Friday, April 27, 2012


The Dolphins blew it again last night. You can scroll down and check out our comprehensive draft coverage. 

DOM covered Judge Ungaro's ruling that drug testing state employees is unconstitutional. Governor Scott promised an appeal. Wait until he learns his AG's office is about two years behind in their briefs. Because of cutbacks there's about 8 lawyers handling appeals for the State. 

South Florida had some soft porn on his blog yesterday and it wasn't even Friday. 

JAABlog has all the Browierd crazy election coverage. 

There have been long lines to get into the REGJB all week. What's going on? 



  1. Rump,

    The pick of Tannehill was approved by a consensus of the Dolphins organization. We dont tell you how to practice law, so you cant tell us how to run a draft. We didnt get to be the top of the entertainment indusry and women's tennis by not knowing how to run a draft.

    J. Lo and Mark Anthony
    Venus and Serena Williams

  2. What's going on with the lines is that until court administrators recognize that there is a problem and resolve to do something about it, nothing will be fixed. That is, assuming they care.

    Obviously they need a restructuring in order to be able to get that many people into the building at once.

    Lots of other huge venues have figured it out. But that's because it's important to them that their patrons are happy. Do you think the higher ups really care if criminal defendants have to wait in line?

  3. What's going on with the lines is that until court administrators recognize that there is a problem and resolve to do something about it, nothing will be fixed. That is, assuming they care.

    Obviously they need a restructuring in order to be able to get that many people into the building at once.

    Lots of other huge venues have figured it out. But that's because it's important to them that their patrons are happy. Do you think the higher ups really care if criminal defendants have to wait in line?

  4. Rump, I thought I should share this with your readers seeing as how this person is vying for a judgeship. Today I was before traffic mag Labora re a citation for one of my clients. While I was waiting for the case to be addressed, I witnessed a troubling exchange between Mag Labora and the in-court defense attorney. Mag Labora told the attorney that, in his view, traffic crashes should not be labeled as "accidents" because if the driver who causes the crash were being attentive, then no crash would occur. He further stated that he didn't think there were any such things as accidents, only crashes. Essentially, in this man's view, all persons involved in traffic accidents are guilty no matter what the circumstances are. That said, keep that in mind when you vote in the next judicial elections. Oh, and for the curious, my client's cases were dismissed b/c the witnesses FTA.

  5. "Local resident Ariana Fajardo is the new Eleventh Circuit Court Judge Courtesy Ariana Fajardo"

    Judge Fajardo provided the picture that all of you don't like. So she must be happy with it......

  6. You people are morons. Lines occur because of the fact that REG was built in the 40's for a far different population and situation. It was never designed to accomodate the volume of cases and people that use it now nor the security requirements that exist. The lines will only disappear when a new building is designed and built. Neither the Court Administrators or the Administrative Judges are to blame. Try coming early, advising your clients and supporting infrastructure investment from your elected representatives.

  7. No, we don't care about traffic court.

  8. I find it amusing that anyone thinks the court administrators can solve the problems created by the geniuses in the state legislature and county commission who don't adequately fund the judicial system.

    Place blame where it belongs.


  9. Resolution to long line: Get here EARLY!Tell your clients to get here EARLY! Not 15 minutes before court starts, an HOUR before court starts. The only ridiculous part of this is that you lawyers and your clients are always late even though you know how bad the lines are.

    And 9:47, what huge venues that only have two small entrances are you comparing this old, crumbling courthouse to?

    And Biden is a joke! I can't wait to see him in a debate against Rubio, or Ryan, or anyone else. He is emblematic of the person he is vice-presicent to: a JOKE!

  10. well you know we do have big sticks... It's a gift from God. lol

  11. Please Joe Biden will eat Marco "Stupido" Alive he's young wrong on the issues and pander's to the Tea Party extremist ideas. I admit as much as I dislike Jeb Bush there is no debating he is an intelligent man contrary to his brother's buffoonish character. I would be a little worried about Jeb Bush on the VP Ticket, but Marco "Stupido" I will be very pleased as I was with John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin I was like "Yes! it's over already." Marco talks a lot but he doesn't say much. Not a formidable candidate(.)

    Moreover in America a Mormon/moron and a minority on the same ticket please, this is America and there are unwritten rules in our society. You all know the deal.

  12. Rumnp, we need a running Back and a Pass rusher badly. Tannehill is possibly going to be benched for at least a year to be conditioned to the offense. Lets see what transpires in the next round. Am

  13. To: Friday, April 27, 2012 11:18:00 AM. Just a matter of clarification, the building was built in 1960, not the 40's but you are correct sir/madam, this building was not designed to be used as it is now. In the old days, both the State Attorney's and Public Defender’s office were located in the building. Additionally, the courts on the second floor were fro misdemeanors and the ones on the fourth were for felonies. All other courtrooms (1st, 3rd, 6th and 7th floors as well as 2-9, 2-10 etc.) were added at different times to accommodate the extra volume. Many changes have been made to the building's interior to accommodate the extra volume, but no real extra square footage has been added.

    To: BTDT: You have been around long enough that you surely remember that in the late 1980's two bond issues were put up before voters. One was to fund a new zoo in south Dade and the other was to fund a new criminal courthouse with room for all the other necessary agencies that would come along with that. If I am not mistaken, the new criminal courthouse was to be built in west Dade near the MDPD headquarters. As you can guess, the voters approved one of the bonds and not the other. Now we have a world class zoo and a building that was built with a bomb shelter in the parking garage as a criminal courthouse. Although I agree with you that if politicians really cared and wanted to build a criminal courthouse they could find the money somewhere, the voters, however, spoke loud and clear that they preferred a zoo to a new courthouse. So the politicians are following the voters' lead on this.

    Signed: Unofficial criminal court historian.

  14. more porn!

  15. How do you think Hirsch will get along with the other judges at the 3rd DCA? He will take over and use words that even the other judges may not understand.

  16. Magistrate LaBora cannot run for office at the same time he is a traffic hearing officer. It is a violation of county policy. He is paid by the county as a traffic hearing officer. He should be disqualified from the race. He would be a horrible judge.

  17. to 11:18 am:


    You are pretty much spot on with your analysis. Except that the Metro Justice Building was constructed in the 60's.

    The engineers and architects have looked at the building and they currently have no solution because the fire marshall will not agree to any changes (as were suggested to them) about adding more doors in the front or the back of the building.

    And the citizens of MD County will not apprive a bond that would pay for a new building.

    So, unfortuantely, we have no choice but to deal with it, and tell our clients to get there an hour earlier that their court time to allow for parking and security issues.

    Or, we could always recruit a really good arsonist.

    Have a great weekend.

    Cap Out .....

  18. If Miami-Dade Circuit Court is under-funded, file a lawsuit like other jurisdictions have.

    Politicians, lawyers and the public have a different perception of calender, motions, and jury trials.

    I'd like to see a person in political office stay until 8:00 or 9:00 at night on a regular basis.

  19. It's twue, it's twue!

  20. 1) our Zoo is world class?

    2) if the Russians launch, how do I find my way to the bomb shelter?

  21. Came across an old scouting report on the 007 of DUI-
    All this draft stuff got me looking for it.

    "Labeled a defender from the go, he remains an intriguing pick for the prosecution. Moves quickly to the left, slower to the right, fast off the blocks into motions, slower when it comes to voice dire and trial. Weak in the center and can be shoved off his position by stronger opponents, has quick lateral moves around the main attack meaning nifty, nimble and crafty. Cross is clearly a plus but has enough in direct to justify a selection for prosecution at least in the short term. ...grades out at a c- for prosecution but intangibles make the pick intriguing...."

  22. The Captin Reports:

    Your next Federal Judge is ......

    The JNC has forwarded three names to Senators Nelson and Rubio:

    John Thornton
    William Thomas
    Robin Rosenberg

    Ht. Federal blog.

    Cap Out .....

  23. Want to eliminate some of the overcrowding at REG, let's start by A) having the branch courts handle jury trials. All courtrooms have a setup for juries but instead of having potential jurors at REG or DCC have them show up to branch court for selection. B) Attorneys not setting traffic/misdemeanor cases for jury trials when they know they're going to plead them. If you don't take PTD/BOT at arraignment, no problem but don't have a 2nd, 3rd bite at jury trial setting. C) Get your lazy clients here earlier and have them buy the coffee for you at the Au Bon Pain... LOL

  24. Good luck to all three names sent up by the JNC, especially for either Thornton or Thomas. I know a lot of attorneys and/or REG staff that are putting in extra prayers for it to be Thomas("Guinness World Record contender for how many jury trials can I have going at the same trial") to be the one chosen!

    Both Judges are knowledgeable and hard-working.

  25. Thomas is one of the best, most efficient judges in my opinion.

  26. Thomas is out of his mind had lawyers in one case giving closing arguments in a civil case at midnight....yes midnight!

  27. the infection of the federal bench with state hacks is a bad thing. lazy, unintelligent, inferiority complex. wait...rumpole, or the state hack judges?

  28. I have appeared before John Thornton, William Thomas and Robin Rosenberg. Judge Thornton and Judge Thomas in Miami. Judge Rosenberg in West Palm Beach. All three judges are brilliant, extremely hard working and a real pleasure to appear before.

  29. Unofficial criminal court historian: Yes, I do remember the bond referendums.

    The issue never should have been before the voters. The referendum was the state/county's ploy to pass the buck (yeah, it's a lame pun, but I couldn't resist). The supporters did a poor job educating the public about the need.

    It's been 20 years since the referendums failed and our government has poured millions into the RGB and it's still a mess. So, yes, I hold our politicians responsible for (1) not doing their jobs and making the decision in the first place; (2) blaming voters for not doing their job for them; (3) not rectifying the situation; and (4) continuing to throw good money at a losing endeavor.

    Voters may not have been fully educated about the consequences of their actions, but the politicians sure as hell are. It's disgraceful. We elect these clowns to do the right thing, not pander to the masses as 90% of them seem to be doing.


  30. BTDT
    I think by law / county charter Bond Issues MUST go to a public vote. The Decade of Progress Bonds were in the 70s , and one of those built the Zoo. The Courthouse Bond issue was later, the Plan to build a Courthouse and New Jail just west of MJB in lot 26( the parking lot) w/ a garage.
