Thursday, December 08, 2011


Six candidates....two spots...and your new circuit judges are (drum roll please)

Judge Norma Lindsey, elevated from County Court and

Angie Zayas. elevated from the mere mortal status of a lawyer.

Congratulations to both Judges. Now as our Governor likes to say:

Get to work.

Meanwhile we now have a county court vacancy courtesy of Governor Scott's elevation of Judge Lindsey, and a circuit vacancy courtesy of President Obama's elevation of Judge Robert Scola.

And the beat goes on.


Here's a DUI scenario all of our DUI mavens can relate to.
Your client is passed out in his car in the middle of an intersection.
The police are called.
Your client is arrested and ....
1) Taken to the police station offered (threatened) a breath test and then taken to jail, or
2) Given a promise to appear by a sympathetic police officer and driven home by Officer Friendly?

Well, if your client is MIAMI DADE OFFICER FERNANDO VILLA then it's scenario number two. Herald article here.

And the beat goes on.

See You In Court.


  1. What a joke! Norma Lindsey is an idiot



    The two new Circuit Court Judges, Judge Norma Lindsey and Judge Angelica Zayas, replace Judge Ivan Fernandez (3rd DCA) and Judge Amy Steele Donner (retired).

    The Governor chose from:

    Donald "DJ" Cannava
    Miguel de la O
    Richard Hersch
    Norma Lindsey
    Deborah White-Labora
    Angelica Zayas

    Don't feel too bad for Donald "DJ" Cannava. In his first time interviewing with the JNC, his name was sent up to the Governor, not only for one of the two Circuit Court seats, but also for the County Court seat vacated by Judge Rosa Figarola (Circuit).

    And the Governor chose Cannava as our newest County Court Judge, in his first time up.

    The Governor chose from:

    David Alschuler
    Tanya Brinkley
    Donald “DJ” Cannava
    Ivonne Cuesta
    Steven Lieberman

    Those that did not make it this time around for Circuit Court will try once again on December 15th when the JNC interviews 15 candidates (including six County Court Judges) to replace Judge Bob Scola (Federal). The JNC will send between 3 and 6 names to the Governor.

    Expect de la O, Hersh, and White Labora to be joined by three more to make up the newest field of six.

    Those interviewing include:

    10:00 - Lisa Lehner
    10:15 - Maria de Jesus Santovenia
    10:30 - Alan Sackrin
    10:45 - Steven Befera
    11:15 - Richard Hersch
    11:30 - Vincent Farina
    11:45 - Miguel de la O
    12:00 - Manuel L. Casabielle
    1:00 - Deborah White-Labora
    1:15 - Rodney Smith
    1:30 - Gladys Perez
    1:45 - Maria D. Ortiz
    2:15 - Cristina Miranda
    2:30 - Andrew Hague
    2:45 - Bonnie Riley

    And, with the appointment of Lindsey, the JNC will again be accepting application for the newest open County Court seat.

    No doubt Brinkley, Cuesta, and Lieberman should make it out again, as their names have been sent up to the Governor for every single open County Court seat in the past 12 months. Alschuler joined the list this time, but you never can tell with the JNC - we could see three new names joining Brinkley, Cuesta, & Lieberman.

    Captain Out .....

  3. Cop got cut loose faster than you can say "Closius".

    Can't find the Villa arrest on Clerk website...yet. Want to know who the arresting officers were.

  4. check out

    the 4th dca has some nuts behind them

  5. Norma Lindsey is the biggest moron I have appeared in front of. What a horrible choice.

  6. Angie Zayas will do an excellent job! She is a brillant attorney and a wonderful human being!

  7. Norma Lindsay is a Circuit Judge. She can't even decide what to have for breakfast. To be a judge making decisions is the job description.

    OMG - Like Eric Burton and the Animals said: "We got to get out this place, if its the last thing we ever do."

  8. Captain,

    How many times does the Governor have to say "No" to Hersh, White-Labora and de la O for the JNC to get the hint. They seem to be so good at sending their own hints. Look at who got the appointment over them. Sorry, it is time for 6 new names.

    As for Brinkley, Cuesta, and Lieberman they have all been rejected more than twice for County. Time for the JNC to move on from them too.

    By the way, do you know who holds the record for nominations for a judicial seat on the Miami-Dade Circuit and/or County bench without an appointment? Do you know how many nominations?

    I will give you a hint: his daughter is currently a Circuit Judge.

    Another hint: In the 1980's (when the JNC only sent out 3 names for each seat) he was once before the Governor for three seats at the same time.

    Last question: Do you know what self absorbed attorney living on his past glories made false accusations against this gentleman which were responsible for his continued rejection?

    I give you until tomorrow to come up with the right answers.

  9. I can think of at least two sitting REG County Court judges who would win the moron prize hands down over Lindsey.

    Maybe I am just setting the standard too low, but I will take a judge with an even temperament who may not be an intellectual, over the schizophrenic ill tempered dicks who sit on the bench and treat people like dirt.

    The judges who treat us civilly get my vote and my financial support. The others can go screw themselves.

  10. Congrats to our own kenney weisman who was awarded today the coveted "Sixth Guy" award from Five Guys Burger joint.

    Cholesterol be dammned, eh?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Boy aomeone really has itmoutnfor the Kenster, although in a funny way Oh the answer is Judge Len Glick

  13. Judge Lindsey is not an idiot. She does a good job, is fair, and has decent judicial temperment. She is leagues ahead of the likes of Stacy Glick, a disgrace to the bench and a blot on the good name of her dad.

  14. Miguel de la O, poor guy been sent to the Gov how many times in the past 5 years?

  15. go away de la O. you are a pretender

  16. I have been in front of Judge Lindsey many times on civil matters. I don't understand the criticism. She was always fair and courteous. Calling her an idiot only shows the ignorance of these commenters. I would love to see a blog where judges could anonymously comment about the intellectual competence of lawyers who appear in front of them and name names. What a hoot that would be.

  17. Zayas will make a good judge, she knows the law, and lacks an agenda. Congrats Angie!

  18. Lacks an agenda? What the hell does that mean?

    I'm not saying she won't be a good judge. Maybe she will be. But to say she has no "agenda" would imply she has no predisposition or bias or leanings. Sorry, but that just is not possible. Not for an experienced defense attorney, and not for a career prosecutor.

    As far as I'm concerned, everyone gets the benefit of the doubt, and I will reserve judgement till we see how judges perform.

    And a previous comment made a very valid point. Which of us would like to have the judges able to comment on our performance anonymously? How would you like for your bad day at work to be broadcast for all to judge you on?

    Free speech is wonderful. But we should all be hesitant to make such disparaging remarks about people in this way.

  19. I recall hearing years ago that part of training at the Federal PD and US Atty office was conducting mock trials. The "jury" deliberations were filmed. The attorneys would then watch the film for feedback.

    I am told that it was a most humbling and embarrassing experience. Jurors don't hold back. They commented on everything from the marrer of speaking of the attorneys to their clothes, their breath, hair, and all the stupid things the lawyers did and said. Nothing like seeing a bunch of strangers rip you and your personal habits, and professional abilities ripped to shreds.

    And you have no chance to respond. You just have to sit there and take it like a new fish at Shawshank.

    This is something to remember when we place comments here on the blog. Do you think what you are writing is fair? Is it something you would stand behind, and say publicly to that persons' face?

    If not, maybe you should think twice before submitting your comment.

  20. Who will take over Scolas calendar in family court?

  21. I don't know about teh agenda thing. She has never seen an argument on behalf of the State that was too ridiculous or wrong to make. Hopefully, when teh peoepl are her clients, she will use those tremendous talents she has to be fair.

  22. Ok civil lawyers.... You did'n't see how Norma Lindsey did criminal court. You argued, she politely listned and then daily ran to Slom to ask what to do. She couldn't make a simple decision. Must have good conservative connections!

  23. 12/10 @ 839
    Do You Think They Care? Its easy to snipe from the shadows , hurl dirt at their betters, in their anonym life. They never say a nice word and they always do it better; it is the only to feed their dysfunctional egos.

  24. Well said 8:39. The same people who act so tough and are insultingly mean-spirited would be the first ones to urinate in their pants if confronted with an actual physical situation where courage was called for.

  25. it really doesn't matter who takes over the family seat. anybody will be better than an empty courtroom and an overworked judge.

  26. Former ASA here.

    Angie Zayas will likely make competent judge, but having been on both sides of the fence, I still say that you should have experience on both sides of the fence before taking the bench.

    Career ASAs and career PDs should not take the bench unless they have some private sector experience.

  27. 12/9 5:03 pm here

    One person got the name right. It was Lenny Glick. He was nominated for 17 different seats (3 of them at the same time). It was that "has-been" H. T. Smith that had the influnce on Democratic governors by falsely accusing Glick of telling a ractist joke, when in fact it was told by someone else in Glick's presence and he walked away.

  28. To 12/9 at 6:33

    Yeah it is more important that you feel like you are in charge than the judge get it right. Ahh, yes you and others like you are the disease in our justice system.

  29. In response to 12/9 at 10:29

    Thank your Jedge Lindsay for that heart felt personal endorsement of the yourself.

  30. Has been HT Smith? Like that has been Roy Black or that has been Jack Denaro. Those old timers still bring it. Glick couldn't hold HT Smith jock in court. Let be real.

  31. 12/11 at 8:49 or should I say Hello HT:

    I would take the accomplishments of Lenny Glick over you any day. The only real accomplishment you can point to is getting three hung juries on the Lightsey case back in the mid-80's. Since then I have not seen one thing that has benefited anyone but yourelf.

  32. I know Jack Denaro and Roy Black. Jack and Roy are friends of mine. You HT are no Jack Denaro or Roy Black.
