Friday, April 15, 2011


With the Federal Government spending millions of dollars to secure a conviction of Barry Bonds because he lied about using steroids to play A GAME, the Daily Pulp is calling for the perjury prosecution of former circuit judge Ana Gardiner for lying about her improprieties with a prosecutor during A DEATH PENALTY PROSECUTION. a player
Perjury- death penalty a judge.

Whom do you think the government should spend money prosecuting?

It's another beautiful spring weekend.


  1. The Barry Bonds prosecution stemmed from his alleged failure to help the Feds prosecute the guys in the BALCO case, a case in which the Feds secured guilty pleas or convictions at trial.

    In reality, the prosecution was a thinly veiled attempt to nail him for his steroid use, nothing else.

    Read the book "Three Felonies a Day" to get an accurate and frightening look at what the Feds are doing to the criminal justice system. In a nutshell, the book postulates that the Feds target an individual and then use an expansive reading of the criminal statutes to go after that person, making ordinary business activity criminal. Judges, not wanting to appear soft on crime, are not holding the Feds to the standard they should be held to.

    On to the mess in Broward. Other than saying that Bob Norman is 100% correct in his latest article, I think this is just the tip of the iceberg.

  2. Only 5, that's FIVE, the number is five black and/or African American Circuit Court Judges in Miami Dade County. How can the face of the people be fully represented when only five black Judge's sit in a position of power as a State Circuit Court Judge.

    Zero, Only 0, nada zip black and/or African American Judges sit on the Third District Court of Appeal.

    I doubt Slick Rick will fix this anytime soon. We need more lawyers in the community to step up in the 2012 election cycle and file for State Circuit Court Judge. You can't tell me that only five black lawyers in Miami Dade County are qualified to be a State Judge.

  3. Beautiful sprin weekend? It's friggin 90 degrees out there.

  4. If the Judge could hit a curve ball...

  5. the MLB and Fed. Gov't. decided that Barry Bonds would take the fall for the baseball era. Not Mark McGwire or any white or Latino player. Just Barry Bonds. Shame on AG Holder for pursuing this witch hunt and not putting an end to it upon taking office. As for Judge Gardiner, she is Dave Bogenschutz girlfriend. That makes her more untouchable than Dick Cheney.

  6. Great Serrano reference

  7. Hey 6:23. No way. Bonds lied to a GJ. Not good. Clemens, a Republican white guy, lied to Congress during a PR stunt of a hearing while not even under subpoena. That's right, Congress! And he awaits trial. Go figure.
