Monday, May 23, 2011


Michael Hanzman was appointed today as a Circuit Court Judge to fill the seat vacated by the death of Skip Gross.

Judge Hanzman, you have incredibly big shoes to fill.

Another near miss for a Judge who deserves promotion: Deborah White-Labora. Hopefully Judge White-Labora gets her well deserved promotion shortly.

Meanwhile attorney Richard Hersch returns to a private practice landscape radically changed by the availability of diversion for DUIs.

It's summer time, and the parking's easy.

Many reports were emailed to us this morning about the stationing of a uniformed City Of Miami Official who was turning away FHP Troopers and officers in vehicles from several other departments. There was plenty of parking today at lot 26 and hopefully it will remain that way.

Query: To whom is thanks deserved on this contretemps?


The US spends 4 billion dollars a day more than it takes in.

See the article here.

See you in court, where there's always a nice parking spot available now.




    Rump, Judge White-Labora will have at least two more shots in the next couple of months. She applied on Friday to the open seat of Judge Reyes and no doubt will also apply for the seat vacated by Judge Barzee Flores.

    Those that have applied to the Reyes seat include 6 County Court Judges and 18 private attorneys:

    Paul Aiello
    William Altfield
    Miguel M. De La O
    Gail Ash Dotson
    Rosa Figarola
    Rick Freedman
    Diana E. Gonzalez
    John Goran
    Andrew Hague
    Richard Hersch
    Cristina Miranda
    Alan I. Mishael
    Gordon Murray, Sr.
    Yadira Pedraza
    Thomas J. Rebull
    Vivian Rosado
    Rex Russo
    Alan Sackrin
    Lourdes Simon
    Rodney Smith
    Alan Taylor
    Paola M. Usquelis
    Deborah White-Labora
    Angelica Zayas

    And you can thank FACDL-MIAMI and Judge Soto and Judge Slom, among others for the change in Lot 26.

    Finally, as a further way of explaining the seriousness of the national debt crisis, consider that the US revenue is approximately $2.2Trillon dollars. The Budget calls for spending of $3.8 Trillon dollars. That represents a $1.6 Trillon dollar deficit. And, the cost of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security - $2.2 Trillon dollars. Every dollar we spend for the remainder of the budget is money we do not have.

    Despite these numbers, those inside the beltway still can't get their heads out of their asses just long enough to fix the darn problem.

    Cap Out .....

  2. I saw a few cops give the Miami parking person a hard time but, not a rude or dangerous hard time.

    You watch, some cop will probably tell the parking person to fuck off and park in there anyway.


    1) No discovery. 2) No motions. 3) "No" plea agreement. 4) A defendant merely enters an open plea and receives the equivalent of two life sentences. We all have represented people who have taken a life and were sentenced to less.

    WHY? As I always say, (although I didn't invent it) FOLLOW THE MONEY.

    This is a conspiracy wider and more devastating than either the Kennedy Assassination or the supposed assassination of Osama Bin Laden.

    Why would a man condemn himself without a fight? A man with access to BILLIONS OF DOLLARS?

    The simple answer is the right one: HE DIDN'T.

    Bernie Madoff cut the best deal ever seen with the US government. But he did it at a time when he was considered the worst criminal in the history of wall street. It was politically unpopular for any US Attorney and/or any judge and/or any President though his attorney general to give this man a deal.

    And yet without a deal, Madoff does not give up the most precious of all things: money.

    So Madoff cuts a deal and you and I (well really you) just don't know about it.

    Madoff spends so little time at Butner as to make it a joke. He has a luxurious condo in the outskirts of Atlanta and access to private jets that allow him almost unfettered travel throughout Europe, on the tax payers dime.

    You scoff at this?

    The US Government makes deals with the devil all the time. Devils worse than Madoff. It pays drug dealers and spies and terrorists all the time.

    Google the Medici Bank of Austria. Madoff allowed them (the woman owner Kahn) to steal tens of billions of dollars of ponzi money. Her bank was a feeder fund to Madoff and in exchange for giving him access to needed cash, he allowed her to skim off the top. How to get this money back without Madoff's help? Impossible. So he tells the US Attorneys Office and the World Bank (another corrupt organization which I will expose at another time) of her scam and where she hid her money. The result is the US gets what it wants, and Bernie is dining at Mortons every Friday night. Some punishment huh?

    More later.....

  4. Meanwhile, theres only a 60/40 chance that this program gets up and running. The SAO umzipped their fly too early, hadn't worked out the majir points and how the money pie is to be divided, pissed off the PBA, and now the judges caseloads are swelling with continued casses with no startup in sight. Clusterfuck on Track is the new program name.

    Reiff was on the inside. Probably the worst possible choice from FACDL No personality, almost as negative as Nancy W., not a compromiser and has little political savvy.

    How did a Ticket Clinic drone get quoted in The Herald article? Couldn't Ovalle find someone better to talk to?

    Doomed from the start. DUI guys are safe for a while.

  5. Sorry for a few spelling typos. Commenting while supine.

  6. PS. For those of who think Oswald killed Kennedy, I have news for you. The Cubans did, in payback for Kennedy authorized operation to poison Castro right before the Bay of Pigs.

    We never landed on the moon. The shadows of the pictures prove it (unless the laws of prisms and spectrums don't apply in space).

    Ford cut a deal to pardon Nixon, brokered by George Herbert Walker Bush and the Trilateral Commission, and we all know the payoff Bush got for following marching orders on that one: the presidency.

    And in case you didn't know it, Gore beat Bush by about 18,000 votes in Florida.

    Que sera sera.

  7. No, you are not right. The DUI program is set for June 1. I know. You don't. Even if they delay one more month, who cares. The cases simply get continued.

    Yes, it will hit is all in the wallet.

    I wish people would stop making up false rumors. If you're not sure, shut up. (I am not referring to Nancy Wear either when I say shut up.)

  8. The comment left in the previous thread by Monday, May 23, 2011 1:47:00 PM-- raises an interesting question--


  9. BREAKING NEWS: The USSC just ordered California to release more than 35,000 prisoners to reduce overcrowding in a 5-4 decision (they gave the state the option of putting the offenders in community supervision programs). Almost 145,000 inmates are incarcerated in California prisons. These prisons were designed to hold only 80,000 inmates. There are backlogs approaching 700 prisoners waiting to see physicians and instances where up to 54 inmates shared a single toilet.

    See Brown v. Plata,


  10. Sy Gaer once told me that lawyers were the one set of professionals who longed to do something else for a living.

  11. "Rumours are often more telling than the truth"--Hannibal Lecter
