using "The Race Card" let me explain something to you, you manipulative person.Your type brings up race before anyone else does and to try and bolster your argument in a twisted confusing aura. One fact is that KFR is out of touch with the community and she has been there for 20 yrs as an incumbent, feels she owns that office, and is very comfortable and complacent with her disproportionate, selective prosecuting, uncontested standard.My Godfather is also a retired Chief of the Miami-Dade Police Department, and my best friend from child hood is a 5yr Miami-Dade Police Officer ,his dad who was my troop leader retired as a Seargent from Miami-Dade Corrections and they are oppsed to KFR.

    BTW BTTD, the stupid comment you made about violence towards me, I suggest you refrain from offering threats in response to my opinion and right to freedom of speech.While we disagree with each other, I will not tolerate you insinuating violence against me. I'm just going to advise you to refrain from those type of incendiary antics, it shows that you have no class or discretion, which further substantiates to me that you are not, and do not exhibit the credentials of a well educated scholarly man that you claim to be.

  11. I've heard of so many problems with KFR and her office. Any opponent should make those problems, and why s/he could fix them, the focus of the campaign.
    We shouldn't give a S**t what color their skin is.

  12. I was biking and a MDPD stopped me one night, and said he "wanted to search me." I simply said "officer what is your probable cause" he responded I looked suspicious". I said Officer I live down the street and even if I did not I have a right to bike at night my lights was on my bike and all, so there was no technical violations. He looked at my license saw I lived in the neighborhood and went about his business after attempting to illegally search me. do you all know how many of my clients get stopped without PC and end up going to jail and being prosecuted it has become common practice. What stopped me from being arrested my education, status, connections that should not be so. I should have not been pulled over on a bike.My understanding is that most of you have and will never have an experience like that and you give these bias opinions on African Americans but you don't experience or understand half of the BS we put up with.However it is going to stop. Remember professor Henry Louis Gates and the racist sergeant who handcuffed and arrested him for being suspicious at his own home.

  13. Vereen is a perpetual loser who is trying to use his race as an advantage. KFR won't even break a sweat defeating him.

  14. Dear Rumpole;
    Kathy Fernandez Rundle does not own her seat..the people do. The registered democrats of Dade County will elect our next State Attorney.
    I am a supporter of our State Attorney. She is fair, her office is accessible and has an excellent reputation of hiring women and minorities.It is organized,is an advocate for the victims of crime and is amenable to working with the defense bar.
    Mr. Vareen and his supporters tactics clearly have put in focus the African-American community.
    I will leave it to the pundits to decide if the PBA support and that of Michelle Spence Jones will be sufficient to unseat a long time incumbent.
    Will the African American Community support Mr. Vareen, a criminal defense attorney?
    Does Mr. Vareen have the skills it takes to run a 250 attorney law firm?
    Rod is a friend of many of us in the building and in our profession. Can he clarify for us what he thinks is wrong at the SAO, and detail what He would implement to correct it. What about the budget shortfalls that have devastated the Criminal Justice System. Will he be a strong advocate in Tallahassee and be an effective lobbyist?
    It can happen.
    Look to Marco Rubio as proof of that.
    I can only hope that this will be a campaign on the issues and not on the African American Community which has been thrust into the limelight.
    And finally, can Mr. Vareen effectivley campaign The Condo Canyons of North Dade and the cafeterias of 8th Street? Contray to popular belief many hispanics are democtrats.
    Campaign season is upon us!!
    P.S. Can everyone please have the intestinal fortitude to post with thier name. This anonymous posting calls into question peoples motives.
    Bob Pardo

  15. Dear Rumpole;
    Kathy Fernandez Rundle does not own her seat..the people do. The registered democrats of Dade County will elect our next State Attorney.
    I am a supporter of our State Attorney. She is fair, her office is accessible and has an excellent reputation of hiring women and minorities.It is organized,is an advocate for the victims of crime and is amenable to working with the defense bar.
    Mr. Vareen and his supporters tactics clearly have put in focus the African-American community.
    I will leave it to the pundits to decide if the PBA support and that of Michelle Spence Jones will be sufficient to unseat a long time incumbent.
    Will the African American Community support Mr. Vareen, a criminal defense attorney?
    Does Mr. Vareen have the skills it takes to run a 250 attorney law firm?
    Rod is a friend of many of us in the building and in our profession. Can he clarify for us what he thinks is wrong at the SAO, and detail what He would implement to correct it. What about the budget shortfalls that have devastated the Criminal Justice System. Will he be a strong advocate in Tallahassee and be an effective lobbyist?
    It can happen.
    Look to Marco Rubio as proof of that.
    I can only hope that this will be a campaign on the issues and not on the African American Community which has been thrust into the limelight.
    And finally, can Mr. Vareen effectivley campaign The Condo Canyons of North Dade and the cafeterias of 8th Street? Contray to popular belief many hispanics are democtrats.
    Campaign season is upon us!!
    P.S. Can everyone please have the intestinal fortitude to post with thier name. This anonymous posting calls into question peoples motives.
    Bob Pardo

  16. Great to run as an incumbent when you can send out weekly e-mail updates on how great a job your office is doing. I mean, I would do the same, but I only got one every few months before she had opposition.

  17. @ 3:38 you have the right to your opinion and here's mine.You referred to "Marco Stupido" as some form of credible example. Please, the guy is a an unproven jerk and got elected in the back lash and confusion of a recession. had Kendrick Meek conceeded out of the race, Charlie Crist would have beat "Marco Stupido" for sure. Who next David Rivera KFR's Buddy and Daddy Bolano the Hialeah Mafia Boss. Please Kathy is done and when I see day in day out differential treatments of citizens that is not "Equal Protection under the Law. That is Preferential treatment under the Law my Uncle was the head investigator at SAO since Reno he is retired and guess what he even thinks it's time for a change. She blatantly has no respect for the Minority Community I see the over charging and the manipulation and differential treatment, trust me. I see it every day and the community sees it as well. Tell KFR to pack her office up, if you dont believe it turn off 610am for a while and tune into the community radio 1490am, from Miami Gardens to Homestead her time has come to go, out to pastuer, private practice, or become a Lecturing "Criminal Injustice" Professor.

    The whole community saw when Rolando Bolano got 1yr in prison for Robbing Bank Atlantic. How do you explain that, how do you explain David Rivera's investgation being closed, the community of Miami-Dade County is not as naive as you or she thinks.

    My god children's father is a city of Miami Cop and you'll be suprised they don't have a fervid desire for Rundle to remain there.

  18. American Minority 2:26, you have your facts wrong on the Bolanos case. There was no gun, therefore, no min man to be waived. It was a Level 6 second degree felony (Strongarm Robbery) that guidelined at non-state prison sanction.

  19. Who will fire Lorna when Rod wins? Is there protocol for that? What about don you are so super fired horn? I would like rod to confirm his position on dh.

  20. Don't confuse Am Min by citing facts.

  21. Sorry, but any prosecutor who pisses off the PBA because she doesn't support their bullshit all the time and prosecutes wayward officers is good with me.

    Go KFR!

  22. I second what Bob Pardo, a man I respect, said.

    Where I disagree with Mr. Pardo is that I think it may well be time for a change at the SAO--KFR has her shortcomings. But I want Rod Vereen to explain how he will run the SAO, what he will do differently, etc., etc. Give me a reason (or reasons) to vote for you.

    As for American Minority, the fact that cops aren't supporting KFR is no surprise. She and the PBA were at loggerheads when I was an ASA, and I left in the late 90s.

    Also, American Minority, perhaps your hotshot buddies can give you a few Benjamins to take some spelling and grammar courses. Heck, I'll gladly throw in $50.

  23. 7:10, You are correct about the Bolano Bank Robbery being unarmed, but from the reports altought I did not read the A-form myself I was under the concept that there was a fire arm in the car.Not sure if he had it in actual possession. The dirty cop who resigned after it was discovered, that he had an arrest for grand theft and forgery that was thrown out in 99'. Seems like he still came out on the lenient side of the case you and I both know he could have received 15yrs and did not.

    My point is he was spared... Last time I checked Bank Robbery was a Federal Crime right?

  24. AM........I think you've jumped the shark. I NEVER suggested any kind of violence toward anyone, let alone you. And, I posted a comment the other day saying that I considered you a thinking man; someone else said I was off base and asked if I meant to say "drinking man." At this point, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about and wondering if they were right.

    As for me being a tea partier, you couldn't be more wrong. I am a moderate on most issues.


    PS--703, there are PLENTY of black candidates I've supported. In fact, I cheered Rod when he ran for Congress. LIke AM, you assumptions about me are way off base.

  25. American Minority seems to be going off the deep end. A.M. can't possibly be an attorney can he (or she)? God help his/her clients if he/she is one.

  26. American Minority is English your first language?

  27. American Minority = Angry Gurl

  28. I've been calling out Am Min on his stupidity, racism, grammar, spelling, persecution complex, learning disability, and psychological shortcomings for weeks now. It is reassuring to know I'm not alone in my amazement at the comments.

    As I predicted, the more he writes, the worse it gets for him. He continually exposes his lack of insight, foresight, and based on his writing abilities, eyesight. I don't think he can see the keyboard.


  29. BTTD,my mistake I thought you were the other person who is an self proclaimed asshole, who said I would be beaten for my opinion of openly admiring Fidel Castro, because he runs his country with out interference, and with complete sovereignty, also he is not prejudice like most Miami Cubans, there number one phrase is "This guy is no good" they're back stabbing wanna be white people.To prove my point I looked up Rolando Bolano, and Peter Hassanos up convicted ex police officers on and they classify them as being white how is that Cubans are white now. Give me a break. Lastly Fidel Castro was hospitable to Malcom X, MLK, and Angela Davis. That is my opinion, and those are facts. America envy's Fidel Castro because he isn't a pretentious coward that is in constant chaos in government hell he withstood a takeover that Cuban Americans are mad about. If they don't like Castro why in the hell are Republican Hispanics so mad about the bay of pigs, and JFK who tried to overthrow Castro ??? Make up ya got damn minds. I use (got) not God on purpose so don't come with these little dweeby corrections, "hey you spell this like that." That's so dweeby my motions are flawless this is a "blog." not the a courtroom. I come here for entertainment and social notification in my spare time. A.M.

  30. 9:56pm, My Language is the same as your fat ass Mama's, clown.

  31. 9:56, You people actually believe in God, I didn't know that,I thought all of you's were atheist and believe in the Big Bang Theory or Evolution.

  32. While I remain the Anonymous ASA, I find it funny that Rump constantly bitches about the Judges and Silent Charlie not speaking up, but now I am waiting to hear from Rod about oh so much. Rump, why don't you reach out to him? I want to know:

    A) what management skills Rod has. Has he ever supervised over 50 attorneys at a time?

    B) what would he do differently than KFR? What will he do about my salary? Would he bring in anyone new to lead the office? What ability does he have to lobby the legislature that will prevent me from losing my benefits?

    I think it is easy to bring up a case here or there over 20+ years, but what record is Rod really running on?

    American Minority - every time you post I stop reading after a sentence. You generally lack any logical or coherent thought. Do you really think that Rod would be the SAO and the police all of a sudden are going to change? Do you really think Rod is going to come in and say "hey everybody, we aren't going to file on X or Y anymore." Clearly he is going with the "race card." He had his little speech in Overtown with MSG. He couldn't have held this press conference anywhere else? Gimme a break.

  33. Spence Jones is a fucking criminal. Shame on Rod for sharing the stage with her.

  34. The first rule of blog participation:

    Don't feed the troll. Responding to him (American Minority) only stokes his furnace of hate.

  35. Cops hated Reno too. PBA never supports the incumbent, too busy fighting with them.

  36. 11:52- the good thing about this blog- ok- the great thing about this blog is you can post your questions- which you have done. And I offer you this, anonymous ASA: go write a cogent piece with questions you have for Rod Vereen and email it to me and I will post it on the front page. If you have any concerns about staying anonymous, it takes about five minutes (20 if you're a judge) to open a new email account with google.

    As to my dealings with judges, I am lazy and it is shooting fish in a barrel.

  37. AM
    I have disagreed w/ BTDT many a time. I think he is wrong on the Prohobition of Drugs and some other things.
    But I respect his opinion, whoever he is. There is no need for us to act like children and insult each other while discussing the issues.
    This was uncalled for:
    " I agree with you BTTD which stands for (Butthole that talks to damn much) is an Asshole for sure.He repeatedly displays what type of obnoxious Tea Party jerk he is,but his own misery is his punishment."


  38. As a Defense Attorney would not the PBA / Police supporting someone give US pause. We know what cops do. We have read the aforms.
    Do Not we want someone as State Attorney that questiona the police ?
    Que Custodiet ex rel Custidium
    Who Guards the Guards

  39. To the anonymous ASA:

    I'll make sure everyone gets a raise and I'll get rid of 90% of chiefs and send them to court to try cases. I'm going to get rid of FSU and let ASA's prefile their own workload. You'll work as a real lawyer offering your own pleas and trying cases without supervisory bureaucratic interference (after, all your former supervisors will have their own caseload just like you). I'll make ALL politicians accountable for their actions and will prompt the Legislature to create a new enhancement category of Habitual Corruption Offenders (HCO's) once they build a new prison to house all the local politicians that will be sentenced to life under the HCO category. I'll also work to return the Pickle Barrel back to its rightful place that's been usurped by Au Bon Pain and work out a deal for free lunch for ASA's.

  40. miami continues to have rampant crime, 25 circuit felony judges costing 200k a year or more with staff, library, benefits. what has reno/kfr done to try to stop teens from dropping out of school, parents parent, and other measures to lower the 40000 felony cases a year. maybe an african american will have some ideas on how to stop the totally embarassing state of affairs in the african american community of being an assembly line of criminals, 1/4 of black men are incarcerated or on probation. morehouse college has a webcite/study on the horrific state of the black community in america. of course I am racist for bringing this up and in 2012 it is still the white man causing black men to kill each other and 70% of children born out of wedlock to african american women. several movies have been made about black on black crime, boys in the hood/colors. when will it stop and who will try to fix it? can anyone tell me anything kfr has done in 18 years to institute programs in the community to stem the tide of black felons?

  41. Former ASA here.

    The police departments do not hate KFR or the Miami SAO- Rivera does.
    It is the biggest bullshit rumor that has lasted way too long. Talk to any rank and file officer from the county or other PBA department and there is a 99% chance that he/she has no problem with KFR or the Miami SAO.

    When I was at the SAO, Rivera was blasting KFR for prosecuting Miami-Dade Commissioner Bruce Kaplan. Wow, the nerve of her office prosecuting a corrupt politician. Oh wait, I forgot, this corrupt politician was bed buddies with Rivera. Whatever. Then Kaplan pled guilty. So how did Rivera feel then?

    Rivera hates KFR and always will. But most cops were in middle school when the Rivera-KFR feud started, so they really couldnt care less.

    As far as Rod is concerned, I like him, but this was not the race to run. And to shack up with Spence-Jones and Rivera? Yuck.

  42. any word on the DCA short list?

  43. An African American State Attorney will have no more luck reducing crime in the black community than a white state attorney. The State Attorney is a law enforcement officer, not a job creator or miracle worker.

    As long as the majority of the crimes committed by African Americans is black on black crime, nobody (read the white and hispanic population) really cares.

    The people in the impoverished communities need jobs,not talking heads like Jackson and Sharpton. The African American community hasn't had a decent leader in years. Obama? He could care less about job creation in poor neighborhoods. Herman Cain? Justice Thomas (married to a white woman), professional athletes (more African Americans married to white women), and the list goes on and on. Nobody has stepped forward to assist this community in teaching them how to help themselves, for themselves, instead of letting the status quo of helping themselves to others' property, continue.

    The prevailing theory is that it takes about 40 years, almost an entire generation or two, to change a community's thinking. KFR has been at it for 18 years. Maybe if Mr. Vereen has a crack at it for the next 22 years, he can squawk loud enough for the people with money to sit up and listen. But as alaw enforcement officer, the State Attorney is not responsible for enacting social legislation.

    The power structure in Miami is no longer white Jewish, but white Hispanic, a community that by and large does not like the African American community. They want the money for themselves and their community, as does every other community.

    The blacks are disenfranchised and will continue to be until a strong African American leader steps forward, in something other than a law enforcement position.

    Truthfully, it shouldn't really matter to anyone who the next state attorney is, because absolutely nothing will change. Changing the state attorney and hoping for a change in the African American community, without other changes, is like the tail wagging the dog.

  44. Telling people to vote for Rod because he's black is just as racist as saying don't vote for KFR because she isn't black. When your first card is race, just shows the rest of your hand is shit.

    That Guy

  45. I don't think it is the job of the State Attorney to institute social programs to prevent the ills that plague society.

    That is for mayors, governors, educators and others to do. To ask why KFR hasn't done that is not fair. Can you point to any other State Attorney that has done these things?

  46. Florida is a strange place. I don't claim to know all about the government structure, and am curious. Do most other states elect their State Attorneys and Attorney General?

    How is it that in Broward they have an elected Sheriff and Dade does not?

    In the Federal System, the equivalent of these positions are appointed and serve at the whim of the president; ie attorney general and the AUSAs in each district.


  48. Hate all you want to, you people even hate the POTUS, but you loved a dimwit like W.Let's fight in trial. With then Pen, wit, and fierce rejoinders, and Bon mots" I'm going to be the Next Johnny L. Cochran Sr. You guys are washed up racist scumbags. "Kiss my grits"

  49. The problems within the SAO are mostly of KFR's making. There is too much institutional control and not enough trust in her attorneys to exercise appropriate discretion.

    It is easy to sit at the top and tell an ASA that certain things are not allowed, when you don't know what is really happening below. The fear factor controls.

    There are so many lawyers without jobs, it is hard to imagine she can not find well educated, mature and talented young lawyers who can be entrusted with the discretion to prepare and properly resolve cases. Part of this is due to the demise of what we used to call the vertical system, where trial lawyers would handle a case from the filing to it conculsion. These attorneys would look at case from what could be proved, not what could be charged.

    The other problem is that the SAO has a lot of dead weight. There are actually lawyers who are with that office that have not tried a case in over 30 years. Really! They also have lazy and stupid (yes, I said stupid) lawyers sitting in positions of authority as division chiefs and handling major cases, mostly for "diversity" reasons.

    I agree with the earlier comment that Rod hurts himself in the greater community when he associates himself with Spence-Jones. Dismissals notwithstanding, she is a crooked politician who has skated due to inadequate investigation and bad lawyering. It may play well in the African-American community, but nowhere else, and will cost him in August.

    The PBA knows she will win. They are just using anyone to make her life a little difficult. The PBA has never gotten along with the SAO and not just because the SAO dares to prosecute officers, but because the PBA doesn't control every charging decision or plea bargain.

    There is a need for a change. It is needed badly for instituional and mangagement reasons. But Rod has no possibility of success. KFR is still the darling of the Cuban/Hispanic and Anglo communities and they represent 75-80% of those who vote in August primaries. He really is not a great threat.




    Last month, the JNC interviewed Circuit Court candidates for Judge Julio Jimenez' replacement. They senT five names to Governor Scott, finding them all qualified:

    Alan Fine
    Judge Hague
    Judge Miranda
    Ariana Fajardo (who was chosen)
    Bonnie Riley

    Today, the JNC announced the names being sent to Governor Scott to replace Judge Maxine Cohen Lando:

    Judson Cohen
    Alan Fine
    Judge Hague
    Judge Miranda
    Judge Rodney Smith

    That's it. No Bonnie Riley. Bonnie Riley did apply for this seat. Bonnie Riley was interviewed for this seat. The same JNC that found her qualified last month, DID not do so this month.

    Now, the JNC is always receiving additional information, both publicly and privately. So, they have their right to determine that she is no longer qualified for the job.

    Go figure. Care to comment?

    CAPTAIN OUT .....


    Many of you have commented on AM. Have any of you clicked on his banner which connects to his information, stating that he is a "student" and showing a photo of him?

    AM - is that a photo of you? And are you a student? Law school? Other ?

    Cap Out .....

  52. ROD VEREEN V. KFR ...

    I'm confused. Rod Vereen is getting support from the PBA to replace KFR, right?

    The citizens of the black community are outraged about the killing of so many unarmed black men by Police, right?

    Rod is running partly because he wants to prosecute some of these police officers for their Bad Shoots, right?

    KFR has not been filing charges against any of these police officers for their "bad shoots", right?

    All this would seem to me to be great logic for why the police would not want to support Rod, right?

    Am I missing something?

    CAP OUT ...

  53. A Court Reporter says:

    I've heard that police officers feel more comfortable in the Public Defender's Office than they do at the State Attorney's Office. That's just from my little world.

    And as far as Spence-Jones is concerned, she was acquitted, she paid for a very expensive trial, and she's free to support the candidate of her choice.


  54. I stopped reading AM at all. Just scroll past the toolbag.

  55. I will give private-sector wages to all my ASAs!

    The lazy and nonsensical ones, I will have Don Horn give them a one-way ticket to private practice where they will enjoy private-sector wages.

    The hardworking and commonsensical ASA's will receive private-sector wages from all the budget savings that my SAO will realize from having Don Horn fire the lazy ASA's.

  56. Speaking of Judge Miller: His opponent, Mr. Mauricio Padilla, was conspicuously absent from last night's League of Prosecutor's judicial forum. Mr. Padilla, step forward and tell us about yourself and why you are uniquely qualified to replace a 12-year incumbent, who has proven himself to be a hard working, highly qualified and well respected judge, who has been a practicing trial lawyer since you were in diapers? We can't wait to hear your story.

  57. Oh Cap, please tell me you can not figure out from the list that your new Circuit Judge is .... Judson Cohen (whoever that is). Direct request from the Governor's office for him to get out of committee. This is a done deal. All the others have been rejected more than once. (Hague almost more times than Lenny Glick in the 80's.)

  58. What is KFR doing to stem the tide of black felons?

    The office has a ridiculously liberal policy regarding PTI.
    Try getting PTI on some of these cases in Broward or other counties.

    She also strongly supports Drug Court. She also allows misdemeanor ASAs to offer multiple withholds on marijuana cases which prevents license suspensions, leading to habitualization.

    I'm not sure who I will support yet in this race. But don't blame KFR for the problems in the black community.

  59. Maybe the JNC figured that it was clear that Gov Scott wasnt going to appoint Bonney because he is anti Labor/anti Union and Bonnies' dad is labor personified.
    I like Bonnie, known her a long time. She is smart, experienced in trial, well educated and has a wonderful disposition. She would be a great Judge.
    But No Way Republican Gov. Scott is going for her, so maybe the JNC decided to send another name instead.

    I am Sorry, Bonny, its Our Courts loss.

  60. "Capt" You actually use your brain that's why I respect you. Stay ahead of the competition. ;)

  61. Goes to show these imbeciles don't even do their investigative duty before an argument on the blog. I hereby invoke, "Ineffective Assistance on behalf your own Selves "
    Yeah I know you guys don't have as much brains as Capt. or Rump. who seem to actually diligently advocate for their clients so bring on the insults cut rate plea bargaining biased, ineffective scum bags.

  62. @ Capt yes, that is a photo of me in front of the capitol, I was invited to a Joint session congressional meeting.It was my first time in the gallery, I also took a picture with Ed Schultz, I met Sen. Arlen Spector in the hallway of the Supreme Court on a Friday afternoon. We had a 15-20 min conversation after watching Oral Arguments, I also happened to catch a glimpse of the POTUS as he came for the Investiture of a New Justice.

  63. "Don't get confused between my personality & my attitude my personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are."

    So, how you approach me I will reciprocally respond(.)

  64. Captain what you are missing is that the police are a bunch of idiots.

  65. Rod has no shown his true intentions. he has no interest in changing that office, he will just bend over and take it from john rivera.

    what a disgrace. omar malone you should be ashamed of yourself for being his lackey.

  66. From The Tampa Bay Times, a story , but which charge is creepier?

    Florida man arrested after police say he had sex with girlfriend’s dog

    CLEARWATER -- A Clearwater man has been arrested after he kept child pornography on his home computer and took photos of himself involved in a sex act with his girlfriend’s dog, police said.

    Eric Antunes, 29, was charged with 10 counts of possessing of child pornography. Police referred an animal cruelty charge to the Pasco-Pinellas State Attorney’s Office for prosecution.

    Clearwater police got a tip about Antunes and found him at his home. Police said he "admitted to downloading and viewing child pornography from his home computer" and allowed detectives to search his hard drive.

    A search uncovered nine photos and one video of child pornography, according to police.

    "Several images of bestiality" were also found on Antunes’ cellphone, authorities said. Clearwater police spokeswoman Elizabeth Watts said the photos depicted Antunes with a dog.

    Watts said the dog remained in the custody of Antunes’ girlfriend, its owner, after Antunes’ arrest. Watts said animal welfare authorities would be notified of the incident.

    The Barrister

  67. I wouldn't want to be a fire extinguisher in the home locker room at Madison Square Garden right now. Do any of you Knick fans remember the last time your team beat the Heat because I sure can't.

  68. Some Starting Questions For Rod:

    -What would you do differently?
    -What policies would you implement?
    -Who would be your chief assistants and what would their roles be?

  69. Rod is black and kfr is Hispanic- that's clear. But who cares and why do people keep bringing that out? So tired of all these race comments. I don't see how that is relevant, especially in this day and age, especially in a forum of educated people.

    People who keep saying that Rod is using a race card sound ridiculous.

  70. AM- consider my advice if you want, or do whatever.

    If indeed you are still in lawschool, consider being a bit more tactful when making comments. After all, you will run into many of the people on this blog, work with them, etc. and it does not always come down to a fight. Sometimes people achieve more by just negotiating and getting along and it does not mean you have to kiss someone's ass.

    You are exposing yourself to a lot of negative publicity and it's not a good way to start out. Even though I agree with most of your comments, I wouldn't go as far ass offending people.

  71. Padilla skipped the League of Prosecutors. What cowardice.

    Even if you know the LOP is going to endorse your opponent, you show the group -- and the office you seek -- enough respect to attend and answer the questions.

  72. AM....7:25 gives good advice.

    I started out a lot like you, full of piss and vinegar........a fight looking for a victim. I've learned that most lawyers on both sides of the aisle are decent people and that you can achieve more with a lot less stress by playing nice in the sandbox.

    The world isn't black and white (contrary to what some of those who post on the blog seem to think), but shades of gray. And, very little of this stuff needs to be personal. I have many friends who have clobbered me in court (or whom I've clobbered in court).

    When you graduate, you'll see that most of the good lawyers get along with one another (it's hard to tell that on this blog where so many posters stare into their computers while writing and forget that the recipients of their abuse are human beings, many with families).


  73. What is great about all this is that we have a choice because we live in the U.S•A. Many dont have that. Embrace it vote how you want exercise your right.

  74. Why should Padilla show respect to a group that's going to endorse his opponent before conducting the interviews? Why do interviews at all if the group has already made up its mind? He can better spend that time going to an event with voters or speaking to a group that's undecided as to which candidate they are going to support.

  75. 7:25am and BTDT, I concede to your advice, thank you.Although I have gotten a little zealous in an informal debate,I would do it in a much more diplomatically, assertive manner.

    I do work with an Attorney and my work is flawless, believe it or not, I get no sleep in making sure of that. I spend what spare time I have doing home work with my little one, and watching trials most Judges are familiar with me and are very cordial and invite me to sit up front.

    Although I do not wish to attract negative attention, however I have never been a push over, or a complete introvert. I have no inferiority complex and I am proud of who I am. If I could come back I'd be black again. I love being the under dog sometimes.

    I love Jazz, I hang out at Timpano's on Las Olas, listening to the quartet sometimes, my favorite steak rest. was Manero's on Hallandale Beach Blvd. I live and let live, I have no qualms about civil disagreement, but I am not a pushover. Cross the line and I (theoretically) cut what ever you cross over off, grind it and mush it. It'ds the American way(.) or should I say the "Man eat Dog Way"...???
    Have a great weekend I'll be enjoying mines.

  76. BTDT, You are also right about that "hard to tell part", statement.

  77. 7:17am, I believe it is subconscious in everyone's mind that we are different, in what should be an insignificant factor, but that has been, and unfortunately still is reality. Even casually when I'm at, Timpano's or Capitol Grill where the Ribeye's are sour,I don't liked dry aged steaks, I get "the second look" it's something you just learn to get used to and this campaign isn't much different. I believe Mr. Vereen is more than sufficiently qualified to hold and delegate that office in a fair and appropriate, effective manner.

    I have voted for KFR in two elections, one against Millian, but it's my gut feeling and instinct, and opinion that it is time for change.

  78. This is now the A.M. Blog! Can we get a "hallelujah"? (Still don't think English is his first language.) Waiting for Al Sharpton to chime in.

  79. KFR needs to go. She was useless as Reno's assistant and has never changed.

  80. PBA did not support Reno either.

  81. Allow me to offer a different view on why the SAO has layers of supervisory control on certain felonies and does not allow ASAs at al levels make unfettered decisions on their cases. Those of us that have been in the system for many years forget the enormous power that a prosecutor possesses. We get used to seeing 45k ASAs come and go and after a while they and what they do becomes part of the background scenery in the courtroom. Actually, with the flick of a pen or a simple utterance in court they can deprive citizens of liberty, destroy entire families, or put people at risk of harm. The reason we have supervisory review is so that someone who has done the job of that young ASA, who has the benefit of life experience, and who recognizes the risk of harm that can befall both the accused, the
    victim, and the community, from a simple decision can
    be part of the process. I am told that Mr. Vereen
    believes that "lawyers should be left to make decisions"
    on their own cases. He should remember that these
    supervisory reviews, in my experience, very often lead
    to significant but deserved reductions in statutorily
    recommended sentences and in yet other instances in
    the dismissal of charges. Yes, and at other times, on
    the insistence of siignifcant sentences when
    appropriate. When done correctly, the review process is
    a thoughtful and positive exchange that should result in
    a just decision by the prosecutor. It is also a
    professional development exercise for the young ASA.
    As a citizen, it scares me to think that a prosecutor's
    office could allow young lawyers, sometimes a year and
    half from Bar admission, to make unsupervised critical
    decisions on cases. If this is the type of office that Mr.
    Vereen envisions, then God help us.

  82. Life experience?

    When I became an ASA I was 34. I was by far the oldest one in my class. Most everyone else was right out of law school, 25 or so years old. They never had a job before being an ASA. The only time they had been out of their parent house was when they went to college.

    Within a year, some of those ASAs are making charging decisions on DUI cases, and deciding who goes to jail on a misdemeanor or not. They are indoctrinated to thinking Misdemeanor cases are more important than they are.

    Within three years, some of those ASAs will be in Career Criminal, "A" prosecutors, or other positions requiring true perspective. They don't possess it.

    Without a doubt there needs to be supervision. I agree that giving every ASA unchecked discretion is a bad idea. But don't tell me that the supervisors all have the experience to do that.

    When you have done nothing but prosecute cases all your life (or defend them) you just don't have perspective.

  83. @12:25am You must be that bottom 50 asshole, I guess according to you I'm not a citizen either, like Dredd Scott. I have figured you out and I expect that from people like you. FYI, my entire generation was born here in America, my Parents, my Grandparents are buried in the Florida National Cemetary in Bushnell,FL because my Grandfather served in WWII. I expect birth-er remarks out of people like you.

  84. Am Min-

    You sound like you come from a decent family. How did you turn out to be such an idiot. You keep dropping names of people you know, have met, or are related to. But I'm sure they would be embarrassed to no end if they ever read what you write, not to mention how you write it.

    You have already misrepresented yourself and your credentials multiple times on this blog. Give it up. Just ho away.


  85. Your entire generation??

    You are in your generation. Your parents are in another generation. Your grandparents before that are in a previous generation.

    Before you use a multi-syllabic word, I suggest you look it up to ensure you are using it correctly.

  86. Bottom 50, you are a racist piece of shit.You even threatened me with violence. I wish you would you pecker wood, I carry concealed, and I would stand my ground against you. i pretty sure your racist parents are proud of you and taught you well. I hope they are in hell or catch cancer and die.

  87. Bottom 50 scum bag, see what your problem is, is hat the only contact you have ever had with minorities is when you come through the screeners and deal with the foreigners or the clean up crew or clerks in the building I know your type. You are not used to a minority who doesn't kiss your white or hispanic ass. To bad I'm here to stay asshole, and guess what else if I worked with you I would LBJ, J Edgar Hoover your ass and have my P.I. find out everything about you and make you my proverbial bitch. you would be very hospital to me. You shoot of at the mouth on this blog, but I tell you every one I say I know I do I have no reason to fabricate it's hard for you to deal with a minority who is not in an orange jumpsuit in the box hunh...? I know you sack of shit. Alex Micheals knows me, Ted Mastos knows me. I probably know more Judges and Law enforcement than you. If you wanna insult me be a man reach out and let your racism be known personally, coward keyboard racist. I'll have my Metro friend with any where you want to meet to make sure you dont pull any cocamamie stories that I initiated anything innapropiate. Now what!!!

    You remind me of Joe Wilson or Sean Hannity. Your one of those people who thinks no matter what the POTUS does it's not sufficient. I dont see peolpe like you and you don't intimidate me at all buddy.

  88. Am Min-

    Go change your shorts. You seem to have shit yourself out of excitement. I can smell it from here.


    BTW- you see me. You are not only intimidated by me, but your hands are shaking on the keyboard. Call me a racist if you need to. I know who I am. And I know who and what you are.

  89. Bottom 50, I retract that statement about your folks. I do not know them and that was over the top. I don't like saying things like that it does not sit well within my soul. So I retract that statement as much as you annoy and pursue me I don't like saying things like that.

  90. Any person in power for that length of time is bound to be corrupt.Stay tuned for the fireworks, it is not over yet!
