Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The Chief Judge of Broward County resigned today effective June 30, 2011.

The Sun Sentinel article is here.

The Pulp coverage is here.

Tobin was one of those "old-boy network" Broward Judges who went out of his way, at least in dealing with us when he first got on the bench about 15 years ago, to treat us rudely and let us know in no uncertain terms that he did not like Miami lawyers coming to Broward County. Our sincere hope is that in private practice he encounters Judges who treat him just as he treated us. Karma.

Tobin will apparently be joining some foreclosure mill. Good luck with that.

Mike Walsh update: DOM reports that the federal trial that Mike Walsh missed a few weeks ago started up today and that Mike was present representing his client. We hope this means Mike is doing better and has things under control. Mike is a talented trial attorney and sometimes (and we have no idea what on earth is going on) that comes at a terrible price for an attorney's personal life.

See You In Court.



  1. you're slowing, in your old age.

    can't we just get along?

  2. Vic Tobin told everyone he wanted out months ago. He was shopping for a law firm to take him.

  3. You are a moron in any age at any time.

  4. Had the same experience with Tobin--hated Miami lawyers and made no bones about it. Your wish for him is perfect.

  5. let's not know Judge Tobin too hard for joining Marshall Watkins. I am sure they paid him a King's ransom to come in their and attempt to clean up that mess. Plus, he gives them instant credibility in their attempt to retain and get new clients. I bet Judge Tobin got a serious signing bonus as well.

  6. Props to bill barzee and david pettus for representing on peril st today in new york federal court. Google zvi goffer. The biggest insider trading case in history. Bill "trump" Barzee. A win puts those two at the top. Go get em boys.

  7. Is it just that the Broward judges are suffering from an inferiority complex?

    I have had Broward judges privately admit to me that when they see a "Miamuh" lawyer they think "wasn't there a Broward lawyer good enough for them to hire?"

    Note to Broward judges: Get over it! We are no longer some Podunk southern town. If you want Ft. Lauderdale to be considered a cosmopolitan city, start acting like it. Where a lawyer "comes from" means jack squat!

  8. Barzee is in over his head

  9. Captain, you're getting slow. We have a new candidate for Group 15 Maria Elena Verde: Candidate Tracking system - Florida Division of Elections - Department of State


    thank you to 7:21 am. Or should I say thank you Margie.

    Group 15 seat is currently held by Lester Langer.

    Attorney Maria Elena Verde, who has an office across the street from the GJB, and has been practicing for 12 1/2 years, has filed to run in that Group.

    I believe she is a solo practitioner and handles criminal defense work. I do not believe she has ever submitted her name to the JNC (I don't recognize it).

    Maybe someone that knows her can pipe in on what they know.

    Cap Out .....

  11. 11:53 pm - you are a fu&*ing moron.

    you an the butt whipe who criticized nally.

    you can't hold a candle to barzee.


  12. Captain,

    I realize much time is left before the filing deadline, but what give with only 7 of 27 circuit judges up for electio in 2012 filing their qualifying papers?

    Are we becoming Broward and these folks believe they will not have opposition, just because?

  13. I have had clients who have used Maria Verde in the past and were not pleased. I also know that she charges very little for cases so a judgeship would be a considerable pay raise.

  14. Any other update on how it's going for Mike Walsh in trial?

  15. Who on earth is Verde?

    Just what we need, another unknown person who wants to be a judge.

    She's been a lawyer since 09/29/1998.

  16. If you can't afford David Markus, then hire Barzee.

  17. Maria was a great prosecutor and has been an excellent and classy defense lawyer. Very few women solo practitioners have had the success in the Justice building Maria has, she is one of us. She will be a great judge.

  18. Um, Maria? I mean, 234 pm?

    you are showing your lack of experience, knowledge and qualifications.

    Very few women solos have had the success.....


    let's all rattle off a list now to show exactly how clueless you are :

  19. Barzee's opening dominated the news stories about this case.

    Haters are gonna hate regardless.

    Go get em, Bill!

  20. What's with the ego, 2:00?
    You think that just because 'you' don't know someone, then they're not qualified? Perhaps you are the unkown.

    And 12 years is much longer than all those five year and a day people who put their names in.

    By the way, I only barely know her, so I can't say one way or other about qualifications.

  21. Come on people. It is obvious that all his pro bank rulings were nothing more than a job interview. Not to mention that the Judge's pension plan is tied to mortgage backed securities. All his pro bank rulings shoul dbe overturned.
