Saturday, October 15, 2011



Why not?


  1. Just another movement where people bitch and moan, spout catchy slogans and rhetoric, and waste more tax dollars, but have nothing constructive to offer. A waste of time and energy.

    Our society would get much further if people would ditch the ideological rhetoric, look at the facts/evidence, intelligently discuss the issues, and implement viable solutions.

    None of that will happen so long as the act of sitting down with folks with divergent views is looked out as a weakness............


  2. the reason why Americans haven't protested before is because we were too fat and stupid to realize the american story was being ripped out from under us. now we see the problem and are standing up...but it is too late...America is a second rate country...and now we must simply deal with it.

  3. Occupy Two Guys Cigar store! A smoke-in. Takin it to the streets 60's style.

  4. Here Are the late scratches for the cigar shoppe this weekend: Hector, Jorge, Juan, Flacco, Glen and El Gordo are all out Saturday with the dreaded " wife chewing them out and won't let them out " injury. No word in when they return.

    joey P is still down with a bad knee and can't drive to e store while Sammy G is seking a second opinion on doctor's orders to cut down.

  5. Falling Skies is the best show on Television.

    Survivor is a close second. I'm all for sending a whole load of Judges to Redemption Island.

    Holidays around the corner- starting with Halloween (an excuse to gorge on candy), Thanksgiving (an excuse to gorge on Turkey and trimmings), Christmas (an excuse to gorge on ham, turkey and cookies) and New Years Eve (an excuse to get drunk and eat high priced crap.) Notice a theme in these Holidays? How come we don't have any holidays where the tradition is to fast (Ok the Jews do it once a year BFD) or do Yoga?

    I don't get the testosterone fueled obsession with Poker and I really don't get why those obsessed with Poker watch it on TV. What a waste.

  6. Angry Gurl
    get laid already
    You will be less angry
    or by a hitachi majic wand
    at least....

  7. The weekend really doesn't start until everyone's favorite angry, skinny, hottie posts her rant. Thanks. AG.

  8. Now that is the real DS.

    Never misses a chance at a spelling or grammatical error.

    Who took your SAT exam?

  9. I wonder if BTDT would have said the same things about the civil rights demonstrations of the early 60s. My guess is that he would have and that he would have recommended that the two sides should "sit down" and "compromise." Do you really think that the Wall Street capitalists are going to give up a single penny without a real fight?

  10. Once again, Angry Gurl hits it out of the park.

    Every American Holiday, religious or not, revolves around the act of gorging ourselves on food. I believe that this is because our country has had a long history of prosperity, despite a few periods of down time.

    The country was founded mainly because of the vast resources the land possessed. But all good things come to an end (especially when no one cares to preserve them).

    As things continue to spiral downward, maybe holidays and celebrations will be less about food and alcohol, and more about remembering the people and events that defined our country.

    Doubt it will happen, just a thought.

    Till then, I'll be imbibing on imported French wine, stuffing myself with imported Argentinian beef, and finishing with imported Italian chocolate.

    Then banging my imported Asian concubine.

    God bless America!

  11. I blame the United States Supreme Court and that ill thought out Citizens United decision.

  12. Dudes! Where are you?! I thought we were occupying the Justice Building today!

  13. 3:06..........there's a big difference between what happened in the '60's and what's happening the now. The protestors in the 60's sought tangible SOCIAL change.

    Today's protestors are a joke......all whining, no solutions. And about what? Unlike the '60's, today's movement really is all about the money............the protestors real chant should be "I want mine."

    I'm not impressed.


  14. Richard Hersch is Rumpole. He will be portrayed by Richard Dreyfuss in the adapted screenplay for Justice Building Blog. Early drafts have Richard typing out the blog on his laptop with Carrie Bradshaw-like voiceovers.

  15. Angry Dude: great post, for once.

    3:50 PM: make sure your Asian dish has her immigration papers in order. By chance do you two use the hanging basket contraption in which she is lowered from above? Was very popular when we were in Nam.

    To The Rest of You: To protest is an American political right, even if one have nothing to protest about.

  16. @1:12-- Hold up AG-- is not a gurl. AG is a GUY.

  17. 8:07

    No hanging basket. The bamboo gets splinters in my nuts.

  18. Proposed tangible social change: Stop letting private corporations (banks) borrow from the Federal Government (us, our deficit that we will have to make up in the form of taxes) at less than 1%, and turn around and charge 25% interest on credit cards, 5% to 10% on student loans, 4% on mortgages, debit card fees, talking to a real person fees, etcetera. How can't the banks be making tons of money and ingratiating their CEOs, vice presidents, and lobbyist. We are carrying the banks via the deficit.
    It will never change because the banks lobbyist have paid the politicians off. PAC contributions and soft money are the mothers milk of corruption. Turn out the lights. It was nice while it lasted.

  19. Interesting that The Right to Assemble and gather and march in protest is derided in this thread on the same day that the President is to speak at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Monument.

  20. Let's just take all the money from those wealthy pigs and give it to deserving students and other folks that are unemployed.
    Nobody who makes less than $50,000 should pay any taxes and should be guaranteed free medical care, free education, and free weed!

  21. No.

    Everyone pays taxes.

    Everyone pays for weed.

    Everyone pays for medical care.

    The problem with this country is everyone thinks they are entitled to everything. You are not. Work for it, pay for it, get a little lucky.

    And by the way, if you have lots of money, you get better weed, and better medical care. That's the way it always worked, and it should.

  22. Did someone just say "Dood" ?

    Reminder: Don't drink and blog. Ever.
