Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Another week, another qualified Judge leaves the bench at the height of her career.

Tuesday afternoon saw confirmation of the rumoured news that Judge Mary Barzee is leaving the Circuit Court Bench to join Gene Stearns at Stearns. Weaver, Miller, et. al. We know the firm primarily through their sponsorship of WLRN in Miami, but Gene Stearns is as good and respected attorney in Miami as there is.

We are sorry to see Judge Barzee leave, but we wish her well in her new endeavors.

And now a message to our legislature and moronic Governor:

Keep this up pinheads. You get what you pay for. You have prosecutors and public defenders who can't survive on the meager salaries you pay them and you have Judges who at the height of their careers cannot afford to turn down private sector offers because of the security it brings to them and their families.

But go right ahead and keep reducing salaries and pensions and blame the budget woes on teachers and prosecutors and soon this state won't be worth a bucket of cheap sand.

We are only as good as the people who represent the state and perform the valuable functions of government. By your actions you are lowering the bar. Less qualified teachers will turn out less qualified students who cannot compete. Dedicated public servants who perform indispensable jobs are leaving. It's like the plot of Atlas Shrugged, but this is all too real.

What's going to happen the next time the nation turns its eyes to Florida and seeks a wise judicial resolution of, lets create a wild scenario- say a presidential election? Or what happens when an important criminal case is brought to court? What is going to happen when we only have inexperienced prosecutors and judges who are far from the best and the brightest?

You get what you pay for.

As John Galt says in Atlas Shrugged: "You were warned."

See you in court.


  1. Wow. What a loss. I can't blame her though. Somebody has to support Hector.

  2. I can only hope that this is not the first of many fine jurists who walk away from a career that they initially sought.

    I found Judge Barzee to be one who came to Court prepared, having read the pleadings, and giving every party an equal opportunity to express their thoughts.

    I hope that she can survive in the world of those twin demons: billable hours and contingency fees.

    My best wishes for the future.

  3. Really going to miss Barzee's sparkling personality and friendly demeanor on the bench.

  4. Does anyone have a copy of "Atlas Shrugged" I can borrow? Seems I am the only one who never read it, and I can not understand this blog (or life generally) without having done so.

    I hear it was also a movie. Will seeing it suffice?

  5. Why have good Judges when we can out-source Justice to private industry? The Governor and the Tea Party, perhaps the whole Republican party dont like and it seems dont believe in Government at all.

  6. Good riddance. I won't miss her smug and condescending demeanor. She can't leave soon enough.

  7. 11:27, really? What's her last day on the bench?

  8. 2:24 AM -- go to the public library

  9. I had the good fortune of being assigned to Judge Barzee's division when I was a brand new C prosecutor. I never practiced before a sharper, more well-prepared judge who took such obvious joy in delving into complicated legal questions. Arguing motions before Judge Barzee gave a young lawyer a taste of what appellate practice must be like. Her resignation is a tremendous loss to the bench. I wish her all the best.

  10. hey rump, i am sorry that you are losing your touch. what former gjb attorney recently got deposed by pd?

  11. I don't know why, but I always make that mistake with Gault-Galt. Thanks to those who corrected me with the proper spelling of GALT.

  12. Isn't John of Gault Bolingbrooke's father?

  13. 11:27 AM - you read about hector's HUGE securities fraud win in federal court? no, that's right - state court = no reading.

    But your comment is funny , nonetheless.

  14. Rumpy

    How much would we have to pay judges so that they wouldn't be tempted by private practice?

  15. Mary Barzee was polite and professional on the bench. She read pleadings and made fair rulings. If your ego got bruised in front of her, it's because she does not put up with foolishness, and you were probably a fool.

  16. http://www.floridasupremecourt.org/decisions/2011/sc09-2390.pdf

  17. there are only a handful of current judges who could command a decent salary in private practice. Izzy is one and mary is another.the majority of the rest will roost on their benches in that 150k is much more than they could earn in private practice, and the fact that most are simply lazy and have no intellect.Mary is attractive and will have a nice following and she can try a case, somthing that most of the clowns on our bench have never done.

  18. Does anyone know what's really going on with Michael D. Walsh? I'm very concerned about him. Thanks.

  19. I predict that Judge VICTORIA BRENNAN will be challenged in the next election, her tenure will be as short and brief as that of Flora Seff. BRENNAN has a lousy temperament, has no respect for the defense bar, and is simply a prosecutor in a robe. She survived her tenure in County Court because there are really no political heavy weights to P . . O . . in the County Court arena. Considering that she just got appointed and already at least two qualified Hispanic Females, with substantial trial and appellate experience, have started contacting the right individuals, I give BRENNAN less than 90 days before she gets a challenger or two officially announcing their intentions and commencing to tie up the necessary political support. That said, she is in command of her future and destiny. Her demeanor, temperment, and codiality or respect toward the defense bar will dectiate if she retains her seat or returns to the trenches.

    What Say You?

  20. Barzee was a total asset to the bench and this is a painful loss at the Justice Building.

    The best thing about her is how professional she is.

    While there is nothing wrong with having an older judge (who may not need the money as much) the younger, budding stars represent the future of the bench and it is sad to see them go.

  21. 12:20 - yes, I did read about Hector's HUGE win (on the CJA listserve). I even congratulated him. He's a friend. It was intended to be a joke. Duh.

  22. Anyone seen Mike Walsh?

  23. They put so much energy into getting elected to a judgeship and boom, once the reality of living on 150k settles in, they resign.

    Why bother in the first place if you can't live on that money?

  24. Judge Barzee is a kind person who always did her best to follow the law. While she may have been alittle too lenient at sentencing, I believe she always was trying her hardest to be just. She is a competent jurist who will be missed. I wish her the best in at Stearns Weaver...although...I think she would better serve this community on the Federal bench.

  25. Let's face it. Most people that become judges do so because they are either too lazy or too dumb to survive in the private sector. Once they become a judge, all of a sudden they become more attractive to law firms! Nothing like a former judge on your letterhead! Is this a great country or what?

  26. And speaking of Brennan. Does the wider audience of this blog know that she has had 5 JA's in 5 years? Something's wrong if you can't even keep your own staff. But she insists she's the sharpest tack in the box! lol

  27. I am not a Barzee fan. Smug, condescending, and to me state oriented. glad to see her go

  28. C'mon Rump, the zipper thing was funny!

  29. Brennen knows the law. She is not a prosecutor in a robe. However, she is not pleasant to the defense bar. Especially males. But I find that the defense bar in Miami are afraid to challenge right wing judges, especially those with money and influence.

  30. 5 in 5. That's interesting

  31. to 8:11 pm

    I make over $150,000 per year in private practice and I am certainly not living high on the hog. With a family, the cost of living is astronomical. $150,000 per year ain't what it used to be.

  32. Boy did I have a hard time dealing with Victoria Brennan in DV court. She was simply rude to defense attorneys and made it 100% clear that she has no respect for defendants or their attorneys.

    I agree that if she does not come around in felony, she will be targeted and beat by some Hispanic lawyer with 5.1 years on the job.

    Vickie, wise up. Listen to us and for God's sake be nice for a change.

  33. The link sends you to exclusive video footage of the creator of this blogspot. We have searched one end of the dark halls of the REGB to find something, anything of the Rumpole. Today, you will have the opportunity to watch and see the great Rumpole in action.

  34. The Heat defeated the Celtics! Whatchu got go say Rumpy?


    Congrats to Kathy Williams who was vote out of the Senate Judiciary today on a voice vote. Now it's on to the full Senate. We will soon be able to call her Your Honor.

    Captain Out .....

  36. Oh Flora where have you If you ever put on a robe again, I hope you have learned how to treat lawyers who practice in front of u.


  38. Please make sure that everyone knows who will be opposing that vicious, nasty, unpleasant, Victoria Brennan, so that money can start pouring into the campaign coffers. . Shame on anyone for besmirching Judge Seff's reputation by comparing her to that horrible person. Makes Judge Scola look like a patsy for the defense.

  39. oh god some other atlas shrugged moron on this blog? wtf? those are the morons who have ruined this nation

  40. Wow. What a loss. I can't blame her though. Somebody has to support Hector.
