Thursday, April 28, 2011


"P" as in Parole.

Parole- what Hollywood and the local news tells us is the organization that repeatedly scours the dregs of the prison system so that liberal bureaucrats can return the most violent of all prisoners to society so that they can prey upon the innocent again and again.

But lets ignore Hollywood and Fox News for a moment.

A NY Editorial Thursday takes a rational (non-Fox News) look at parole and the results are not surprising.

Of all States in the union, Oregon had the lowest rate of recidivism from prisoners released from state custody (22.8%) versus 57.8% for California and a national average of 39.9%.

In the 1990s, the Oregon Legislature created a rating system that allows parole officers to employ a range of sanctions — short of a return to prison — for offenders whose infractions were minor and did not present a danger. A parolee who fails a drug test can be sent to residential drug treatment or sentenced to house arrest or community service. In 2003, the state passed a law requiring all state-financed correctional treatment programs to use methods that have been shown to improve client compliance and to reduce recidivism.

As Florida struggles with an expanding prison population and a shrinking budget with neither the funds for prosecution or defense, reducing prison related costs seems a good alternative.

Plus Hollywood could then start churning out movies about Florida parolees who are released to "finish the job they started". etc.


  1. Rumpole how noble of you to show us the example of Oregon. Lest you forget we have Tricky Ricky for Governor. Where's the connection to profit for Tricky and his cohorts? There is none? FAIL

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. POUNCEY - let's hope he's as good as his twin brother that plays for Rump's favourite team.

  4. 30 years for a DUI case! I've seen murder cases get less.

    Sometimes the punishment doesn't fit the crime but, wow, 30 years and yes, I know, three dead kids but, it's not an intentional crime.

    Look at the Herald article today about Gabriel Delrisco.

  5. With the budget crises, it's good to look to other states and their budgets for ideas.

    California has unpaid attorneys hearing uncontested divorces and some contested with a stipulation by the parties. The attorneys realized that they would all have to volunteer or the system would come to a halt.

    There was one judge in felony division who retired and worked for three years unpaid.

    Is there some aspect of our criminal justice system that can be dealt with on a volunteer basis?

  6. You get what you pay for. Sometimes.

  7. Anonymous, 7:49 a.m.

    you are an idiot!
