Wednesday, November 30, 2011


The Scene:
Your favourite blogger in a hallway outside of a courtroom speaking with a young attorney.

Rumpole: Your description of what will occur if I proceed to trial is right out of Eve Of Destruction.

Young Female Attorney: Huh?

Rumpole. You know. Barry McGuire. Eve Of Destruction. A famous song from the sixties.

YFA: No. Never heard it.

Rumpole. Well, you weren't alive in the sixties. In fact, you weren't alive in the seventies. (Very long pause as we stared off in to space over her head. We think to ourselves that she is incredibly young and more than a bit attractive. Finally, after a few more awkward moments of silence:) Please tell me you were born in the eighties. Please dear lord don't say you were born in the nineties.

YFA: (Laughing) Why would that matter so much to you?

Rumpole: Well, for one thing it would cause me to go home tonight and drink much more than I had intended to.

YFA: (Laughing again) 1986. I was born in 1986.

Rumpole: Thank you. You've saved me just a bit.

Yeah, my blood's so mad, feels like coagulatin',
I'm sittin' here, just contemplatin',
I can't twist the truth, it knows no regulation,
handful of Senators don't pass legislation,
and marches alone can't bring integration,
when human respect is disintegratin',
this whole crazy world is just too frustratin',
and you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
ah, you don't believe we're on
the eve of destruction.

See You In Court.

JB Spence and Buddy Payne, long time law partners and giants among civil trial lawyers in Florida, both died a few days apart in November, 2011. The Herald dual obit is here.


  1. thank you for giving yourself away.

  2. Oh my! Did I make a mistake> Woops.

    Well lets see my genius friend: You have 50 states, perhaps 1500-2500 jurisdictions. Go knock yourself out and find me.


  4. Oh this wasn't a local case with a local prosecutor. I get it...I wish I knew...I'm drunk.

  5. Oh gary why are you hitting on those YFAs?

  6. Reprinted with permission from The Captain.

    Hey Rumpy, I posted this yesterday in the comments section - nice article in the DBR about the two passings.


    Hey South Florida Lawyer BLOG, where are you on this story???


    The Dean of Torts is dead. On Saturday, JB Spence, 89, passed away. Seven days earlier, Buddy Payne died at the age of 75. They were the founding partners of Spence, Payne, Massington back in 1967.

    "J.B. Spence and Buddy Payne are considered among the finest trial lawyers in the history of this community and state," said Miami criminal defense attorney Ed Shohat, a partner of Shohat Loewy & Shohat in Miami. "They will be sorely missed but fondly remembered."

    Read the DBR article here:


    Cap Out ....

  7. my lord how did you people pass the bar? WHo said she was a prosecutor????

  8. Rump
    I was thinking back on 11/22 about 3rd grade n being w/Jimmmy Teachman on our way to the Principle's office when I heard-Tough being a Boomer,aint it? LOL.

    Rump, Hate to break it to you, but you are old enough to join and get the discounts of AARP!

  9. Obama nominated Robin Rosenbaum as our next USDC Judge........GREAT PICK! Saw this coming decades ago. Rosenbaum is smart, knowledgeable, and fair. Plus, she has a great temperment and will not succumb to black robe fever.


  10. For all of the bitching about KFR (including my own), the fact is that most of the problems aren't really of her making. Things would be a hell of a lot better if the Legislature would properly fund the office. I give tremendous credit to the SAO (and PD) staff who continue to fight the good fight despite constant public/legislative denigation, pathetic salaries, pay and staff freezes, benefit cuts, impossible workloads, etc.) and to KFR for maintaining some semblance of morale.

    Overall, I think she's doing a good job considering the ridiculous challenges she faces and support her re-election.


  11. Don't think it's an actual YFA-- that is "code" for someone Rumpole has a secret crush on.

  12. Richard Hersch will be a great judge. His interlocutory appeal set the new standard for judges to decide stand your ground motions. It was a great win in a complicated murder case. So much for the view he is a "county court" lawyer. Far from it. What he is is a great lawyer. Fed ct, circuit, or county, he is a lawyer's lawyer which is why he will be a great judge.

  13. What is the point of this post? BTW- Rumpole's age is somewhere between 35-40 or he is between 55-60.

  14. 729- I strongly disagree.

    I would challenge this blog to ask for feedback for ASA's (current and past) regarding the office.

    This is not about $$$, the reality is that government does not pay. This is about an individual who appears to be VERY out of touch with the experience of her line prosecutors, what they do, how they do it, and what they go through to get it done.

    Does she ever go to Court? When was the last time she visited her country court offices/juvinile offices?

    Her only interaction is with the 2%of the adminstrator-prosecutors, who incidently get paid 60% of the financial allocation and combined try less then 10 cases a year. Like I said, someone needs to run against KFR. Its time for a change.

  15. I too am bothered by the bigshot who critisized Hersch for being a "county court lawyer (bid deal)"

    Last time we had an attack on a guy who does lots of misdemeanors it was a guy named Paul C who went after Mike C for no good reason.

    Now some bigshot has gone after Richard H for being a really good lawyer who happens to handle lots of DUI cases and handles them rather well.

    It caused all kinds of problems with FACDL in the past.

    We are all tired of people insulting lawyers for handling misdemeanors. Really... is that you again Paul C???????

    Mr. bigshot, did you go to the "Stand your ground" seminar today? Richard H spoke. He sure sounded like he knew more than how to handle a speeding ticket.

    By the way, Mr. Bigshot, how many seminars have you put on?

  16. "Black Robe Fever" defined as the person who actually decides he is not a lawyer anymore, acts like the judge and is not your buddy anymore.

  17. If you think Kathy Rundle is bad, take a trip to Broward and then shut up.

  18. havent heard anything from the "ABED" since he was rejected in favor of Zenobi.

  19. Am I missing something?? I do not see anything in this post that gives Rumpole identity away.

    BTW-- If she is not a prosecutor, what is her profession?

  20. 1:55............

    I understand your requestion for comments from ASA's. But, their opinions aren't the definitive mark of KFR's effectiveness. Most have little, if any, management experience and haven't seen enough other offices or large businesses to put KFR's performance in context. If people got out more and saw what was happening in other offices, large businesses, etc., they'd see that I'm right. She is doing a good job. If you really want to get an idea of her worth, poll the FORMER prosecutors who have spent five or more years in the real world. Most of us will tell you that working there was the best job we ever had. Many of us can share stories about KFR's helping ASAs behind the scenes in tough times (you never hear about that because it would be totally inappropriate for her to discuss it publicly).

    KFR manages top down as most agency leaders and CEO's do and relies on her team to inform her about what's happening and execute her plan. They know what's happening in the pits and are very supportive when need be. Don't forget that Don Horn was a great trial attorney; Kathleen Hoague was no slouch either.

    I agree that people become government employees knowing that they'll be underpaid. What they don't expect, and what crushes morale, is for the Legislature to impose freezes, furloughs, benefit rollbacks, unfair public criticism, etc. All of those are morale killers.

    KFR isn't perfect. No one is. I agree that she should spend more time with the line prosecutors and meeting with judges. KFR has tremendous interpersonal skills and I know these efforts would be appreciated. The fact that she doesn't do everything I'd like to see her do, however, doesn't make her a lousy manager or SA.

    I've seen very few people that can do as good or a better job running the office. When you say "somebody" should run against KFR, think about that. Things could be FAR, FAR WORSE.

