Tuesday, January 24, 2012



We'll live blog for a bit during the state of the union address. So feel free to post your comments which will go up just about instantaneously. 

We think we have to side with the critics of the Captain's last post. From what we know, Mr. Labora is Hispanic and his decision to announce to run as Alex Jimenez Labora is no real problem for us. People are entitled to run for office in a manner in which their ethnicity is reflected in their name. The problem arises with individuals who co-opt the names of their spouse or long removed family members in order to capitalize on perceived ethnic advantages that they're  not otherwise entitled to take advantage of. 

The fact of the matter is that an individual's ethnicity means nothing regarding their intellectual ability to perform an elected office. However, to the extent that the experience of being a member of a minority may help that individual in understanding the minorities that they may be required to judge or otherwise render a decision about, a person's cultural experience is just something that cannot be separated from the person. 

This is a slippery slope. In the end we would prefer a society where a person is judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. MLK knew a thing or two. 

Go ahead and live blog- the comment moderation is off for a bit. 


  1. Some of the more underrated State of the Union addresses that I think bear a good re-reading:

    Carter's second- prolific and prescient for his predication of energy consumption, prices, and the federal debt.

    Eisenhower's fifth- a masterpiece of setting the stage fir the following year.

    Wilson's first- of course.

    Hoover's first- underrated by a wide margin.

    Clinton's third- his best.

    Grant's second- rises to levels he never reached again.

    ANy thoughts?

  2. What about Johnson's first (race and the great society- the war on poverty?) and his third- the vietnam war? How could you overlook those?

    Stupid former judge indeed.

  3. I got me a big ol stooge I bought from the Shumie cigar store. I got a nice bottle of bourbon, and a fire in my fireplace. I'll have a drink or three, enjoy a beautiful cigar, listen to the fire crackle and watch the state of the union.

  4. Joseph Penobscot George For PresidentTuesday, January 24, 2012 8:29:00 PM

    I still think that if I had the chance to debate senator herman mccain one on one I would have had a great chance to highlight the florida regional counsel miracle and it would have boosted my presidential aspirations into overdrive orbit. And stuff.

  5. Attorneys who troll for clients with social media or otherwise promote their lousy law practices with social media outlets like twitter, Facebook, blogs, make me sick. They are frauds and should be run out of the profession. I have tweeted and blogged about this extensively.

    I will also be tweeting, face booking, linkding, four squaring, and otherwise interfacing with all forms of social media to explain and pontificate the ideas of President Obama and myself during the state of the union.


  6. That guy cracks me up.

    Hey, how does Joe Biden have time to get such a great tan?

  7. Chris Matthews says the Republicans made a conscious decision on day one of the Obama presidency to deny him any possible bi-partianship so as to blunt and negate the otherwise historic nature of the Obama presidency.

    I am inclined to agree with that.

  8. Big hug from Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Is she the next to go?

  9. Yes Rump- once BO is re-elected she will retire.

    You know there are always a few hottie congresswomen- do you think clinton tapped any of them after his SOTUs?

  10. If you kill OBL, you get to brag about it.

    Just how do the republicans look at themselves in the mirror when they criticize the president as being a socialist-peacenik, or an amateur, or someone not worthy of commanding troops when he made the gutsy call to go and kill Bin Laden?

  11. Hey- who sits in the cheap seats behind the president?

  12. i mean the ones behind and above the president. Not the ones with Biden and Bohner.

  13. Do the supreme court justices have special robes they wear to the capitol? Or just is it any old robe? And what happened to the stripes that Rhenquist wore?

  14. Obama pays tribute to the greatest generation; he praises us workers and us pride and what will the republicans say tomorrow? That he is an american apologist who belittles america whenever he can. How can they say that crap with a straight face?

  15. Obama rightfully takes credit for saving the auto industry.

  16. Does John Boehner look a bit irregular? Maybe he needs a dose of fiber or a nice enema? He just looks like he hasn't had a productive visit to the head in awhile.

  17. Hey- government as a partner with business-government that gives tax incentives to businesses who stay in the us. WHo would have thunk it?

  18. Eric Cantor looks like he hasn't had a great BJ in a year.

  19. If tuition goes up, govt aid goes down??

    How exactly does that help promote higher education?

  20. MSNBC already has the entire text of the address on the website.

  21. Bohner always looks like he has a sunburn.
    Tanning booth?
    Too much time on the golf course?

  22. He didn't really just make that spilled milk joke, did he?

  23. What's 30 % of 42 Million?

  24. Warren Buffet has the most famous secretary in the world.

  25. 9:53,
    you crying over his spilled milk?

    1. I think I just heard the gunshot that ended the career of his speech writer.

      Did Obama really read the draft of that part of the address and say to himself "that milk line is going to kill!"?

  26. half the shumie cigar gone.

    half the bourbon too.

  27. Hillary just looks worse and worse every time I see her. Hubby Bill keeps getting more distinguished. I swear, she is the portrait to his Dorian Gray.

  28. Nice to see support for troops finally got some of the a-holes out of their seats.

  29. Love it,

    Bin Laden is Dead,
    GM is alive.

  30. 65 minutes. Up way past my bedtime. Going to try on moderation again and go to sleep soon. Get your last comments in quick

  31. Does the President think we've all been asleep the last 3 years?

  32. 8:40 - you're a moron - get it


    During the company's earnings call, Apple SVP and CFO Peter Oppenheimer announced that Apple now has $97.6 billion in cash on hand.

    That's Billion with a B

  33. I understand that Mr. Labora IS Hispanic and that he actually has the name Jimenez. But, why was he so proud of that spanish name that he chose not to use it for 18 years as an attorney, but as soon as he decides to run for Judge, suddenly the Jimenez name appears on the ballot.

    Running for Judge is all about "Character". And the decision he made speaks about his Character.

    Sure, having an hispanic background may help him in judging hispanics. Having the character that we expect from a jurist is much more important to me.


  34. Someone is trying to steal my name. It is trademarked and copyrighted. Please be considerate of intellectual property rights. I am the Real Former Judge. Who is this "Real Fake Former Judge"??? Rumpole please!

  35. the bench is as low as i have ever seen in my decades of practice. most of them have no idea what the law is and they became judges because they could not make a dime in private practice. except for Izzy and Barzee. Its sad when a former anway salesperosn who has never tried a case or ever appeared in court is a judge. but thats the way it goes in dade county.

  36. I am the real fake former judge and I am the real deal. I've done more , and know more than the cheap bust out wanna be jack coe/ may cain like former judge. Punk.

  37. Rumpole ... please intervene. Don't make me get mediator Kenny Weisman involved. What has this "Real Fake Former Judge" EVER achieved? Past rulings, Special appointments, Large cases, etc. Does he/she have any references? Could it be Jack Coe? If so, I would defer. If it is "Real Fake Judge Harvey Shenberg", then just say so. It is not right. I am the "Real Former Judge" and I am getting aggravated.

  38. If a Man's Grasp Can not Exceed his Reach, Whats a Heaven For...

    Happy Birthday Robert Burns

    The Barrister

  39. Former judge is probably Ivan Hernandez. Or Izzy Reyes. Or maybe Marty Kahn. Not to many other notable former judges around.

  40. The Captain la cagó with Alex Jimenez Labora's post.

  41. To 2:45 A.M.

    I couldn't agree more about the judges. There is a group, and I'm not sure of the percentage, that only try, maybe, two trials a year.

    You might as well get a machine to do their job. Just put in the crime, score sheet, guidelines, the attorney, mitigating circumstances and you get a sentence. Very little other than that.

    You could also hire an auctioneer to call the calender, as anyone can do that.

    And please note that I don't believe these judges volunteer for trials outside their division nor do they ever stay until 5:00.

    In three years how much have things changed? Quite a bit. And I think you could devote a whole day as to the causes for the unproductiveness we all can see. And until we have a comparison it will stand.

  42. One thing about Navy Seal Team Six is that they don't take prisoners--they just take care of their business and disappear.

  43. Bringing the Courts Back Under the Constitution
    NEWT 2012 Position Paper Supporting
    Item No. 9 of the 21st Century Contract with America:
    Restore the proper role of the judicial branch by using the clearly delineated
    Constitutional powers available to the president and Congress to correct, limit, or
    replace judges who violate the Constitution.

    Long Winded and Frightening, but a must read.

