Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Before we get to the fundraiser details, the great man has spoken and we need to pay attention.

Albert Krieger in court was a magical thing to observe. His voice boomed from the podium, filling the courtroom. Its  rumbling bass made prosecutors tremble and witnesses crumble. Jurors nodded in agreement and vexatious judges were lost in the roar .  So when Albert Krieger speaks, even by email,you had better listen. And here is what he wrote on the FACDL listserv about the appointment of Richard Hersch:

"How wonderful for all of us, the bar and the public. Richard is everything a judge should be and we will all benefit from his service."
High praise for Mr. Hersch indeed. 

There is a fundraiser for the late David Paulus, an Assistant State Attorney who recently passed away after a courageous and lengthy battle with brain cancer. Mr. Paulus is survived by his wife and three children. If you know anything about health care circa 2012, you know that no matter how comprehensive the coverage, the portion of the bills not covered can be crippling, especially for a  public servant. This is a worthy cause, please attend or donate. 

Domino Effect - David Paulus 2012

Our final story is a crime drama. The perp wielded a machete. The victims kept their cool and handed over  $1,000.00 in cash. Luckily no one was hurt. The victim? United States Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, on vacation at his  Nevis vacation home. 
Maybe now he knows why eyewitness identification is so unreliable. One can hope. 
See You In Court. 


  1. Do you think he wears the robe on vacation? Maybe just around the house, just out of the shower.

  2. I never met Mr. Paulus. But it is really a shame when someone dedicates their life to public service and and an illness can send them and their families into financial ruin.

  3. @8:36- Why would he take his robe on vacation?

  4. I am confused? Why would the robe be taken out from the office?

  5. Blunt (R-MO)
    DeMint (R-SC)
    Lee (R-UT)
    Toomey (R-PA)
    Vitter (R-LA)

    And your excuse is ?????

  6. Does he have a backup robe if one gets dirty?

  7. I'm not a judge yet but would like to know where I can buy a judges' robe? I like to play pretend judge in my spare time.

  8. I am not a judge yet but I like to play pretend I am in my spare time. Where can I buy a judges' robe?

  9. The robe comments are ridiculously funny and has taken a life of its own.

  10. Four Republicans, including $200/hour David Vitter, voted against a great judge...Romney just lost my vote...

  11. I can only imagine how that robe feels against my naked skin.

  12. A Former court clerk said... David Paulus was one of the most prepared,compassionate, and patient Division Chiefs I ever had the pleasure to serve. My heart goes to his wife and children. Another victim of MJB toxins? Fondly, Kirby Edwards

  13. Those Republicans are among the worst of the sorry bunch that control the House. Why anyone would vote for that party is beyond me. It is the reason we are in the mess we are in and why our President has been handcuffed in getting us out of it. They have played political hardball with appointments for years screwing the country in the process. Their trickle-down economic policy is a joke. The everyman-for-himself theory they espouse is both cruel and hypocritical. They take advantage of every opportunity this country has offered them and then vote to deny it to the rest. Neither them nor their party will ever get my vote.

  14. Kirby: Love to see you if you come visit Miami. Are you thinking of coming down this Friday? Miss you!

    All my love, brynn

  15. It Steckle all along.

  16. The ol' Kirbaroo. The best clerk there ever was. Where did you run off to?

  17. Nah it was nothing like that . Steel Hector brokered the deal. The Steck was on the inside with a aweetheart deal in a limited liability corp that took over a private partnership that had a boatload of Bank of Am stock. His lil hottie assoc nabbed 3 mil and the double s cashed out for 13 mil when the sec unfroze the accounts. Thing is the big fella still has an acct with 1.4 mill shares of boa at about $7.48/sh.

  18. steel hector is not even in business anymore and hasn't been for years. the "story of simon" must be a little hyped up advertising pr for simon .... this site is great for self promotion...

  19. I was talkikng to someone privately so mind your own beeZewax. And if you must know it was a deal that took start in 1999. So don't talk about that which you din't know.

  20. You were talking to someone privately on a public blog?

  21. Is Kirby the dude with the amazing Pompadour hair?

    If not, is that dude still around?
