Monday, June 27, 2011


UPDATE- a real live barbecue debate has broken out in the comments section, and just in time for the 4th of July. This is real important stuff so chime in.


Jurors have reached a partial verdict on the retrial of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

The verdict is expected to be announced shortly. We will have it for you soon after it's announced.

Doesn't look good for Blago....

Be nice to Judge Sayfie. Her husband, Justin Sayfie was just named to the 3rd DCA JNC.
Orlando Sentinel has the info here. Hat tip to those civil guys at South Florida.

Query: Why does an Orlando newspaper have an article on a Ft. Lauderdale Attorney serving on a JNC for Miami and Monore? Just wondering.

Roy Black on Closing Arguments here.

Rumpole says: "Brilliance is the residue of design."
In our humble opinion cases are rarely won or lost in closing argument. Especially on the defense side, the defense needs to give the jury reasons to acquit, be it through affirmative direct evidence or testimony obtained on cross examination. The most brilliant and captivating speaker in the world can't win a case if he or she has nothing to talk about. All too often we see young lawyers ignoring evidence and putting all their hopes in a closing argument basket. What happens is those eloquent attorneys find themselves losing to the mediocre lawyers who had the evidence and facts on their side.

Jurors aren't stupid (spare us your emails) and they can see the forest through the trees. Give us some real good evidence over a pithy line in closing any day of the week. That being said Mr. Black is right on the money when he says that eloquence does not come from sudden inspiration or off the cuff remarks, but is born of hundreds of hours of sweat, work, and tears put into a case. As he rightly endorsed- we open a file entitled "closing argument" the day we are hired, and we don't stop putting in thoughts, ideas, post-it notes until we sit down on behalf of our client for the last time.

See You In Court.


  1. The Captain Reports:

    2,000 Talking Heads .....

    And none of them had a clue as to why Judge Perry had to suspend the trial on Saturday in Orlando. Competency.

    Cap Out .....

  2. then why is ed odonnell so great?

  3. About the barbecue debate...My choice is Little Reds off State Rd. 84. The blackened ribs and collard greens are sublime.

  4. totally agree rumpole re the over importance of closing. i was always amazed at lawyers who would forgo the introduction of evidence to get the last word. as if they were so brialliant that all they needed to do was talk to the jury one more time to get them to acquit.

    Jurors make up their minds long before the closing arguments almost all of the time. all of the studies say this. i think opening is much more important for an asa than for the defense. ASA gives a good clear short opening and the proof comes in like the asa says it would, defendants usually in trouble.

    we lawyers love to think its our brilliance in closing is what wins the case. in the end for either side, it is how well you present your side of the facts in the trial that makes the difference. especially true in longer more complex trials. jurys who have been listening to this shit for weeks, dont want to hear you yell at them for 4-5 hour closing arguments. they got it they have it figured it most of the time

  5. Love collard greens. Hard to find them here in the deep south of Miami. Issue of ribs is dry rub versus wet. Have to believe that dry rub slo smoked is true way of bar be que but I must admit I have nothing to refute those who vorcifiously argue on behalf of the sauce making the rib. It's just a matter of taste but I am more attracted to a slab of smoked dry rubbed ribs than I am to wet ribs. sort of like blonde versus brunette, different tastes for different days.

  6. Shumie makes the ribs taste betterMonday, June 27, 2011 4:18:00 PM

    And with that being said lets call the Shumie for Monday and head off to our favorite rib joint and grab a slab, some slaw and some cold brews and just enjoy. That's what Shumie time is all about, right?

  7. Hey twosie! Barbeque ain't sublime. French food and quiche and crap is sublime. Barbeque knocks you on your ass. It explodes in your mouth and demands a cold bottle of bud to wash it down. Its tangy and stings the cuts on your lips and your hands and stains your shirt with juice from the meat and sauce from the chef. Take your f'ing sublime and go lift your little pinky while eating cucumber sandwiches at tea with some SOBE queen. Real men and their broads eat Berbeque, preferably after getting off a harley or a pickup truck with their dog in the back, not after slumming it on st road seven in their lexus.

    Take that sublime shit and shove it, while I shove a boatlaod of ribs in my mouth, followed by some corn with enough butter to make my cardiologist double my meds. Then some slaw and fries and a few more beers and then some brownies or ice cream with sugar to cut the grease from the ribs. Then a nap. That's american- the unalienable right to stuff my f'ing face with real f'ing food that ain't sublime and then have a coronary at 50. But until then, f you and that sublime shit. Go get a pair pansy.

  8. He's right Rump. That sublime comment is so offensive I demand you take it down. No real american uses the word sublime in coneection with barbecue. He's a commie pinko you know what who wrote that unamerican crap. Take it down. NOW!

  9. Blood Type Hickory SmokedMonday, June 27, 2011 4:43:00 PM

    I have one word (made up word that is) to settle this so called argument.


  10. Any comments on People's Barbeque? I would like to go after court one day, but I am rarely by the courthouse around lunchtime.

  11. Oohga too harsh on Toosie! I for one love a delish sublime barbecue and perhaps a nice chianti or yummy merlot. No reason to get all macho on Toosie. Not everyone stuffs their face a burps and belches with barbecue. It can be sublime with perhaps a real cultured cutie (like Toosie??) over candlelight and wine and some soft music. Cutie toosie are u single? ooohga!

  12. Ate at People's Barbecue once and wasn't impressed. Plus it has been shutdown for some pretty disgusting health code violations. Would not ever go again.

  13. Best BBQ place in South Florida? Georgia Pig hands down.

  14. The Pit on 441 and 118 was good , but gone. The guy in the west grove who sold it ot the window, great but gone. Plantation Pit is gone. Not sure if the BBQ on 8th street/ the Trail about 140th or so [ on the way to the range]is still there, but they had Good . Best BBQ is at my house slow smoked w. oak, hickory and sometimes pepper and fruit tree wood. Homemade slaw, red beans.

  15. Who are the up and coming public defenders?

  16. check out u tube "rib o wheel" and make your own damn ribs.

  17. Used to love the Sonny's Fat Boy's BBQ in Gainesville.

  18. Georgia Pig
    State Road 7 in Davie

  19. Best BBQ I ever ate was with the late Judge Ralph Ferguson.

    Dive on 8th Street near LeJuene that I think was actually named Uncle Tom's.

    Only drawback: Had to wait an extra 10 minutes after lunch to make sure that your stomach was going to be able to make it all the way to the bathrooms in the Justice Building.

  20. Georgia Pig is in Broward. Not far from 441 northbound exit on 595. Good Brunswick Stew.

  21. Jose Quinones sucks as a lawyer, his client deserves 20 years for picking a lawyer with such a marked accent in another cuban fleecing the medicare system kinda case. bad form on the client's part.

    here is the rule, no cuban criminal should hire Quinones when their case is related to a cuban-speacial.

  22. Mama Lucy's BBQ NW 119 st.

  23. Dear 9:32:

    You are a MORON. You can't even spell his name correctly! Why didn't you mention the 2 acquittals he won in federal court earlier this year?

