Tuesday, April 17, 2012


(For any hot breaking tips that you wish to share, please consider emailing us at Captain4Justice@gmail.com . Your personal information will be kept confidential).



In Group 24 of the County Court, attorney Arthur Spiegel* has filed his paperwork and will be challenging Judge Wolfson. Many of you know Arthur as he is a regular at the GJB. He has been practicing in the criminal defense arena for more than 27 years.

This brings the number of Incumbent County Court judges drawing opposition to six (6). We have now confirmed that Judge Pando has paid her $5,371.20 qualifying fee and will run for re-election. Judge Lobree has two possible opponents, Michelle Barakat and William Wells, but neither have qualified yet. Judge Teretha Thomas Lundy has an opponent; (John Rodriguez). As we reported on Monday, Judge Don Cohn has an opponent; (Lourdes Cambo). Finally, Judge Charlie Johnson is waiting to see what attorney Enrique "Rick" Yabor will decide. He has not yet qualified in Judge Johnson's division and our sources are telling us that he may jump to another race.

*Arthur Spiegel has been a member of the Florida Bar since 1985. According to him, he has been involved in nearly 100 jury trials. He handles all types of traffic, misdemeanor and felony cases. He also indicates that he has experience in the PI field as well as representing small businesses in the construction industry.

*Judge Andrea Wolfson was appointed by Governor Charlie Crist to an open County Court seat in May of 2010. This is her first election. She was first assigned to Hialeah Branch Court and is currently in the GJB handling criminal cases. Prior to becoming a Judge she was employed by the State Attorney's Office from 2001-2010.



OYE VEY!!! We have been advised that words to that effect were uttered this morning when veteran Circuit Court Judge David Miller woke up to the news that attorney MAURICIO PADILLA, an attorney for nine (9) years, has filed to run against Judge Miller. The question that immediately comes to mind is: Why does Padilla choose Miller, when, out of 24 incumbent Circuit Court Judges, Miller has raised more money than anyone else with a total of $140,698 raised as of March 31, 2012.


Longtime Circuit Court Judge Margarita Esquiroz (1945-2012) has died. We reported back in July of 2010 that "Judge Margarita Esquiroz has announced her retirement from the Circuit Court bench. She was the first female Hispanic Judge in Florida. She was appointed to the bench in 1979 and won her only contested election to the Circuit Court bench in 1984 when she garnered 57% of the vote and beat Eli Breger and Joseph Nazzaro." She retired in September of 2010 due to health issues.

Our prayers go out to her family at this difficult time.

***UPDATE*** Services will be held on Thursday, April 19, 2012. A viewing for Esquiroz will be at 4 p.m. immediately followed by a mass at 5 p.m. Both viewing and mass will be at St. Brendan Catholic Church, 8725 SW 32nd St. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the CABA Judge Margarita Esquiroz Scholarship Fund. Checks should be sent to “CABA Judge Margarita Esquiroz Scholarship Fund” c/o Vivian de la Cuevas-Diaz, 2 South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2100, Miami, FL 33131.

CAP OUT ..............


  1. Padilla's bar page states he graduated in 2000. Incorrect. He was in the class of 2001.

  2. The Captain reports:

    Developing story .....

    There are several candidates that have NOT qualified by paying their qualifying fee yet. We will look at some of those races over the next 24 hours.


    Mr. Yabor has not yet qualified. Has he decided to switch races ans take on a different incumbent Judge. Just ask Judge Don Cohn, if you think ANY of the incumbents are sleeping easy right now. The answer is an emphatic NO.

    Readers please keep that information flowing to me by emailing me privately at:


    Cap Out .....

  3. I had only 2 cases before judge miller. in the few times I was in his courtroom and the one trial I did in my 20 year career there is no judge I would rather see OFF the bench.

  4. Take heart Judge Miller, I don't think Padilla can afford the filing fee. He has a net worth of -91k, reports no money in the bank, and the 5k filing fee would be 1/3 of his yearly income. I bet he never pays the filing fee.

  5. Captain- it has nothing to do with money. It is because his name is David miller and this guy thinks he can win on name alone.

  6. Judge Espina-Dennis put up Miller's opponet, It is the result of the "Faxgate" between two Judges.

  7. someone else needs to hop into brinkley race in the off chance she gets appointed by the governor!

  8. Judge Miller is a terrible judge and the only people who support him are those who have never practiced in front of him, he is hated by both the prosecution and the state. He pushed Maria Dennis Espinosa in an argument he needs to be gone.

  9. Wolfson is a great judge, Spiegel must have an axe to grind. She is amazing and we the people love her. Why not go after someone who is really disliked like Brennan or Mary Jo Francis. Andrea is really a wonderful fair judge.

  10. Annonymous has a lot of courage when they get to say a pack of lies about people. I have seen so many lies put on this blog that it is incredible.

  11. Myriam Lehr may have an opponent very soon

  12. Don Cohn ran against and beat Bonnie Rippingille-she was a great judge. He deserves opposition. Seriously

  13. So what if there is a typo on someone's bar page, get over it reality is voter's don't read the blog and attorneys are not the only one's that vote. So all the crap talking and rumors are a bunch of nonsense. Half of the candidates purposefully stay away from the blog because its just a bunch of people acting like they are so self righteous.

  14. In today's economy and the reality of student loans etc a negative net worth does not mean a thing. It is just the state of life right now. I would rather vote for Padilla who has a negative net worth than Miller. For one thing we know that a person with negative net worth is in touch with reality and the affects of the legal system. A negative net worth does not mean a person will make a bad judge. On the contrary the are the 99% and we need judges who are intouch with reality not some 1% trust fund baby or someone who has never know what it is to scrape by the months rent. Character comes from struggling and suffering and those who have fought for all they have can understand the everyday person.

  15. Anyone seriously thinking of running does not want to get into a 3 way race unless they are so well known and have a ton of $.

  16. The Captain Reports:


    Mr. Hernandez, the six year veteran of the State Attorney's Office, may just be smarter than all of us put together.

    In the next two weeks, Governor Scott will name a new County Court Judge from the list of five names that includes Tonya Brinkley.

    If she gets the call from Gov. Rick, then Hernandez wins in a walkover. No money spent, no campaigning, nada.

    Pretty clever for an attorney that has been at it for just six years.

    Cap Out .....

  17. re: Judge Miller

    I know that several of you had a bad experience with him first time around when he said hello to the GJB. I had an awful experience in a VOP hearing and sentencing as my first expereince in his courtroom. I cursed and bitched for weeks, no make that months, about it.

    But, he did a stint at the Civil courthouse, then came back to the GJB, and most if not all of his reviews have been great.

    Nobody works harder than this man. He will show up before 8 am every morning to read all of the pleadings on his desk for that day's hearings. He will agree to meet with attorneys at any hour to help resolve an issue.

    He is a brilliant lawyer who knows the law as well as anyone in our Circuit. His background was as an insurance defense attorney who did mostly appellate work.

    He is a libertarian.

    If you want the best and the brightest legal minds on the bench, then you want Judges like Judge Miller. If you want someone dedicated to the job, who works as many hours as it takes to get the job done, then you want Judge Miller.

    Most of the complaints that appear on this BLOG relate to lack of experience for those than are attempting to become a Judge, and complaints about the too few hours many of our judges actually spend in the courthouse and the courtroom.

    Judge Miller scores high in the areas that are important and we need more judges like Judge Miller.

    Cap Out ...

  18. Someone else needs to get in the Pando Gonzalez race--any non hispanics want to give that one a shot? youll probably make it to the run off

  19. AP Reports:

    A Duke University-led study shows juries formed from all-white jury pools in Florida convicted black defendants 16 percent more often than white defendants.
    Researchers examined more than 700 non-capital felony criminal cases in Sarasota and Lake counties from 2000-2010.
    In cases with no blacks in the jury pool, blacks were convicted 81 percent of the time, and whites were convicted 66 percent of the time. When the jury pool included at least one black person, the conviction rates fell to 71 percent for black defendants, 73 percent for whites.
    Senior author Patrick Bayer of Duke's economics department says the study provides evidence that the racial composition of the jury pool actually has a major effect on trial outcomes

    The Barrister

  20. First- could anyone have done a better job staying on top of all this breaking news than our Captain? We think not. Great Job Cap.

    Second- have to disagree with the Captain on Miller. He took the bench and came to the REGJB bragging that he wanted to be known as "Maximum Miller". What kind of human being tries to build a reputation by sentencing people to as long a jail term as possible? What kind of person violates the constitution he is sworn to uphold by punishing people who exercise their right to a jury trial? Not a very nice one in our opinion. Outside of divine intervention, we will vote for anyone other than Judge Miller. He has earned our enmity.

  21. 4:09 here -

    Okay, now BDTD I am angry. These ?candidates?,all think they are Ada Pozo Revilla or Gonzalez-Meyer or Gonzalez-Paulson for Simon. Pozo convinced everyone that 6 years gives you enough maturity to do the job. Look what she did. She could not stand the heat, got herself pregnant, moved in with her judge boyfriend from Broward and resigned.

    These new challengers are nothing more than immature, entitlement generation twerps who can't make a living and think this is an easy gig. I have had enough of this bull shit. If this does not spring the legislature into action, I don't know what will.

    They are a bunch of juvenille deliquents deciding that their law degree is enough to make the kind of decisions that effect the lives of the people before them.

    But I don't blame them. First I blame the JNC for the nominations they have made in ignoring some really qualified lawyers with decades of experience and sending up some of the names we have seen, all for the sake of "diversity" and political expediency. Most of the time it is because so-called influential figures in a certain segment of our community yank the strings and the easy way is to ignore someone who does not have political backing and is qualified, and take the path of least resistance.

    Secondly I blame all of you who have made this possible, by handing up judges who did not or do not deserve it for not being "nice" and asking all of you to toe the line, follow the rules and understand who is in charge. Rarely have I seen judges attacked in comments for their rulings, but mostly because someone's nose got out of joint over the judge not kissing their ass.

    Thirdly I blame the racist mentality of CABA, its leaders and egomaniacs like Lombana. Instead of getting out there and finding highly qualified hispanic attorneys to run, they settle for whatever comes along, to gain power for power's sake. Most of the truly qualified will not become judges for economic reasons or they just don't want to face the rath that will come their way if they displease someone.

    Although it be by election, what is the difference between a dictating power broker (Lombana) and any other dictator? Only the guns. But the threat of oppostion is a gun to the head of a judge and coersion is coersion.

    Lastly I blame you Rumpole and Captain. You have given these vindictive assholes a forum to post multiple comments attacking defenseless judges and qualified candidates with anonyomous accusations, many of which are subjective and unproveable. Freedom of speech is one thing, creating a forum for unwarranted attacks and creating a mob mentality is another.

    You want to be in charge and make the judges subject to your BS, then this is what you get. Tail wagging the dog.

    Why don't all of you grow up and realize you have had some damn good judges leave the bench, or qualified people who will not run, because they don't want to put up with your crap anymore.

    What you have is a bunch of mamby pamby children, who are so busy keeping their jobs, they don't do their jobs because they don't know how and have no backbone. And now there will be more.

    Time to watch Miami fade in my rearview mirror and go where there is some sanity and respect for authority.

  22. Rump - Gotta disagree with you on Miller. While he may have once been "Maximum," he has grown tremendously during his years on the bench. I've seen him in criminal and civil, and first of all, I echo the Cap's comments about his work ethic. Miller works harder and is more accessible than anyone in the robe.

    In the criminal arena, I think the Dennis incident -- which was all her, BTW -- was an epiphany for him. He thinks hard about everything he does, insignificant or not, and he's not afraid to stick it to the state when they have it coming, even when there might be political ramifications. In fact, among the robed ones, his nickname changed from "Maximum" to "Mellow."

    On the civil side, he reads everything, asks great questions, and gives everybody all the time they want to blather on. Nobody is more up on the law. He also rules instead of sitting on things.

    I have won big and lost big in front of him and I never felt that I got anything less than an absolutely fair and thoughtful decision.

    Be prepared, punctual and respectful with Miller and you'll get it back in spades.


  24. Tuesday, April 17, 2012 4:06:00 PM
    You are probably some consultant just trying to make money.
    Don't for one second doubt that Ana Maria Pando is going to fight tooth and nails for her seat. She had record breaking election results despite her negative press before and she will do it again. She has all the confidence that when she wins the Court will see that the people love her and want her. So whoever thinks they are gonna come in and take it from her can split the measly votes that are left over from her race and that way Gonzalez and her or him can go home empty handed. She has connections not only in the hispanic community but in the Jewish and White Community. There will be no run off, lol. When is the last time there was a run off, there hardly ever is a run off. there will be 1 victor and that will be Pando and the other 2 will be broke because she is gonna make them spend even what they don't have! She has all the support of the PI Attorney Bar, THE 70K SHE RAISED WAS JUST AT 1 FUNDRAISER. She has tons of media access and friends in very powerful places.

  25. WOw I actually agree with Rumpole when it comes to Miller, I must be dying soon.

  26. Is anyone voting for Greer Elaine Wallace?

  27. The majority of people in America have a negative net worth yet they are competent professionals. Big fiing deal! It costs money to make something of yourself.

  28. This County is so pathetic. Only in South Florida do you have have highly ranked Judges, that also have great dispositions, get targeted.

    Andrea Wolfson is an absolute pleasure to be in front of. She was a tough yet fair and professional prosecutor and has morphed into even a better Judge than she was as an ASA.

    There is no better liked guy, that came out of the Justice Building than, Charley Johnson. He's targeted because...he's too nice? too professional? too ectomorphic?

    These people are targeted because of their enthnicity...which is all fair in a laissez faire atmosphere except most of these opponents have one common denominator...they are not successful lawyers. Some of these unqualified or unsuccessful lawyers simply cheapen the concept of what a Judge is.

    I don't care what the explanation is for targeting these universally appreciated jurists since any explanation would be pure bullshit.

    It's so wrong for a Judge, while they are presiding, to have to worry about campaigning. Elections can be good at ridding us of bad judges (we all know who they were/are) but the targeting of these vulnerable-because-they-came-out-of-the-public-sector is so wrong.

    As a Broward resident, I'm still reeling over the (ironic) unseating of the then highest ranked Judge, Julio Gonzalez.

    Oh how us lawyers have made a mockery of the position of a Judge.

    As far as a person 6 years out of law school trying to be a judge, PLEEEEEAAAASSSE!

  29. Looks like all the bullshit candidates are now coming out of the cracks in the wall to run.
    Arthur is a nice guy but, not a brain. Andrea has been a fine judge and is respected by both sides of the courtroom.

    What next, Ed Frank vs. Sam Slom?

  30. Has Miller righted his wrongs? Has he gone back and reduced the sentences of those people he rocketed ? Or do we just chalk up those lives he ruined as the learning and maturation process? I will not do that. Every life is precious. Without atonement there can be no forgiveness. But lets see if Miller is honest. Let him run on a platform of " I was a mean vicious judge who wrecked the lives of those I was entrusted to dispense justice to, but now I'm better and won't do it again." when you look at it like that how can you vote for the guy?

  31. Dear Judge Pando (aka 5:34pm):

    Do you not think we can read a financial report. You did not have just 1 fundraiser. That's absurd. By my count, you've had at least 8. And ALL were before the shit hit the fan. You've raised less than a grand since Carmel Cafiero's report. You are damaged goods. The JQC is going to recommend your removal. You know it, and everyone knows it. You should have resigned last week and let the Governor pick your replacement. By the way, how much money do you think the insurance companies will be willing to raise for your opponents given how much the clinics have give you? It is bad enough that lawyers donate to campaigns, but litigants? Someone should challenge whether a litigant's donation to the Judge disqualifies the judge.

  32. The last time Miller was in criminal he was a changed person. he had grown tremendously as a Judge and would go out of his way to resolve or help a Defendant if he thought the State's offer was too much. The only thing you had to watch out for is if you took a case to trial or PVH and lost-he was a heavy sentencer. He is a good Judge and a decent person.

  33. You people give Hector Lombana far too much credit on here, dont you think? A cuban power broker? Gawd--spare usssss puleeasseeeeee

  34. Maria de Guadalajara Stein VS Maria Garcia Gonzalez-Schwartz....sounds like a true Miami Dade judicial race

  35. 325
    Are you serious? You said
    Why not go after someone who is really disliked like Brennan or Mary Jo Francis.

    MaryJo is still a Nun and PD in her heart. Full of forgiveness.
    I have had Brebban write orders on VFOSC PVHs not sending clients to prison. Yes she can be tough, but usually she is pushing the state to get its act together. She aint a liberal, but she isnt the toad you make her out to be.
    I have seen so many worse,that is unfair, Judges .

  36. I was in front Max Miller his first time at MJB. In his court many times, tried cases in front of him. He was a Super State Attorney. Similar to the Judge who sentenced Peter Blood.He Made Leslie Rotherberg seem moderate.
    Evil is as Evil does.

    The Barrister

  37. CABA gives highly qualified Cuban attorney's a real bad reputation, they ought to disband them and yank their charter if they are backing any of these candidates...if CABA had a backbone they would come out in support of a qualified Anglo judge and a qualified African-American judge and make qualification guidlines of the highest standard to earn their endorsement...but then again that takes courage and conviction to do the right thing which time and time again we see no onw has

  38. Rippingille was a great judge? Seriously? She was a cast iron idiot!

  39. Why in the world has Wolfson drawn an opponent? She is one of the best county court judges we have, if not the best. She is smart, fair, and very pleasant. She treats the defense bar with the utmost respect and courtesy and gives everyone a fair shake. While a former prosecutor, she is not heavy handed when it comes to sentencing. She is an absolute pleasure to practice in front of.

    Please support her any way you can. It would be a shame to lose her.

  40. 4:07, how do you really feel?

  41. Miller seems like an OK guy but, loves to take it personally and when he sentences someone, it always seems personal and the rest is history.

    Sorry, but, he needs to go.

    Now, if only someone would get run against Butchko, Scola and Tunis. All bad apples.

  42. The fact that Miller has an opponent is not a surprise. He just made the mistake of going to civil and alerting both the criminal defense bar and all civil attorneys that he needs an aooponent.

  43. I agree with the Captain. Judge Miller has come a long way. I have seen him do some things for young African American males which required the ability to be competely color-blind. This man has judicial temperment, brains, ethics, dedication, and a heart. You can't judge folks as they come out off the block. I will take Niller any day over Glick who is as mean a person as God has ever creted and who tarnishes her dad's legacy.
    I certainly hope that Judge Miller is retained.

  44. WTF does Andrea draw opposition but bad grass like Brennan not draw opposition. If you have no money, and want to run in a race, run on principle at least and run against a bad judge. Do the profession a favor. Fight the bigger fight. Bring balance and perspective to the bench. Arthur, change your seat and run against a bad judge. I know you. You're not a bad guy. Actually you're a pretty nice guy. Do the right thing run against BLOOM or BRENNAN. But Andrea? she is a sweetheart and is fair and impartial on the bench. Leave her alone

  45. 15 years for county, 20 years for circuit. Since most people graduate law school by age 26 it would make the minimum age for judges 41, and 46 respectively . Still too young in my opinion but better than this crap. Why would anyone object?

  46. I have been in front of David Miller a number of times over the years. He is a hard working judge who will go out of his way working late and sometimes on the weekends. I have not always won in front of him, but I have always thought he was professional..

  47. 4:57 please leave town while we Racist Cubans take over the judiciary ....I think Levy county might be a good destination for you as we continue to take over the bench.....get going now things are going to get worse soon

  48. If Arthur Speigel is Arty Speigel, he was a PD and in Private Criminal Defense Practice here in Miami in the 1990s

  49. What is this rumor that Mary Jo Francis is going to get the appointment to the 3rd DCA???

  50. Talk about selective prosecution. Kathy Rundle doesn't prosecute David Rivera but she prosecutes Michelle Spence Jones.

    1. Kathy Rundle is not the US Attorney you ignoramous

  51. For Arthur Spiegel: I really hope you can afford the filling fee and do run. It is a promise I will make you pay back the FU you told me. You have a bad temper and should never be elected. BTW, why not run against David Miller again? Love to see to jerks running against each other again.

    David Miller: Once an ahole, always an ahole. We will ask everyone to vote against you for sport. Go back to private practice and scream at your wife and not those who go to court.

    Cohn: Much like Miller, you are out of there pal. Not because you are an ugly man, just because judges should at least know there own zip code. The law to you is an added bonus of knowledge you seem to lack.

    To the rest of the incumbents, let us hope that a few others find cash to file last minute. At least in the County seats. With the bad economy and presidential election it is for sure that there will not be enough money going around to have an expensive campaign which means that incumbents can be defeated with energy and smarts.

    The pension from being on the bench for six years is mighty good folks!

    Like the rest of the readers, I think anyone who wants to file should look to file against a candidate who is supported by Hector LomNALGASbana and Bob Levy. Crooks run with crooks folks. Besides, the regular party politicians are collecting most of the available money and paying these crooks. Meaning that incumbents are sure to have a rude awakening.

    To those who are short on the cash, follow the American dream!

    If you need a $500 donation, look me up and if you find me you got it honey! $500 papelitos for the brave challengers!

    Where is Ricardo Corona? Gina Mendez? Josie Velis? Martin Zilber? Jorge Alvarez? Catherine Parks? Abbie Cuellar, Mario Garcia? Stephen Millan? Come on people!

    We are getting an Ivonne Cuesta? Jose M. Rodriguez? William Peña Wells? Michelle Alvarez Barakat? Fleur Jeannine Lobree?

    We know the economy is tough, but really? These challengers got no juice or mula to win. You need some cash, but these people should be running for prom king and queen with how little they have. Sorry folks, just looking for someone with pockets. Not necessarily deep pockets.

    Get her done!

  52. I just noticed that on one has mentioned dear Judge Robin Faber!

    Come on folks! The wife will not pay for this round. He is hated and super slow. Still learning what the law is and where the court houses are.

    This one is another no brainer.


  53. Crap! Robin Faber has raised under $30,000!

    He loaned himself $125,000!

    Call his bluff and make him spend it! His wife won't let him!

    His lack of fundraising shows his true weakness!

    Easy seat!

  54. Life's great mystery -- why, oh why does nobody ever challenge Cardonne?

  55. We elect udges. GHet over it. Some prefer the back-room politics of appointed Judges. At least in State Courts there is no demonstratable proof that appointed Judges are better than Elected.
    Grow up, participate, donate and help your favorite candidate. Dont Complain.
    It is a long campaign season and Dade is huge to travel to all those small local groups you gotta introduce yourself to.
    Yes its a hassle. It also forces Judges to be a mingle with the people they will Judge. Very Humbling.
    Dont put down the Publisist. They are just doing their job, a legal one. They are Advertising Execs w Candidates to sell. That is the American system.
    I have Know Bob Levy 30 years. A decorated Veit Vet. A Man of his word. Dont like his candidates, that is fair , but why bad mouth a gut cause you hate his clients. Is not exactly what most people do about Criminal Defense Attorneys?

    aka David Sisselman
    ( father of S. Hernandez Sisselman)


  56. There are how many judicial campaigns out there? I am glad that I am not being strong armed by every incumbent judge who is up for re-election and I will support those who have not spent their time fundraising when they do not have an opponent. Everyone knows that the money will come if it becomes a contested race as long as the judge is considered competent (even if they are incompetent in this town).

  57. Note to John Rodriguez:

    I hope you spend all your money, lose to a qualified incumbent and go back to handling small claims cases in Hialeah.

    A friend.

  58. will someone please run against valerie manno schurr just for pure sport?

  59. 4:09 here


    At least you admit to being a racist and that your goal is as I stated. Worse is a good word for how it is going to get and that your interest is power and not the betterment of the judiciary.

    Confession is good for the soul.

    Nice hearing from you Hector.

  60. Looking at Pando's contributors list I think that whoever said she had 8 fundraisers is quite wrong. Even David Rivera the Congress Man gave her a $500.00 contibution. She has so many things on locked down. If she does not get removed before elections she will win, Most likely it will not happen till the fall and then Scott gets another appointment. Her opponents are in for a fight for sure. Hope they have money to spend because they are gonna need it.

  61. 4:09 here -
    Listen you think the only thing that makes a person a good judge is years in practice well you are very very very wrong. How long was David Miller in practice before he became a judge and he sucked, how about Peter Adrien? How about Ted Mastos? How about Lenny Glick oh and how about Flora Seff etc. Clearly years in practice does not = a good judge. So be angry and then get over it.

  62. I worked with Andea at the SAO and the USAO. She is smart, diligent, and a professional. She is a great judge and needs to stay on the bench.

  63. Cardonne Ely needs opposition----she is mean

  64. Cardonne isn't mean, but she is very lazy. I think she's this year Johnson. If someone files against her, she'll fold like a cheap beach chair to preserve her ability to serve as a retired judge. She doesn't have the will to campaign.

  65. 4:09 here

    To you 1:29 pm

    You are right that years in practice is no guarantee, but at least we have a base of experience to know something about the candidate. Some of those you named actually were opposed by those who knew.

    You prove my point. Many opposed Flora Seff even before she was appointed and off she went. Adrien was a joke from the beginning and is a perfect example of why we should not have elected judges.

    Ted Maestos for all of his flaws was better than a lot of what we have seen lately. Lenny Glick was a good judge, you just don't like his conservative philosiphy.

    Clearly you are either one of the young hispanic know-nothings who is running and see yourself in my comments, or from the names you put out there, you are probably a present or former PD with a chip on your shoulder.

  66. Rumpole,

    Any reason why my comment re: Bob Levy in resposne to DS was not posted? Nothing in their that is not fact.

  67. Will someone please run against Judge Valerie Manno Schurr? Is Miami-Dade allowing any and everyone to PLAY Judge?
